
  • 网络routing;Secure Routing
  1. 移动adhoc网络的安全路由与移动互联网接入

    Secure Routing and Mobile Internet Connectivity of Mobile Ad Hoc Networks

  2. 具有隐私保护的adhoc安全路由研究

    Research on Ad Hoc Secure Routing with Privacy Preserving

  3. 一种双向认证adhoc安全路由协议的研究

    Research of a Mutual Authenticated Secure Ad hoc Routing Protocol

  4. 一种基于信誉机制的adhoc网络安全路由

    A Security Ad Hoc Network Routing Based on Credence Mechanism

  5. 利用类型推理验证adhoc安全路由协议

    Verifying Mobile Ad-Hoc Security Routing Protocols with Type Inference

  6. 双重认证adhoc网络安全路由协议设计

    Design of two-tier authentication secure Ad hoc routing protocol

  7. 一种降低开销的adhoc网络安全路由改进方法

    An Improved Method with Low Overhead for Secure Routing of Ad Hoc Networks

  8. adhoc网络中防御节点合谋诬陷的安全路由协议

    The Security Routing Protocol for Defending Against False Accusation in Ad Hoc Networks

  9. 移动adhoc网络安全路由协议关键技术研究

    The Studies on Crucial Technique of Secure Routing Protocol for Mobile Ad Hoc Networks

  10. 设计了一种无线mesh网络安全路由协议。

    At the same time , a secure routing protocol for wireless mesh network is designed .

  11. 最后,对移动adhoc网络的安全路由协议及其形式化分析方法进行了分析研究。

    Finally , the safety of mobile Ad Hoc network routing protocol and its formal analysis methods were analyzed .

  12. 基于SPI演算的移动自主网络安全路由协议分析

    Security Analysis of Routing Protocol for MANET Based on SPI Calculus

  13. 基于多维Hash链的无线ad-hoc安全路由数字签名方案

    Digital signature scheme based on multi-dimensional Hash chains for ad-hoc wireless routing security

  14. 研究了移动adhoc网络(MANET)的安全路由问题,分析了现有MANET入侵检测和安全路由策略的优缺点。

    The problem of secure routing for MANET ( mobile ad hoc network ) is studied .

  15. 基于位置能量的WSNs安全路由协议研究

    Research on Security Routing Protocol Based on Geography and Energy in WSNs

  16. 基于拍卖针对DoS攻击的WSN安全路由协议

    A Secure Routing Protocol Based on Auction Mechanism for Prevention of DoS Attack in Wireless Sensor Networks

  17. 最后将分簇路由协议与分簇WSN上的密钥管理协议相结合,提出一种分簇无线传感器网络上的安全路由协议。

    Then the clustering route protocol and the key management protocol on clustered WSN are combined to implement a security route algorithm .

  18. 为了保证安全路由协议的安全性,研究人员提出使用形式化分析方法指导移动adhoc网络安全路由协议的设计和分析。

    To ensure the safety of secure routing protocols , the researchers made use of formal analysis methods to guide mobile Ad Hoc network routing protocol design and analysis .

  19. Adhoc安全路由协议的研究与改进

    The Research and Improvement of Secure Routing Protocol in Adhoc Network

  20. 安全路由协议是构建移动adhoc网络安全环境的基础,其安全性对整个网络环境的安全起着至关重要的作用。

    Security environment of Mobile Ad Hoc networks is based on secure routing protocol . Secure routing protocol security the security of the entire network environment plays a vital role .

  21. 基于跨层设计的MANET拥塞控制路由算法一种跨层移动自组网络安全路由协议

    A Congestion Control Routing Algorithm Based on the Cross-layer Design in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks A Cross-Layer Secure Routing Protocol in MANET

  22. 安全路由是从改善路由协议方面提高adhoc网络的安全性能,使得所用的路由协议对拓扑更新及各种攻击具备一定的防御功能。

    Security Routing has advanced the security of ad hoc network by improving routing protocols . It makes routing protocols have the function of defending against topological update and some attacks .

  23. SAR技术是安全路由的研究热点之一,它是将安全属性作为参数融合于adhoc路由发现之中,使得安全性作为一种可协商的参数来提高adhoc网络协议相关的路由发现。

    SAR incorporates security attributes as parameters into ad hoc route discovery and enables the use of security as a negotiable metric to improve the relevance of the routes discovered by ad hoc routing protocols .

  24. 然而,在WMN的路由协议领域还有很多亟待解决的挑战性问题,包括安全路由、多径路由和QoS路由等等。

    Nevertheless , more challenging problems exist in the field of WMN routing design , such as security routing protocol , multi-path routing protocol and QoS routing protocol , etc.

  25. 采用基于MCPK的安全路由协议,通过在OLSR邻居探测阶段引入安全验证机制来预防虫洞攻击。

    MCPK-based security with routing protocols , OLSR neighbor detection stage by the introduction of secure authentication mechanisms to prevent wormhole attacks .

  26. 论文综述了移动adhoc网络安全路由协议研究方面的一些最新工作,对该领域各种安全路由协议进行了研究分析,并描述了移动adhoc网络安全路由协议所面临的安全挑战。

    This paper makes a survey of the recent work about secure routing protocols for ad hoc networks , it describes some main secure routing protocols that are proposed in the literature . Finally research directions and challenges in the area are discussed .

  27. 课题的基本设想是在模拟路由器上安装具有加密功能的通用网络驱动,通过驱动对拦截到的IP数据包进行加密解密,从而实现多网段之间安全路由的目标。

    In this paper , I setup a net-driver with encrypt function in two servers ( simulated Router ), which play a Router 's role in the LAN , the net-driver could hold up IP data and encrypt or decrypt the data , thus implement multi-net security Router .

  28. 在此密钥管理方案基础上,设计了基于加密认证的安全路由协议(CBSRP)。

    Based on this key management scheme , the dissertation designs an encryption authentication-based security routing protocol CBSRP .

  29. 介绍了移动自组织网络Ad-hoc的概念和特征,可能遭受的各种攻击;通过对各种安全路由的研究,阐述了应用于移动自组织网络中的四种安全机制;

    Based on a wealth of documentation , the paper first introduces concept and feature of the mobile Ad-hoc network , possible attack on the network , then expounds four kinds of security mechanism used for the network .

  30. 因此,本文选择LEACH协议为研究对象,在研究LEACH协议的基础上,对其进行修改,提出了LEACH-S的安全路由协议,使之在建簇过程中针对HELLOflood攻击具有良好的安全性。

    We chose LEACH protocol for the study , in the study LEACH protocol on the basis of its revised proposed LEACH-S security routing protocol so that the process of building clusters attacks against HELLO flood has good security .