
  1. 针对电磁悬浮(EMS)型磁浮列车用凸极直线同步电机定子和转子齿槽不连续分布的特点,提出一种基于解析的驱动力和悬浮力计算新方法。

    Considering the alveolus discontinuous distribution of stator and rotor in salient pole synchronous motor applied to electromagnetic suspension ( EMS ) maglev train , a novel analytical computation method of thrust force and levitation force was put forward .

  2. 为测试EKF估计的动态特性达到要求,在EKF估计转速系统中,考虑电机定子和转子的改变对转速估计的跟踪效果和收敛性的影响。

    To test the EKF estimation of dynamic characteristics to meet the requirement , in the EKF estimated speed in the system , consider to change of motor parameters of stator and rotor speed estimation for tracking results and effect of convergence .

  3. 发电机定子和转子事故烧损与对策

    Analysis and Measures on Accident Burnout of Generator Stator and Rotor

  4. 盘式电机定子和转子成形方法的研究

    Research on forming methods of stator and rotor of disk type motor

  5. 电机是由定子和转子两部分构成的。

    Electric machines are composed of stator and rotor .

  6. 抗磁转子悬浮微器件包括定子和转子。

    The diamagnetic rotor levitation micro device is composed of rotor and stator .

  7. 行波超声马达定子和转子接触状态实验研究

    Experimental study of contact state between stator and rotor in a traveling wave ultrasonic motor

  8. 螺杆钻具中定子和转子的中频感应热处理生产线

    Middle Frequency Induction Heat Treatment Production Line for Stator and Rotor of Screw-Rod Drill Tools

  9. 用它可代替硅钢片制做小型电机中的定子和转子。

    It may replace silicon steel sheet as the stator and rotator of small mo-tor .

  10. 电主轴关键的功能部件是高速电机的定子和转子。目前国内尚没有系统成熟的专门针对高频电主轴的电机设计方法。

    Stator and rotor of high speed motor is the key component of high frequence electro-spindle .

  11. 超声电机定子和转子接触微观表面分析和形貌模拟

    Investigation and Simulation on Micro Topography of the Contact Surface of the Stator and Rotor for Ultrasonic Motors

  12. 专为风力发电行业而设计,适用于塔筒内定子和转子的输出回路。

    Specifically design for wind power industry , applying for output loop between stator and rotator in cylinder .

  13. 汽轮发电机是最主要的发电设备之一,主要由定子和转子组成。

    Turbo-generator which mainly composed of stator and rotor is one of the most important power generation equipment .

  14. 根据电机定子和转子间能量传递方式,超声波电机分为接触型和非接触型。

    Based on the contact pattern between the stator and rotor , USM is classified as contact type and non-contact type .

  15. 本文论述了二滩水电站550MW水轮发电机定子和转子绕组线圈所采用的新绝缘系统。

    This paper introduces a modern insulation system of stator and rotor winding coils of 550 MW hydrogenerator for Er Tan hydropower station .

  16. 在此基础上,应用海维赛德运算微积法和叠加原理,分析了其稳态和直流侧突然短路运行,给出了定子和转子的时间常数以及交流侧完整的短路电流表达式;

    The time constants of the stator and rotor are given , and the complete expressions of AC side short circuit currents are obtained .

  17. 提出了一种直接测量行波超声马达定子和转子接触状态的方法&电接触法。

    An electric contact method to measure contact state of stator and rotor in traveling wave type ultrasonic motor ( TWUSM ) is presented .

  18. 再以上述线型骨线方程为基础,通过编制程序和制作参数输入界面建立了多头螺杆泵定子和转子模型的建模系统。

    Take above linear equation as the foundation , established the stator and the rotor modelling system through the coding and the manufacture parameter input surface .

  19. 介绍了无涂层电工钢冲片叠片成型后的电机定子和转子在罩式炉内进行退火和发蓝处理一次完成的新工艺及装置。

    A new technology and equipment of annealing and bluing for finished stator and rotor of uncoated cold-rolled electric steel lamination in bell-type hytrogen furnace was introduced .

  20. 旋转血泵磁浮轴承的定子和转子之间没有机械接触,所以其内部不会发生机械磨损或产生血栓。

    Magnetic bearing has no mechanical contact between the rotor and stator , and a rotary pump with magnetic bearing has therefore no mechanical wear and thrombosis .

  21. 涡轮钻具中的主要元件是由定子和转子组成的涡轮,它的作用是把液体能变为主轴上的机械能。

    The main component of turbine is made up of stator and rotor , whose function is to transform liquid energy into mechanical energy on the main shaft .

  22. 单相磁通开关电机是一种新型的无刷电机,双凸极结构、集中绕组、定子和转子都无永磁体、结构简单。

    Single-phase flux switching motor is a new type , double salient structure , concentrated winding , no permanent magnet on stator or rotor , and simple structure .

  23. 在真空状态下,超声波马达的堵转力矩比常态下提高的主要原因是声悬浮作用降低引起定子和转子的动态接触力增加所致。

    The major reason the stalling torque in vacuum is higher than that in normal is that the effects of acoustic levitation decrease and the dynamic contact force increases .

  24. 机组变频起动过程,实际上是电动机依靠定子和转子的电磁力矩作用的同步驱动过程。

    The frequency changing start up process of generating unit actually is a synchronous driving process under the action of electromagnetic moment of the stator and rotor of motor .

  25. 定子和转子都做成平面结构,定子线圈采用了平面型、无槽式集中绕组;

    The rotors and stators of the micromotor are all planar , the windings are made planar , grooveless and concentric using the LIGA technology and silicon micromachine technology .

  26. 运用声学理论分析了真空度对接触状态的影响,得出声悬浮作用使定子和转子的动态接触力减小的结论。

    Effects of degree of vacuum on contact states are analyzed by acoustics theory . The conclusion is that action of acoustic levitation makes dynamic contact force between stator and rotor reduce .

  27. 分析了该马达的定子和转子间接触锥形角的计算方法,为柱形弯曲旋转超声波马达的设计提供了理论指导。

    Computing method of contact taper angle between the stator and the rotor of bending rotation ultrasonic motor was analyzed . These results provided a theoretic guidance for design of the cylinder ultrasonic motor .

  28. 此外,由于定子和转子绕组在气隙中建立的谐波磁势所产生的谐波磁场以不同的速度相对转子和定子运动,在铁心中产生附加损耗。

    In addition , as harmonic magnetic field move at different speeds relative rotor and stator created by harmonic magnetic potential the stator and rotor windings in the air gap , the additional losses were created in the iron core .

  29. 非接触型超声波电机定子和转子不直接接触,有效地克服了接触型超声波电机因接触摩擦引起的缺点,是超声波电机领域一个新的研究方向。

    The non-contact type USM , with the stator not contacting the rotor directly , resolves the shortages of contact type and becomes the new research direction in USM . The ultrasonic motor fluid driven directly is introduced in the paper .

  30. 介绍了超声波马达的新进展&非接触型超声波马达,其定子和转子是非接触的,因而克服了接触型超声波马达转速低和寿命短的缺点。

    In this paper , new development of ultrasonic motor , non contact ultrasonic motor , is introduced . Its stator and rotor are separated , thus overcomes the shortcomings of low revolution speed and short life span in contact ultrasonic motor .