
  • Bvlgari;Bulgari SpA
  1. 2017年6月,意大利著名的珠宝和奢侈品品牌宝格丽和P图展开合作,共同推广宝格丽的系列产品。

    In June 2017 , Italian jewelry and luxury goods brand Bulgari partneredwith Pitu to promote Serpenti , its latest hexagon sunglass series .

  2. 宝格丽在东京国立博物馆(TokyoNationalMuseum)举办了“宝格丽的艺术展”(ArtofBulgarishow),展出了自己推出的首个纪念币系列、镶嵌多颗宝石的项饰以及其它上世纪70年代的各款首饰。

    And Bulgari is showcasing its first coin collections , multi-gem sautoirs and other 1970s pieces in its Art of Bulgari show at the Tokyo National Museum .

  3. 据瑞银(UBS)统计,如果算入日本游客的海外购物,爱马仕和宝格丽等一些品牌的收入中,日本所占比重几乎提高了一倍。

    Include Japanese tourists shopping overseas and the figure almost doubles for some brands like Hermes and Bulgari , according to UBS .

  4. 宝格丽度假酒店(BulgariHotelsandResorts)在北京使馆区修建的全球第五家分店也计划于2017年开业。

    Also in 2017 , Bulgari Hotels and Resorts will open its fifth worldwide property in the Embassy District .

  5. 最近一个由美国乔治华盛顿大学和L2智囊团的分析发现,在中国,周大福的品牌知名度超过劳力士、宝格丽或蒂芙尼。

    A recent analysis by George Washington University and L2 , a think-tank , found the brand is better known in China than Rolex , Bulgari or Tiffany .

  6. 在今年四月举行的纽约苏富比(Sotheby)拍卖会上,一件造型简单的宝格丽金项链最终以2.5万美元成交——比预估价足足高出了4倍。

    A simple Bulgari gold chain necklace went for $ 25000 - five times its estimate - at a sale in April held at Sotheby 's New York .

  7. 如果你需要改善下宝宝的体味,你还可以买到婴儿香水,比如博柏利的情缘宝宝(BabyTouch)以及宝格丽(Bulgari)的甜蜜宝贝(PetitsetMamans),杜嘉班纳(DolceandGabbana)不久也将发布婴儿香水。

    Should your baby 's odour need some enhancement there are perfumes too - Burberry 's Baby Touch and Bulgari 's Petits et Mamans , soon to be joined by Dolce and Gabbana .

  8. 同时,包括宝格丽(bulgari)和卡地亚(cartier)在内的传统奢侈品品牌,生产了更多价格能够接受的产品,以扩大消费群体。

    Meanwhile , traditional luxury goods brands , including Bulgari and Cartier , created more affordable product lines to reach a bigger group of customers .

  9. 意大利珠宝商宝格丽(bulgari)本月表示,受亚洲需求上升的拉动,今年下半年的销售情况有所好转。

    This month , Bulgari , the Italian jeweller , said sales had improved in the second half of the the year , thanks to higher demand in Asia .

  10. 万豪将于2017年在上海开设一家宝格丽(Bulgari)品牌的酒店,目前该集团在中国拥有91家物业,包括21家豪华酒店。

    The company will open a Bulgari-branded hotel in Shanghai in 2017 , adding to its existing portfolio of 91 China properties , including 21 in the luxury category .

  11. 随着中国对奢侈品的需求以每年25%的速度增长,所有奢侈品牌都在计划到中国投资,下个月,宝格丽(bulgari)将开设其在华的最大一家门店。

    With demand increasing at 25 per cent a year , every luxury brand is planning investments in China and next month jeweller Bulgari will open its biggest store in the country .

  12. 近期,珠宝商宝格丽(bulgari)、能源集团edison以及食品集团帕玛拉特(parmalat)被法国企业全部或部分收购,意大利因此出现了针对法国收购意大利公司的民粹主义反弹。

    The move comes amid a populist backlash against French buy-outs of Italian companies after jeweller Bulgari , energy group Edison and food group Parmalat were wholly or partially taken over by French companies in recent days .

  13. 吉娜佩戴的是宝格丽铂金镶钻耳环及手链。

    The actress wears Bulgari earrings and bracelet in platinum and diamonds .

  14. 四季酒店的大厅里都有古琦跟宝格丽的专卖店

    Every Four Seasons has a Gucci near the Bulgari store in the lobby .

  15. 法国时尚品牌路易威登,意大利奢侈品牌宝格丽,中国化妆品品牌韩束,

    French fashion house Louis Vuitton , Italian luxury brand Bulgari and Chinese cosmetics brand Kans

  16. 她佩戴的是一款宝格丽的戒指,以及一条镶嵌鹅蛋形蓝宝石、红宝石与钻石的项链。

    She wears a Bulgari ring and necklace with cabochon sapphires and rubies with diamonds .

  17. 宝格丽并非唯一一家将目光放在规模较小、不那么时尚的中国城市的公司。

    Bulgari is not alone in setting its eyes on smaller and less fashionable Chinese cities .

  18. 宝格丽的销售业绩依赖高价珠宝和手表,因此该公司受到了经济放缓的沉重打击。

    Bulgari has been hit hard by the slowdown because of its reliance on big-ticket jewellery and watches .

  19. 这颗钻石色泽呈孔雀蓝,大概在1965年,意大利珠宝商宝格丽将它镶嵌在一枚戒指中。

    The diamond is a brilliant blue and is set in a ring made by Italian jeweler Bulgariaround 1965 .

  20. 不过,特拉帕尼表示,日本的业务仍然是盈利的,宝格丽计划保留日本的40家门店。

    However , Mr Trapani said Japan remained profitable , and it planned to keep 40 stores in the country .

  21. 许多其他奢侈品牌也迅速效仿,例如,宝格丽就在今年早些时候请他担任品牌形象大使。

    Many other luxury houses quickly followed suit . Bulgari , for example , named him brand ambassador earlier this year .

  22. 宝格丽的选择说明,奢侈品公司正如何快速将其业务从传统中心扩大到以前未曾触及的中国城市地区。

    The choice illustrates how luxury companies are rapidly broadening their operations away from the traditional centres into previously untapped parts of urban China .

  23. 他已经有了一系列令人赞叹的作品,他出演的电影票房大卖,他发行的迷你专辑登顶音乐榜单,而且他还是巴宝莉和宝格丽等奢侈品牌的形象大使。

    He already has an impressive portfolio of box-office hits , chart-topping EPs and ambassador deals with luxury brands the likes of Burberry and Bulgari .

  24. 如今,宝格丽成为世界奢侈品市场的领导集团之一。品质、创意和客户满意是我们的主要优势。

    Nowadays , Bulgari is one of the world 's leading groups in the luxury market . quality , creativity and customer satisfaction are the main strengths .

  25. 时尚配饰的网上价格也更低。一副宝格丽BV8144B款太阳镜,免税店售价207英镑,而太阳镜销售网站sunglasshut.com只卖174英镑。

    Fashion accessories are also less expensive online , with a pair of Bvlgari BV8144B sunglasses £ 207 in duty free , but £ 174 at sunglasshut.com .

  26. 虽然没多少公司像路威酩轩集团这样财力雄厚——它在2011年以52亿美元买下了宝格丽——但是购买能引起轰动和兴趣的年轻小品牌或者聘请有潜力的设计人才在未来掌管更大的品牌不需要花很多钱。

    Though few companies have the deep pockets of LVMH , which bought Bulgari in 2011 for $ 5.2 billion , it does not take much to buy the smaller , younger labels that provide buzz and interest - and potential design talent to take over bigger brands in the future .

  27. 拍卖价高昂很可能是因为其独特的色泽和不俗的来历。宝格丽是好莱坞影视名流钟爱的珠宝品牌,而且蓝钻在市面上十分罕见,更何况是一块5.3克拉的大钻石。

    The high price likely comes from the diamond 's unusual color as well as its posh setting : Bulgari is a company beloved by the Hollywood glitterati , and blue diamondsare rarely up for sale . This particular blue diamond also happens to be a large chunk of ice at 5.3 carets .