
dìnɡ yǐnɡ yè
  • fixing solution
  1. 本文还报道了将这个反应应用在太阳能回收废定影液中Ag的结果。

    Using this reaction to practical system , the result of the recovery of silver from waste fixing solution is reported .

  2. 用活性铝从废定影液中回收银的计算式

    The Computational Formulas of Recovered Silver from Waste Fixing Solution With Activated Aluminium

  3. 废定影液中银含量ICP-AES测定方法从实验室含银废液中回收硝酸银的实验探究

    Recovery of Silver Nitrate from Laboratory Waster Liquid Containing Silver

  4. 介绍了用有机酸(Ar(OH)3COOH)从废定影液中还原银的方法及工艺条件。

    Recovery of silver from spent fixing bath with organic acid ( Ar ( OH ) 3COOH ) are investigated .

  5. 利用该反应建立了高灵敏测定银的光度分析法,用于相纸和定影液废水中银的测定,其结果与ICP-AES和AAS法一致。

    The results were the same as those of ICPAES and AAS in the determination of silver in photographic paper and fixer waste water .

  6. 碘量法测定彩色套药定影液及漂定A液中(NH4)2S2O3、(NH4)2SO3的含量

    Determination of ( NH_4 ) _2S_2O_3 and ( NH_4 ) _2SO_3 in fixing replenisher and bleach-fixer " A " solution by direct iodine method

  7. 因酸性定影液中存在大量NH4~+,要与甲醛反应生成质子及质子化的六次甲基四胺,使试液酸度增大,S2O3~(2-)将部分分解。

    Because of the reaction of HCHO and NH_4 ~ + , the hydrogen ions will be liberated to increase the acidity of the solution and partially decompose the S_2O_3 ~ ( 2 - ) ion .

  8. 简论酸性坚膜定影液的组成及作用原理

    Components and Chemical Reaction Mechanism of Acid Hard Film Fixing Bath

  9. 一种从废定影液中提取银的新方法

    A new way of drawing Ag from the waste fixing bath

  10. 从废定影液中回收银的简易方法

    The Simple Method of Retrieving Silver from Waste Fixer

  11. 提高了显、定影液的恒温精度。

    D.count for high precision of constant temperature of developing and fixation liquid .

  12. 置换法从废定影液中提取银的工艺研究

    Study on technology of extracting silver from waste fixing bath by replacement method

  13. 用废铝回收废定影液中银的新工艺及装置

    New Technique and Device of Silver Recovery from Waste Fixing Solution with Waste Aluminium

  14. 从废定影液中回收银及提银后废定影液再生的研究

    On the recovery of silver from abandoned fixer and the regeneration of left fixer

  15. 从废定影液中回收银的方法主要有:沉淀法、还原法、气浮法、电解法、离子交换法等。

    The paper briefly describes the method and technology for recovering silver from waste bath .

  16. 从废定影液中回收硝酸银

    Recovering Silver Nitrate from Waste Fixing Solution

  17. 你应该给它喷上定影液。

    You should spray it with fixative .

  18. 中义在摄影术中,将定影液和未曝光银盐从摄影底片和相纸中移走。

    In photography , removing fixer and unexposed silver salts from photographic film and papers .

  19. 该方法应用于照片和定影液废水中微量银的测定,结果满意。

    The method was used to determine the trace silver in photograph and fixation waste water with ( satisfactory ) results .

  20. 该方法用于废定影液样品中银的测定,同时与火焰原子吸收分光光度法进行了比较,结果满意。

    The method has been applied to the determination of trace silver in waster fixative with satisfactory result compared with the Atomic absorption spectrometry method .

  21. 中义在摄影中,一种含铵的定影液,用来将感光乳剂中的银粒子去掉。

    In photography , a fixing bath containing NH ( univalent ion of ammonia ), which is used for removing silver halides from photosensitive emulsions .

  22. 该法工艺简单,无需特殊设备,银的回收率高,再生定影液的定影效果好,可以在照像馆、医院及电影制片厂等单位推广使用。

    It has the advantage that the technique uses simple equipment , recovers high quantity of silver , and the regenerated fixer possesses good fixation efficency .

  23. 文章以广州某医院的废定影液作试料,采用电解法回收废定影液的银。

    In the paper , waste fixative of a hospital in Guangzhou taken as material and method of electrolysis was used to reclaim silver from waste fixative .

  24. 第二个问题,我通常用以下简单的组成:在一升热水(而不是开水)中两皂粉勺硫酸铜和一皂粉勺的固色剂(定影液),混合并过滤。

    Second question-I usually use following simple com in one liter of hot , not boiled , water two soap spoons of copper vitriol and one soap spoon of fixing agent , mixed and than filter .

  25. 分析了大高宽比纳米结构在定影液干燥过程中发生变形或者坍塌的原因,及影响其变形量大小或者坍塌的相关图形结构参数。

    Theoretical analysis was carried out to achieve the reason of the deformation or collapse during the drying high aspect ratio nanostructures . Parameters related to nanostructures which influenced the deformation or pattern collapse have been also discussed .

  26. 本文从实验出发,提出了用活性铝从废定影液中,回收银的反应速度与温度的关系式及设计反应器有效容积的计算式,为指导实际生产作业及设计提供了计算公式。

    It is proceeded from test in this paper , formulas of reaction rate with temperature and of effective volume to designed reactor are proposed for silver recovery from waste fixing solution with activated aluminium . In a practical manner produced operation and design be guided by these computational formulas .

  27. 本文根据化学反应原理,采用不同的方法试制出两种快速测定废定影液中银含量的专用试纸.该试纸在某些情况下,也可推广使用于其他溶液中银离子浓度的测定。

    According to the chemical reactions principles , two kinds of special test papers have been made to quickly determine tne silver ion in waste fixing bath by adopting different methods . These papers can be spreaded to determine the silver ion concentration in the other solutions under certain circumstance .