
  • 网络Kuandian;Broadmeadows
  1. 辽东宽甸地区石榴石成分环带记录的PTt轨迹

    P-T-t path recorded in the compositional zonation of garnet from kuandian , eastern Liaoning

  2. 辽宁宽甸新生代火山岩和地幔包体He-Ar同位素组成

    He and Ar isotopic compositions in Cenozoic alkali basalts and mantle-derived xenoliths from Kuandian volcanics in Liaoning Province , China

  3. 宽甸火山群地质遗迹的地质特征与特殊性

    Geological characteristics and its particularity of Kuandian Volcano Group in Liaoning Province

  4. 宽甸矿产资源开发现状及对策

    Kuandian Mineral Resources Situation of Developing and its Countermeasures

  5. 宽甸土壤及部分农作物中硼的分布及污染分析

    Analyses of boron distribution and pollution in soil and some crops in Kuandian

  6. 宽甸县水中硼的背景浓度及污染现状分析

    Analysis of Boron background concentration and pollution status of water in Kuandian County

  7. 宽甸依托五大优势推进经济发展

    Kuandian Relies On Its Superiority To Develop Economy

  8. 宽甸县耕地土壤养分指标体系研究及施肥建议

    Study on the Index System of Soil Nutrients in Kuandian County and Fertilization Recommendations

  9. 辽宁宽甸板栗产量影响因素的实证分析

    Demonstration Analysis of the Influence Factors of Chinese Chestnut Yield of Kuandian County in Liaoning Province

  10. 辽宁省宽甸水体中硼的环境地球化学特征研究

    The Research of Environmental Geochemical Characteristics of Boron in the Water of Kuandian County , Liaoning Province

  11. 营口&宽甸含硼岩系条痕状角闪混合岩特征及其找矿意义

    The strip mixing amphibolite characteristic and finding mine meaning of series of ROCKE-BEARING boron in Yingkou Kuandian

  12. 辽宁省宽甸县浑江流域肺吸虫病流行情况及血清流行病学病原生物学探讨

    A survey of epidemiology seroepidemiology and etiology of paragonimiasis in Hunjiang valley of Kuandian County of Liaoning Province

  13. 文中以宽甸县为例,选取有代表性的加油站进行评价分析。

    I take the Manchu Kuandian County as an example and select representative stations to evaluate and analyze .

  14. 辽东边墙东起丹东市宽甸县鸭绿江畔的虎山南麓,西至绥中县境内。

    The Liaodong Side Walls east from Tiger Mountain in the side of Yalu River in Kuandian County of Dandong and west to Suizhong County .

  15. 辽宁宽甸大西岔乡庙沟硼矿赋存于下元古界辽河群含硼变粒岩层位。

    The Miaogou boron deposit occurs in granulitite of Liaohe group , lower proterozoic erathem , locating at Daxicha village , Kuandian town , Liaoning .

  16. 第四部分为实证研究,本文首先确定样本数量,选取宽甸县5座加油站进行评价分研究。

    The fourth part is empirical research . First , I confirm the sample number and select five private gas stations in Kuandian County to evaluate and analyze .

  17. 本文研究辽宁省宽甸硼矿区尾矿库重金属及硼污染对土壤转化酶、脲酶和过氧化氢酶的活性影响。

    The influence of heavy metal and Boron on the invertase , urease and catalase of soil Boron tailing pond in Dandong Kuandian of Liaoning province were investigated .

  18. 同时证实辽宁省宽甸县半拉江流域的哺乳动物体内有卫氏并殖吸虫三种类型的自然混合寄生。

    The natural mixed parasitism of the above three types of P.westermani in mammals was also discovered in the Banlajiang valley of Kuandian county , Liaoning Province at the same time .

  19. 桓仁&宽甸金、有色金属矿比集中区是华北地台北缘太平洋成矿带的重要成矿区。

    The centralized mineralization province of gold and nonferrous metals in Huairen Kuandian region is an important metallogenic province in the Pacific metallogenic belt on the north edge of North China platform .

  20. 营口&宽甸地区重力场自北而南有逐渐增高的总趋势。中部区重力低与重力高呈带状相间出现。

    The gravitational field from Yingkou to Kuandian gradually increases in total from north to south , but in the central area , lower gravitational field alternating with higher field in belt .

  21. 应用探针分析所获化学成分(加以一定限制的),对辽宁宽甸新生代碱性玄武岩中3个巨晶单斜辉石进行晶体结构测定与修正。

    Based on the chemical composition by microprobe analysis , with some qualifications , the determination and refinement of the crystal structure of three megacryst clinopyroxenes occurring in the Cenozoic alkali basalt from Kuandian , Liaoning Province were carried out .

  22. 本文结合辽宁省宽甸县煤矿的探测,阐述了高密度电阻率法在解决工程问题中的观测布置、异常解释的基本原则,同时也说明了该方法对探测非金属矿产的有效性。

    Combined with coalmine survey in Kuandian County of Liaoning province , the paper explained the basic principles of surveying disposal and anomalous interpretation when the high-density resistivity method is used for solving the engineering problems , and proved the effectiveness of the method in survey of nonmetal mine .