
jiā xiāng
  • home;hometown;native place;homeplace
家乡 [jiā xiāng]
  • [hometown;native place] 自己的家庭祖祖辈辈的居住地;故乡

家乡[jiā xiāng]
  1. 我在家乡宾夕法尼亚州的纳特罗纳海茨当了个油漆匠。

    I went to work as a painter in my hometown , Natrona Heights , Pennsylvania .

  2. 我们让贾森写一篇有关他的家乡和他自己的家的短文。

    We asked Jason to write an essay about his hometown and about his place in it .

  3. 她在自己的家乡地区真是一帆风顺。

    She has had a lot of success in her home patch .

  4. 牙买加是两百多万人的家乡。

    Jamaica is home to over two million people .

  5. 她的尸骨已运回家乡安葬。

    Her body was sent home for burial .

  6. 随着时间的消逝,她越来越见不到家乡那些老朋友了。

    As time passed , she saw less and less of all her old friends at home .

  7. 她觉得回到家乡生活就是没出息。

    She felt that going back to live in her home town would be a backward step .

  8. 他已经搬回了自己的家乡迈阿密。

    He has moved back to his home town of Miami .

  9. 总统坐火车回到了他的家乡。

    The president traveled by rail to his home town .

  10. 米兰既是克拉克西先生的家乡,也是他的权力基础。

    Milan was Mr Craxi 's home town and his power base .

  11. 这儿的花比不上家乡的花。

    The flowers here do not compare with those at home

  12. 你不知道和家乡来的人说说话感觉有多好。

    You don 't know how good it is to speak to somebody from home .

  13. 我想让家乡克利夫兰所有那些烂人都懊悔不已。

    I want everyone back in Cleveland to be eating their crummy little hearts out .

  14. 虽然是在自己家乡,他的竞选活动还是因私通指控受到了冲击。

    Although he was on home ground , his campaign had been rocked by adultery allegations .

  15. 他的遗愿是把他安葬在家乡萨默塞特郡附近的教堂里。

    His dying wish was to be laid to rest at the church near his Somerset home .

  16. “让我来提醒你,”玛丽安娜说,“曼彻斯特也是我的家乡。”

    ' Let me remind you , ' said Marianne , ' that Manchester is also my home town . '

  17. 我的家乡位于一片美丽的土地上。

    My hometown is located on a beautiful stretch of land .

  18. 我的家乡海拔2000英尺。

    My hometown is at an elevation of 2000 feet .

  19. 他希望能葬在家乡。

    It was his desire that he should be buried in his hometown .

  20. 每个人都爱自己的家乡。

    Everyone loves his hometown .

  21. 我家乡有了很大的变化。

    Great changes have taken place in my home village .

  22. 从她满口浓浓的乡音可以知道她的家乡。

    Her strong local accent betrayed her hometown .

  23. 他苦思家乡。

    He is languishing for home .

  24. 我家乡的房子过去多由木料制成。

    The houses in my hometown were chiefly composed of wood .

  25. 想不到家乡变化这么大。

    I never expected so many changes in my village .

  26. 许多年前他们迫使她离开了她的家乡。

    They forced her off her homeland many years ago .

  27. 大运河流经他的家乡。

    The grand canal runs through his hometown .

  28. 他们思念着家乡。

    They are pining for home .

  29. 她在家乡念大学,并一直住在家里。

    She went to college in her hometown , and lived at home all the while .

  30. 在上海虽已住了10年左右,他还是喜欢吃家乡菜。

    Having lived in Shanghai for a decade or so , he still leans towards his native dishes .