
  • 网络title
官称 [guān chēng]
  • (1) [title]∶人的头衔

  • 他喜欢别人以官称呼他刘科长

  • (2) [official name]∶普通的或官面的名称

  • 那年月出钱的官称是缴慰劳金,慰劳金的多少,视商户的大小而定

  1. 检察官称被拘犯杀害洛伊丝属实

    The prosecutor averred that the prisoner killed Lois .

  2. 上周,塔塔咨询服务公司(TataConsultingServices)的首席执行官称,公司正在谋求全球范围内的收购。

    Last week , the CEO of Tata consulting services said the company was looking to make purchases around the world .

  3. 美国证交会(SEC)对顾磊杰提起了民事指控,但后者否认有任何不当行为。检察官称他为内幕交易的合谋者。

    Mr Gupta has been charged with civil violations by the Securities and Exchange Commission and denied any wrongdoing . Prosecutors have called him a co-conspirator .

  4. 检察官称,AlbertGonzalez在一些主要零售商那里窃取了1.3亿多张借记卡和贷记卡的信息。

    Prosecutors say Albert Gonzalez stole data from more than 130 million credit and debit cards from some major retailers .

  5. 一位朝鲜高级外交官称,朝鲜政府希望,一旦澳门汇业银行(bancodeltaasia)存在争议的资金问题得到解决,美国政府能迅速取消针对朝鲜的全部制裁。

    Pyongyang wants Washington to quickly lift all sanctions against North Korea once a stalemate over disputed funds in a Macao bank is resolved , according to a senior North Korean diplomat .

  6. 从Insys公司收取了5.6万美元的密歇根州神经科医师加文·奥尔巴克(GavinAwerbuch)博士于今年春天被捕,联邦检察官称,他骗取了700万美元的医保(Medicare)基金,还曾把Subsys不恰当地开给并不需要服用这种药的病人。

    Dr. Gavin Awerbuch , a Michigan neurologist who received $ 56000 from Insys , was arrested this spring after federal prosecutors said he defrauded Medicare of $ 7 million and improperly prescribed Subsys to patients who did not need it .

  7. 外交官称,他停留更长时间的决定是一个积极的信号。

    Diplomats described his decision to stay longer as a positive sign .

  8. 检察官称管家的报酬每小时不足3美元。

    Prosecutors contended the housekeeper received less than $ 3 an hour .

  9. 当地治安官称他个人要为这件事负责。

    The local sheriff said he took personal responsibility for what had happened .

  10. 在今天的开庭陈词中,联邦检察官称凯利是一名捕食者。

    In opening statements today , federal prosecutors said that Kelly was a predator .

  11. 检察官称他为内幕交易的合谋者。

    Prosecutors have called him a co-conspirator .

  12. 美国联邦检察官称,目前谷歌和脸书已追回大部分款项。

    US federal prosecutors said that Google and Facebook had recovered much of the money .

  13. “博士”一词,在中国秦汉时期是一种官称。

    The term " boshi " was an official tittle in the chin and Han times .

  14. 检查官称驾驶员在事故发生时超速,并且疲劳驾驶。

    Prosecutors argued that Williams was speeding and sleep deprived at the time of the crash .

  15. 一个法国检察官称,他有理由怀疑拉加德在此次交易中滥用职权。

    A French prosecutor said he had reason to suspect Largarde overstepped her authority in the deal .

  16. 然而,一名叛军指挥官称,他的战士们在东部城镇布雷加却节节败退。

    However , a rebel commander said his fighters had retreated in the eastern town of Brega .

  17. 阿布·盖斯申辩无罪,并否认了检察官称其协助策划了9·11之后袭击案的指控。

    Abu Ghaith has pleaded not guilty and denies helping to plan later attacks as prosecutors allege .

  18. 监狱官称囚犯点燃了监狱,打碎了窗户,用下水道管子用作武器。

    Prison officials say inmates torched this housing unit , broke windows and used plumbing pipes as weapons .

  19. 检察官称如果确认有罪,古普塔将面临长期徒刑,并被罚以2500万美元的罚金。

    Prosecutors say Mr Gupta faces a long prison sentence and a $ 25m fine if found guilty .

  20. 人们通常不会承认(患有抑郁症),某二线投行的首席执行官称。

    People don 't generally admit to it , says the chief executive of a second-tier investment bank .

  21. 检察官称,警官尼克拉斯·皮尔斯强迫莱恩斯跪在地上,并命令狗咬他。

    Prosecutors say officer Nickolas Pearce forced Ryans to his knees and ordered the dog to bite him .

  22. 军队指挥官称,该塔利班形式的组织迟被摧毁,只是时间的问题。

    Army commanders say it is only a matter of time before the Taliban-style group would be completely destroyed .

  23. 与此同时,西方外交官称,津巴布韦和叙利亚从根本上反对达成这一条约的构想。

    Zimbabwe and Syria , meanwhile , reject the idea of a treaty altogether , according to western diplomats .

  24. 据当地的执法官称,蟑螂药并没有发挥出本该有的效用。

    According to the city 's code enforcement officer , the roach spray did not have the intended effect .

  25. 联合国外交官称苏丹达尔富尔维和人员遭袭,子弹产自中国,中国拒绝该说法。

    China to block a UN report that says Chinese bullets were used in attacks on UN peacekeepers in Darfur .

  26. 警方发言人乔治·皮特森警官称:橡树溪警方是在周围地区几个部门的协助下开展工作。

    The Oak Brook Police Department was assisted by several surrounding-area departments , said Officer George Peterson , a department spokesman .

  27. 密西根的一民检查官称她将开始调查底特律市长发骚扰短信给其助手一案。

    Michigan prosecutor says she will investigate the mayor of Detroit for sending romantic text messages to his chief of staff .

  28. 日本检察官称其释放中国船长是考虑到北京和东京不断升温的外交关系。

    Prosecutors in Japan said their decision to release the captain was based on the deepening rift between Beijing and Tokyo .

  29. 美国最高军事指挥官称,公开的同性恋人员应该被允许进入美国军队服役。

    Openly gay people should be allowed to serve in the US military , the country 's top commander has said .

  30. 同时,美国驻阿富汗高级指挥官称,他相信北约空袭中包括平民伤亡。

    Meanwhile , the top US commander in Afghanistan says he is convinced civilians were among those killed in a NATO airstrike .