
  • Macroeconomic management system;【法】system of macroeconomic manage ment
  1. 一个国家的政府管制受其政治体制和宏观经济管理体制的制约。

    Government regulation of one country is restricted by political structure and macro-economy managerial system .

  2. 加人世界贸易组织的意义也决不限于国际贸易和产业资本领域,与国际市场的全面接轨已深刻地引起中国的宏观经济管理体制和微观企业结构产生根本性变化。

    Adding WTO has made a deeply change to china from Chinese management of the overall economy system and microcosmic line-up of enterprises .

  3. 从宏观经济管理体制、国家宏观经济政策、企业内部条件等各个不同层次来分析对技术创新和企业发展的影响。

    The author analysis the elements which prevent the technology creation and the development of an enterprise from the following point of view : macro economic management system , state macro economic policy , the internal conditions in an enterprise .

  4. 在新的历史时期,我们面临着诸如加快企业经营机制的转换,完善宏观经济管理体制,继续保持国民经济高速、稳定发展等一系列社会普遍关心的问题。

    In the new historical period , we , however , are facing a series of social problems such as how to accelerate the transfer of enterprises operation mechanism , perfect the macroeconomic control system and keep the national economy grow fast and steadily .

  5. 宏观方面的经济管理体制

    System of macroeconomic management