
  • 网络macrocell;macro cell;macro-cellular
  1. 但目前,室内覆盖仍是3G网络覆盖的一个薄弱环节,仅仅依靠室外宏蜂窝基站的覆盖已经无法满足容量及通信质量的要求。

    However , 3G indoor coverage is still a weak link in network coverage . Outdoor macrocell station alone can not meet the coverage and capacity requirements of communication quality .

  2. 传统的封闭接入方式允许授权的家庭基站用户独占家庭基站及其backhaul资源,从而导致了家庭基站和周边宏蜂窝用户严重的跨层干扰。

    Closed access allows authorized home users to monopolize the femtocell backhaul , which leads to the severe cross-layer interference between the femtocell and the surrounding macrocell users .

  3. V-BLAST系统在宏蜂窝MIMO相关信道下的性能分析

    Performance Analysis of V-BLAST System under Macro-Cell MIMO Correlated Channel Conditions

  4. 从智能天线与传统蜂窝基站天线比较谈TD-SCDMA组大网(宏蜂窝)的可能性

    On the Possibility of TD-SCDMA Used in Macro-cell by Comparison between Smart Antenna and Traditional Cell Base Station Antenna

  5. 目前,多数无线电管理GIS系统中包括了宏蜂窝电波传播预测的模块,而基于射线跟踪模型的微蜂窝电波传播预测的应用还相对较少。

    At present , the prediction model for macrocells has been integrated to most of the radio wave management GIS system , but the application of prediction for microcells is only few .

  6. 研究表明,本方案适合于LTE郊区宏蜂窝环境,对农村宏蜂窝环境也较为适合,能产生明显增益。

    Additionally , simulation result shows that the proposed scheme is quite suitable for suburban macro-cell scenario as well as rural macro-cell scenario with desirable gains .

  7. 对传统的室内宏蜂窝基站与新型的分布式基站在3G建网成本上进行了详细的分析,并给出了不同应用场景下的成本对比。

    The 3G network construction cost of traditional indoor macro cell base station and new distributed base station is analyzed in detail . The cost contrast in different application situation is also given .

  8. 本文讨论了具有分层小区结构的CDMA(码分多址)系统中切换策略的性能,分别用一维和二维的马尔可夫模型来分析微蜂窝和宏蜂窝中的状态。

    This paper discusses CDMA ( Code Division Multiple Access ) system performance with Hierarchical cell structure and analyzes handover strategy with one-dimensional Markov model in micro-layer and two-dimensional Markov model in macro-layer .

  9. 宏蜂窝基站与分布式基站3G建网成本对比分析文中首先给出全空间定位的精度分布表达式,然后详细讨论了基于蜂窝基站实现全空间自定位的基站布局可能性以及实时自定位算法。

    Contrast Analysis on 3G Network Construction Cost between Macro Cell Base Station and Distributed Base Station The accuracy expression is analyzed firstly , then possibility of using cellular station and the real-time positioning algorithm are discussed in detail .

  10. 研究结果显示联合多载波调度算法相对于独立载波调度算法在支持部分负载(PartialLoad)情况下队列时延更小,用户体验更好。(4)研究了宏蜂窝和家庭基站混合异构网络下的干扰管理算法。

    The results show that compared with carrier independent scheduling algorithm ( CIS ), multi-carrier joint scheduling algorithm ( MCJS ) provides lower queue delay and better user experience when supporting partial load service . ( 4 ) The interference management algorithms are investigated for Macro-cell and Femto-cell heterogeneous networks .

  11. 本文研究了在已经部署TD-LTE宏蜂窝情况下,进一步部署高速铁路专用通信网后高铁车厢内用户的数据下载业务性能。

    In this paper , under the circumstances of deployed TD-LTE macro network , the data download performance of passengers has been researched after high-speed railway specified network been deployed .

  12. 文中研究了宏蜂窝用户大量使用QQ和微博这两种典型即时数据通信业务造成的控制信道和业务信道资源利用不均衡问题,提出了针对控制信道的建模方案并给出了性能结果。

    In this paper , when macro cellular users use QQ and Weibo this two kinds of typical real-time data services , the resource unbalance problems in control channel and service channel have been researched . The paper also proposes modeling scheme of the control channel and evaluates model performance .

  13. SCDMA农村无线接入系统的性能和核心网络的组建充分考虑了农村普遍电信服务的特点,采用大覆盖半径的宏蜂窝无线接入方式,并提供以地区或省级区域范围的组网能力,提供基本电信服务。

    The capability and core network of SCDMA wireless access system is suitable for the character of countryside universal telecom service . SCDMA adopts macro-cellular wireless access mode that shall cover large range . SCDMA provides regional and provincial networking capability to offer essential telecom services .

  14. 本文只研究语音业务,系统均采用宏蜂窝结构。

    We only study voice operation in macro-cellular scenario .

  15. 宏蜂窝通信环境的建模及实现

    Modeling and Implementation for Macro - cellular Communication Environment

  16. 本文对宏蜂窝环境在系统仿真的建模过程进行了分析和实现。

    This paper analyses and realizes the modeling course in system simulation of Macro-cellular environment .

  17. 宏蜂窝模型的传播模型校正研究

    Macro - cellular Propagation Model Tuning

  18. 宏蜂窝基站天馈线驻波比和功率在线监测系统的设计

    The Design of the SWR and Power Online-monitoring System for the Antenna and Feeder of the Macrocell BS

  19. 宏蜂窝/微蜂窝分层网络结构非常适合于含有范围较小,但业务密度较大的热点通信地区的移动通信区域。

    Macrocell / microcell hierarchical structure is very suitable for the mobile communication service area that comprises some hot small areas .

  20. 与传统的宏蜂窝网络架构相比,嵌入毫微微基站的网络架构能够改善覆盖,增加系统容量。

    Compared to the traditional cellular network architecture , the Macro-Femto architecture can improve the coverage and increase the system capacity .

  21. 在移动通信网络中,主体部分主要由宏蜂窝基站系统来提供全面的网络覆盖。

    In the mobile communication network , the main body is in the complete network coverage provided by macro-cell base station system .

  22. 现有宏蜂窝网络面临的主要挑战已变成移动数据业务需求的剧增与稀缺的无线频谱资源之间的矛盾。

    The main challenge for cellular networks is the contradiction between the growth of the mobile data traffics and the scarcity of spectrum resources .

  23. 据我们所知,我们是第一个在宏蜂窝-飞蜂窝网络中研究诚实在线反向拍卖的。

    To the best of our knowledge , we are the first to study the truthful online reverse auction in a hybrid macro-femtocell network .

  24. 目前,对于宏蜂窝覆盖预测的模型主要基于经验的统计模型。往往都是拿国外的模型直接应用,不够准确。

    At the present time most of the predicting models that are statistic models based experience for macro cellular come from other countries directly .

  25. 仿真结果表明,基于混合资源分配的下行干扰协调技术可以有效改善宏蜂窝用户的信道质量,同时,提高异构网络系统的频谱资源利用率。

    Simulation results show that the HRA scheme can improve the channel quality of macrocell user , and increase the spectrum efficiency of heterogeneous network .

  26. 分析了该场景下传统宏蜂窝接入的不足,提出了一种基于终端直通通信技术的小蜂窝协作机制。

    This paper analyzes the deficiency of conventional macro cellular access of this scenario and proposes a small cell cooperative access mechanism base on device-to-device communication .

  27. 但是由于家庭基站的部署没有统一的机构进行规划和优化,因此会对当前的宏蜂窝网络造成一定的干扰。

    But because the deployment of femtocell has no unified mechanism for the planning and optimization , it will cause certain interference to the current macro cellular network .

  28. 该算法降低了家庭基站对宏蜂窝用户的干扰。在保证家庭基站用户的性能损失不大的前提下,提高了宏蜂窝边缘用户的性能。

    This scheme decreases the interference from Femto-cell base station to Macro-cell users and improves Macro-cell edge users ' experience at the cost of small performance loss of Femto-cell users .

  29. 另外宏蜂窝基站本身设备造价高,配套设施要求高,投资额以及维护成本都是相当巨大。

    In addition , the equipment required for a macro cellular base station is costly , and the coherent facilities require high quality , so the investment and maintenance costs are enormous .

  30. 相比于传统的宏蜂窝基站,低功率基站(如微微蜂窝基站、家庭基站和中继基站)是一种更经济的方式来提高网络的容量。

    Compared with traditional macro cellular base stations , low power base stations , such as picocell , femtocell and relay , are a more economical approach to enhance the network capacity .