
ɡuān shǔ
  • government office
官署 [guān shǔ]
  • [government offices] 旧指政府机关

  1. 他以前是大臣官署的头儿。

    He is a former head of the chancellery .

  2. 中国古代官署衙门,既受封建礼教制度制约,也有衙门建筑功能上的要求,从而形成了严格的建筑形式和建筑规模。

    The ancient administrative offices formed the strict architectural system and scale .

  3. 那就是他们在市长官署上张贴的告示内容。

    That was what they had posted at the mayor 's office .

  4. 香港的英国官署有时似乎唯北京之命是从。

    British overseers of Hong Kong sometimes seem to be doing Beijing 's bidding .

  5. 这项申请需要提交到相关的官署衙门审批。

    This application shall be submitted to relevant government offices for inspection and approval .

  6. 市政厅:容纳一个城市政府行政官署的建筑物。

    City hall : The building housing the administrative offices of a municipal government .

  7. 广州城内外的相关官署和海阳等馆驿大都位于沿城南、城西的水滨,与海外贸易交通有关。

    Most government offices and posthouses were located along seaside in the south and west of the city .

  8. 其次,探讨了集宁路的官衙和官署的设置,其设置与中央的关系。

    Thirdly , the thesis explores the setup of office or department of Jining Lu , and the relationship between its setup and the central authorities .

  9. 他滥设新官署,委派大批官员到这里骚扰我们的人民,吞噬他们的财物。

    He has erected a multitude of new officers , and sent hither swarms of officers to harass our people , and eat out our substances .

  10. 这种地位的变化则主要表现在唐代安阳地区所置官署的变化及其统辖或监察之区域的伸缩上。

    Then this change of the position mainly shows on the changes of the offices of AR in the Tang Dynasty and the expansion and shrinkage of its district .

  11. 前项规定所称其它企业组织之范围,由主管官署衡酌企业之种类及规模另定之。

    The scope of other enterprise organizations referred to in the preceding paragraph , shall be determined by the competent authorities after reviewing and examining the categories and sizes of the said businesses .

  12. 各级官署除主管官吏外,均设“达鲁花赤”,由蒙古人或色目人充任,掌实权。

    Except the chief governor in the different levels of administration " Daluhuachi " was ap-pointed in the governments of different levels , which were given to the Mongolians or the Semus , and they had the real power .

  13. 因为同一官署忽而忙于维护国家利益,忽而又将国家利益弃置一边,忙于维护正义,显然极不协调,也同心理学的规律相矛盾。

    Because sometimes the same authority is busy in defending interests of state , sometimes throw it aside and is busy in holding justice , which is obviously unharmonious , and is also contradictory to the law of psychology .

  14. 其二,西夏对榷场贸易政策的制定,规定榷场贸易的规则,设立管理榷场贸易的专职官署,确立了禁榷制度,保障榷场贸易的长期合作关系。

    Secondly , Xixia to beat the market trade policies , the provisions of the rules of monopoly market , set up a management institution full-time market trade , established a cut-knock system to protect the long-term knock field of trade cooperation .