
  • The Object Clause
  1. 从形式与意义相结合的功能语法的角度出发,探讨功能语法中可做宾语的参与角色以及功能句法对宾语从句的不同解释,可以体现出功能语法对宾语分类的独到之处。

    Therefore , with the help of the functional grammar combining form with meaning , the author attempts to analyze the possible participants as objects and show different understandings on object clauses .

  2. waterdown稀释,降低你得把这种药加水稀释后再服用。what引导宾语从句。

    You have to water down the medicine before drinking it .

  3. 他想知道她如何去上学。(超级难句,宾语从句知识)

    He wants to know how she goes to school .

  4. 他说一加一等于二。宾语从句的间接引语

    He said that one and one makes two .

  5. 中国学生使用定语从句和宾语从句的数量显著低于美国学生,使用连接词语的数量显著高于美国学生。

    Chinese students use fewer attributive and adverbial clauses but more conjunctions than American students .

  6. 我更喜欢他的计划,因为他的计划比你的更实际。形容词引导的宾语从句把形容词理解为动词功能。

    I prefer his plan to yours in that I think it is more practical .

  7. “所有他说的都是事实”为宾语从句。

    All that he said is true .

  8. 他们相信对比提高教育而言,加强经济建设能够更快赢得经济回报。(宾语从句)

    They believe that compared with promoting education , laying stress on industry brings immediate economic return for developing countries more directly .

  9. 母语与目的语句式中的相似之处可以产生正面迁移,表现为初学者更容易学会英语中的状语从句和宾语从句。

    The similarities between the L1 and the L2 can be facilitative , so that it is easier for Chinese English learners to acquire and use English adverbial clause and objective clause .

  10. 在从句的使用方面,两种报纸主语从句、表语从句及状语从句的出现频率大致相当;而《卫报周报》中的宾语从句则远远多于《中国日报》。

    Generally , they share the similar using percentage of subjective clause , predicative clause , and adverbial clause while objective clauses in The Guardian Weekly are far more than those in China Daily .

  11. 从整体而言,可及性的作用明显,主语关系从句比宾语关系从句使用更频繁,正确率更高;

    Generally , Chinese EFL learners use subject relative clauses more frequently and accurately than object relative clauses .

  12. 但是,在中心语和主句动词位置,实验结果显示宾语关系从句更难加工。

    Object relative clauses were found to be more difficult to process in the head noun and main verb regions .

  13. 在大多数语言中,对于关系从句的研究结果表明主语关系从句比宾语关系从句更容易理解,即主语关系从句的加工优势,但这种普遍存在的主语从句的加工优势在汉语中受到了挑战。

    For the study of relative clauses , subject relative clauses have been proved in many languages to be easier to process than object relative clauses . However , this universal subject preference among languages has been challenged by researches in Chinese .

  14. 宾语是一个从句。

    Extremists of this kind think .