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kuān gǔ
  • broad valley
宽谷[kuān gǔ]
  1. 宁南宽谷丘陵区土壤矿质元素与氧化铁的特征

    Characteristics of Soil Ferric Oxide and Mineral Elements in Hilly-gully Area of Southern Ningxia

  2. 宁南宽谷丘陵区土壤肥力质量对生态恢复的响应

    The Responses of Soil Fertility Quality to Ecological Rehabilitation in Ningxia Loess Hilly-gully Region

  3. 宁南宽谷丘陵区植被恢复中土壤酶活性的响应及其评价

    The Responses and Evaluation of Soil Enzymatic Activities to Plant Rehabilitation in Ningxia Loess Hilly-gully Region

  4. 曲流宽谷,突然一个概念跳了出来,他不禁微微笑了。

    " Broad meander valley " & suddenly this concept jumped out at him , and he smiled faintly .

  5. 不过他总算记住了一个曲流宽谷,而且是对着地图和大地记住了它。

    At least he had remembered " broad meander valley ," while looking at his map and the scenery .

  6. 渭河及其支流横贯其中,形成宽谷与峡谷相间的盆地与河谷阶地。

    Weihe River and its tributaries running through them , and gully formation of the canyon and white basin with the river valley .

  7. 狮泉河宽谷区的荒漠化过程以整个青藏高原的环境演变为背景,受人为的资源利用不合理而强化。

    The desertification of the Shiquanhe wide valley occurs on the background of environmental degradation of the Qinghai ─ Xizang plateau and is strengthened with manmade irrational use of natural resources .

  8. 从新构造运动观点对长江第一弯的形成和虎跳峡谷狭窄而上游突变为宽谷的成因提出看法;

    New considerations are suggested about the causes both of the formation of " The First Yangtze River Bend " and the valley suddenly becomes wider before " The Tiger Leaping Gorge ";

  9. 总体上来说,河岸带土地利用/土地覆被动态变化幅度大于全流域,而全流域土地利用/土地覆被动态变化幅度大于下游宽谷段坝区。

    Overall , the land use / land cover dynamic amplitude of riparian zone is the highest , followed by watershed scale which is higher than wide and flat valley segment of downstream .

  10. 祁连山,位于甘肃省西北部与青海省东北部边境,为多条西北东南走向的平行山脉和宽谷组成的巨大山系。

    The Qilian mountain , locating the frontier between Gansu Province and Qinghai province , south on Hexi hallway , is a big mountain Department that constituted by many northwest-southeast parallel mountains and dales .

  11. 本文描述了在我国黄土高原宽谷中发现的含沙量超过100kg/m~2的曲流河床,并运用高含沙水流的作用对其成因进行了探讨。

    This paper has described meandering alluvial rivers with mean annual suspended sediment concentration of more than 100kg / m3 on the Loess Plateau , China , and explained their formation cause by the effect of hyperconcentrated water flow .