
  1. 宋之问〈浣纱篇〉形容的美女,是春秋时代越国的女子西施。

    During the Spring and Autumn Period , there lived in the state of Yue a beautiful girl named Shi Shr .

  2. 在唐代成为文人官员躲避都城长安官场的隐逸之所,不少文人在辋川及周边地区营建自己的别业或者别墅,如宋之问,王维及钱起等。

    Civilian officials from the capital of Chang-an official of the Tang dynasty hermit , wangchuan ' many scholars and building their villas in or around the Villa ' such as song Zhiwen , Wang Wei and money .

  3. 系统梳理诗评家对宋之问诗歌艺术的零星点评,可以呈现宋之问诗歌艺术的阐释历史,即不同时代不同诗学观念背景下宋之问诗歌艺术的接受情形。

    A systematic summary of comments on the artistic styles of Cong zhi-jian 's poems of poetic critics through the ages indicates people 's acceptance of the artistic style of Cong zhi-jian 's poems in different poetic backgrounds of different times .

  4. 宋之问用格律诗的形式美来表现自然山水的美以及诗人的闲情逸致,语言自然流丽,意境圆融,是盛唐山水诗的先声。

    Song zhi-wen described the nature beauty and his poetical enjoyment and leisure by the elegant form of his verse , and his poem with the naive and fluent language and syncretic imagery is the progenitor of the landscape poem in Tang Dynasty .