
  • 网络complete love
  1. 我能看到完整爱的丰富象徵。

    I am visualizing a vivid symbol of fulfilling love .

  2. 哦,那些跟Mila和Oa一起提升者,包括Mila和Oa自己,都正在学习要融入完全完整的爱需要做到什么。

    Well those ascending in Mila and Oa 's association along with Mila and Oa themselves are learning what it takes to embrace whole and complete love .

  3. 当我触碰到你,我才触碰到完整的爱。

    When I touch you , I touch the complete love .

  4. 你们是上帝的作品,而他的创造物是完全的值得爱也是完整的爱。

    YOU are the work of God , and His work is wholly lovable and wholly loving .

  5. 保罗在此批评嫉妒和骄傲的现象,把信徒们从败坏基督完整和爱的极端思想中引导出来。

    Paul 's words correct jealousies and pride , steering people away from extremes that undermine Christian unity and love .

  6. 完整完全的爱和我们所熟知的爱不同。

    Whole and complete love is not like the love we have known ;

  7. 因此我们必须重新思考什么是完整完全的爱,因为很明显我们现在所置身的爱并不是这个。

    Therefore we must rethink what whole and complete love is when obviously the love we have been in is not this .

  8. 只有一件事可以让灵魂完整,那就是爱!

    Only one thing can make a soul complete and that thing is love !

  9. 你能分享真实的自己以及你的感觉时,就能完整地接收到爱。

    When you can share who you are and how you feel , then you can fully receive love .