
  1. 你和宋哲在同一个马厩。

    You 're stuck in the same stable as cheol .

  2. 一个典型的反例,是最近中国驻欧盟大使宋哲的观点。

    A prize example of the wrong answer is given by China 's ambassador to the EU , Song Zhe .

  3. 我赞同赵启正,而不是宋哲对新闻业的观点。现在剩下的就是如何付诸行动了。

    Having agreed on the Zhao rather than the Song school of journalism , all that remains is to do it .

  4. “这只是一个初级阶段,而中国在这方面没有多少经验,”宋哲对一小群财经记者发言表示。

    " This is still the beginning phase , and China does not have a lot of experience in this area ," Song told a small group of financial journalists .

  5. 宋哲承认,中国持有“数十亿欧元”希腊和葡萄牙债券,意味着如果希腊债务所有者得不到全额清偿,中国将蒙受巨损。

    Song acknowledged China held " several billion euros " in Greek and Portuguese bonds , meaning Beijing would stand to lose a lot if Greek debt holders were not paid in full .