
  • 网络NEWS;official news
  1. 但根据官方新闻通讯社新华社(Xinhua)的报道,奥运会期间,北京五星级酒店的入住率达到81%。

    But according to Xinhua , the official news agency , five-star occupancy in Beijing reached 81 per cent during the Games .

  2. 根据中国官方新闻机构新华社(Xinhua)的报道,泥石流埋葬或毁坏了多家工厂、办公室、宿舍及其他低矮建筑。

    Factories , offices , dormitories and other low-rise buildings were buried or damaged by the mudflow , according to Xinhua , China 's state news agency .

  3. 本周,C罗、保罗·博格巴和曼努埃尔·洛卡特利在官方新闻发布会上落座时均把赞助商饮料挪到镜头之外。

    Ronaldo , Paul Pogba and Manuel Locatelli all removed sponsor bottles away from the view of cameras when taking their seats at official media sessions this week .

  4. 中国官方新闻媒体的一篇文章报道,在与苹果(Apple)进行多年法律较量之后,一家中国公司获得了使用iPhone商标出售皮具制品的权利。

    A Chinese company has won the right to sell its leather goods under the iPhone trademark after years of legal back-and-forth with Apple , according to an article in Chinese state news media .

  5. 中国官方新闻机构新华社(Xinhua)表示,戴海波不再担任成立了一年的上海自贸区管委会副主任和党组书记。除了自贸区管委会副主任,戴海波还是上海市政府的副秘书长。

    Xinhua , the state news agency , said Dai Haibo , vice-secretary of the Shanghai municipal government , would no longer act as deputy director and party secretary of the year-old Shanghai free-trade zone management committee .

  6. 一篇官方新闻报道周日刊登时引用了工业信息技术部负责人LiYizhong说的这样一句话,“互联网安全需要从根子上治理。”

    A state news article published Sunday quoted Li Yizhong , head of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology , as saying ," Internet security needs to be cured from its roots . "

  7. 但前苏联政府仍保持沉默,直到事故发生近68个小时后,官方新闻通讯社塔斯社(tass)才发表了一篇短小且含糊的文章,称切尔诺贝利发生了事故。

    But still the Soviet government maintained its silence until , almost 68 hours after the accident , the official news agency TASS published a short , opaque article indicating that there had been an accident at Chernobyl .

  8. 官方新闻发布语言(OPRL)是指政府官员或外交发言人在新闻发布会上代表政府观点和立场回答记者提问时所使用的语言。

    Official press release language ( OPRL ) is the language used by government officials or spokespersons at press conferences , on behalf of the government , to express their viewpoints on certain important events or to answer questions from the mass media .

  9. 据中国官方新闻机构新华社的报道,当地居民已救出700名幸存者。

    Residents rescued about 700 survivors , the state news agency Xinhua reported .

  10. 官方新闻发布英语的文体特征研究

    Stylistic Features of Official Press Release English

  11. 官方新闻稿表明一个黎的伙伴学生已经报道他是失踪的。

    The official press release stated a fellow student of Li 's had reported him missing .

  12. 官方新闻机构对所发生的事情进行了报道。

    The official news agency has also been giving its account of what 's been happening .

  13. 这条帖子被转发了超过400次,官方新闻媒体也对其进行了报道。

    The comment was reposted more than 400 times and attracted coverage in the state news media .

  14. 外国品牌在应对来自中国官方新闻媒体的攻击上做法各异。

    Foreign brands have a mixed track record dealing with attacks from the official Chinese news media .

  15. 包括《人民日报》在内的中国官方新闻媒体,也帮助了对热火朝天的股市的炒作。

    China 's state-run news media , including The People 's Daily , helped hype the rip-roaring market .

  16. 据官方新闻机构新华社报道,在进行全国范围内搜捕后,衡庭汉于周六晚被警方抓获。

    The police caught Mr. Heng late Saturday after a nationwide manhunt , the official Xinhua news agency reported .

  17. 据官方新闻媒体报道盘古大厦就是在他任职期间筹建的奥运相关设施。

    According to the state-run news media , Pangu Plaza was one of the Olympic-related projects in his portfolio .

  18. 据中国官方新闻社新华社报道,新任务将由长征三号丙运载火箭发射。

    The new mission which launch to dispatch Long March-3C rocket , according to Chinese official news agency Xinhua .

  19. 中国官方新闻机构新华社引述医务官员报道说,宇航员健康状态良好。

    China 's official news agency , Xinhua , quoted medical officials saying the astronauts were all in good health .

  20. 中国官方新闻机构新华社称,首钢将以“最低限度”进行运营,但没有给出具体细节。

    The government 's Xinhua news agency said Shougang would operate at a " minimum level ", but gave no details .

  21. 官方新闻社新华社报道说,很多法律专家已经准备支持对杨执行死刑。

    Xinhua , the state-run news agency , said law experts had " lined up " in support of his execution .

  22. 该项目是在一个官方新闻发布会上,在场的政府官员,包括市长崇明推出。

    The project was launched at an official press conference in the presence of government officials including the mayor of Chongming .

  23. 巴西官方新闻机构“巴西通讯”报道称,这个山区接近75000人没有电力供应。

    Agencia Brasil , the official Brazilian news agency , reports that nearly 75000 people in this area are without power .

  24. 我们计划下个月举行官方新闻发布会,但目前我们暂时保持沉默。

    We plan to make an official announcement next month but for the time being we 're keeping it very low key .

  25. 周一晚些时候,中央军委的官方新闻门户网站公布了14名受调查军官的姓名和军衔。

    The official news portal of the Central Military Commission published the names and ranks of the fourteen officers late on Monday .

  26. 但远离官方新闻发布会,艺术家玛姆特·查鲁表示许多克里米亚鞑靼人担心莫斯科对于回归所制订的法律。

    But away from the official press conference , artist Mamut Churlu says many Crimean Tatars worry about the return of rule by Moscow .

  27. 中国驻缅甸大使李军华在官方新闻机构新华社星期三发表的采访中发表了此番言论。

    China 's ambassador to Burma , Li Junhua , made the remark in an interview published Wednesday by the official Xinhua news agency .

  28. 随着中国消费文化的发展,中国的官方新闻媒体对国内外的公司也有越来越多的批评。

    The official news media in China has become increasingly critical of both foreign and domestic companies as China 's consumer culture has grown .

  29. 官方新闻机构称:他的罪行被据说在硬盘中发现的可能材料证据所证明。

    The official news agency claiming " his crimes were proved by evidence , a possible reference to material reportedly found on a hard drive .

  30. 在4月26日的世界知识产权日到来之前,还将进行更多公开销毁活动,官方新闻机构新华社说。

    More public burnings will be held in the lead-up to World Intellectual Property Day on April 26 , said Xinhua , the official news agency .