
shí xīn zhuān
  • solid brick
  1. 高汰型高炉渣生产墙体材料技术的研究重点是如何激发HTCS的活性,用其生产墙体材料-实心砖和混凝土空心砌块。

    This study focuses on activating the reactivity of HTCS and using it to produce wall materials - solid brick and hollow concrete block .

  2. 钛矿渣微观结构及其实心砖的开发

    Microstructure of Titanium Slag and Synthesization of Titanium Slag Solid Brick

  3. 框架房屋利用粘土实心砖填充墙进行加固处理

    Reinforcement of a frame building by using fill-wall of clay solid bricks

  4. 大掺量高钛型高炉渣实心砖的研制

    Development of Slag Brick with High Content of Ti-bearing Slag

  5. 利用电石渣和粉煤灰生产标准实心砖

    Standard solid brick with carbide slag and powered coal

  6. 压制或模制玻璃制空心砖或实心砖

    Solid or hollow brick of pressed or molded glass

  7. 南阳有空心和实心砖,四川只有实心砖。

    The brick in Nanyang are hollow or solid , while solid in Sichuan .

  8. 重庆市墙体材料产品仍然是烧结页岩实心砖占主导地位;

    Most of wall material products in Chongqing City are still solid bricks made by sinter shale .

  9. 为了解决这个问题,我国一些城市已经禁止使用粘土实心砖。

    In order to solve the problem , clay brick is forbidden to employ in the cities .

  10. 我国页岩砖以实心砖和多孔砖为主,不仅产品单一,而且砖强度、外观、产品保温隔热等性能与发达国家相差甚大。

    In China , shale solid brick and perforated brick keep the main place of shale products .

  11. 通过分析和比较,空心砖生产的环境影响小于实心砖。

    Through analysis and comparison , the environmental impact of hollow brick production is less than common sintered brick .

  12. 伴随城市化建设的迅速发展,粘土实心砖的需求量不断增加。

    Along with the rapid expansion of urbanization construction , the demand of clay solid brick is constantly rising .

  13. 多孔砖砌体是一种新型墙体材料,有不同于普通实心砖砌体的受力影响因素。

    Perforated brick masonry is a new wall materials , it has the different affect factors to ordinary brick masonry .

  14. 在烧结实心砖中设置空气间层和内置微孔,都能有效改善烧结砖的热工性能。

    Through setting the air layer and introducing micro-porous in the bricks , that can effectively improve the characteristics of thermal performance .

  15. 与实心砖、页岩空心砖和加气混凝土砌块相比,在技术和经济方面均有优势。

    Compared with solid brick , hollow shale brick and aerated concrete block , it has obvious advantages in technical and economical respects .

  16. 首先,有限的耕地及吨粮田迫使成都必须限制粘土实心砖,保护耕地;

    First , soil limited and " ton rice field " force that must limit solid clay brick in Chengdu , soil protected ;

  17. 混凝土空心砖砌体的抗剪强度要高于粘土实心砖、混凝土空心砌块砌体的抗剪强度。

    And the masonry shear strength of ( concrete ) hollow brick is higher than that of clay solid brick and concrete hollow block .

  18. 新型制砖机适用于生产实心砖高孔洞率大断面各种孔型的空心砖。

    This machine is used to produce solid bricks hollow bricks with great quantities of holes large section in all size of hole style .

  19. 传统的粘土实心砖已经逐渐被禁止使用,继而推出了许多新型墙体材料。

    Use of traditional solid clay brick have been already gradually prohibited , many new wall materials of block masonry have been put into used .

  20. 多孔砖作为黏土实心砖的替代产品,可以提高砌筑墙体的热阻,加强围护结构的保温性能。

    The porous brick as a substitute of solid clay brick can increase the thermoresistance of walling and enhance the heat-insulating property of building envelope .

  21. 混凝土实心砖采用玻化微珠轻细保温集料的研制及其砌体基本性能试验研究

    Manufacture of the Bearing Solid Concrete Brick with Fine & Light Weight Aggregate of Glazed Hollow Bead and Experimental Researches on Basic Performance of Masonry

  22. 加固设计时,考虑了粘土实心砖填充墙的承载作用,并采取了一些构造措施,使该工程的加固问题得到合理的解决。

    Taking advantage of the bearing capacity of the fill wall of clay solid bricks , we have adopted some construction measures to reinforce the building .

  23. 过去十多年间,北方地区部分农村形成了粘土实心砖规模化生产格局,致使农田大面积受损。

    Among the past several years , scale production of clay solid brick was formed in the rural of the north area , leading to large area damaged farmland .

  24. 但现行标准给出的检测方法仅适用于实心砖砌体,对目前广泛应用的烧结多孔砖砌体尚无相应的检测方法和标准。

    The technical standard for site testing of engineering is only applied to fired common brick masonry . But detecting standard for fired perforated brick masonry is not established .

  25. 由于粘土实心砖的生产要占用耕地并且破坏植被,另外在强度和保温等性能上也不如空心砖,所以采用煤矸石烧结空心砖替代粘土实心砖是发展的必然趋势。

    Solid brick made of clay may destroy vegetation and occupy infield , further more the strength and heat preservation capability of it is not as good as air brick .

  26. 尤其在抗震的构造措施部分,应用原有的针对粘土实心砖所得到的试验数据,已不能完全符合煤矸石多孔砖的材料要求。

    The application of the original data from the experiment concerning the clay bricks cannot match the material requirements of the coal gangue porous bricks , especially in the construction of the seismic fortification .

  27. 试验和分析研究表明:混凝土多孔砖砌体的弯曲抗拉强度试验平均值要低于粘土实心砖砌体的弯曲抗拉强度平均值,但要高于混凝土空心砌块砌体。

    It is shown that the average values of flexural tensile strength of perforated concrete brick masonry is smaller than that of solid clay brick masonry , but greater than that of concrete building block masonry .

  28. 新型混凝土空心砌块与粘土实心砖,从受力、保温、经济三个方面进行综合比较,发现新型混凝土空心砌块的综合优势很明显。

    According to above researches , conclusions are drawn as follows : 1 . Compare to clay solid bricks on mechanics , heat preservation and economy , the advantage of the new concrete hollow blocks is conspicuous .

  29. 混凝土小型空心砌块符合节土、节能的墙改方向,成为替代粘土实心砖的首选新型墙体材料,具有广阔的发展前景。

    Small hollow concrete block is used as a substitute for fired clay brick for it has many advantages such as soil-saving and energy-saving , which also brings bright outlook for its development as a new type of building materials .

  30. 陶粒是一种新型的、有发展潜力的建筑材料,是粘土实心砖的主要替代品之一。随着氟里昂产品逐渐被淘汰,因此研究它的替代品的工作越来越紧迫。

    Clay-grain is a new and potential kind of structural material , is the primary substitute of the clay-brick . With the gradual phase out of Freons , it becomes more and more urgent to find a substitute for the freon product .