
  • 网络security platform;safety berm
  1. 基于Linux信息交换安全平台实现及应用模型研究

    Research on application models and implementation of information exchange security platform based on domestic Linux

  2. 这些文档通常含有程度不同的敏感信息,所以必须有一个强大的XML安全平台和机制。

    These documents often contain information at different degrees of sensitivity , therefore a strong XML security platform and mechanism is needed .

  3. IPv6网络中PKI安全平台的设计与实现

    Design and implementation of PKI security platform in IPv6 network

  4. 其中增加两个功能模块:Web服务安全平台,用来生成管理密钥对、数字证书和Web服务双方的身份认证;

    Web services security platform ( WSSP ) which was used to create a pair of manager private key , digital certificate and the authentication of identity ;

  5. PKI网络安全平台的研制与开发

    Development of a PKI Network Security Platform

  6. 接着,论文以Visualc++6.0为开发工具,设计开发了一个基于对等通信的网络安全平台。

    Secondly , a secure communication platform based on peer to peer network is designed and implemented , using Microsoft Visual C + + 6.0 as development tool .

  7. 通用数据安全平台中基于PMI的授权管理体系研究

    Research of PMI Based Authorization Management System in Common Data Security Platform

  8. 无线Ad-hoc网络安全平台设计与实现

    Design and Implementation of a Secure Communication Platform Based on Wireless Ad-hoc Network

  9. 基于扩展PMI的电子政务应用安全平台

    E-government Application Security Platform Based on Extended PMI

  10. 基于ATL核心远程设备诊断安全平台的研究

    Research on Remote Fault Diagnosis of Secure Platform Based on ATL

  11. 对制造网络信息安全平台的工作原理、协议、规范、相关算法、VPN、PKI体系进行了详细分析。

    Also we analyzed the working mechanism , protocols , standards , arithmetic , and system of VPN and PKI of network security sysytem .

  12. 最后,本文采用国产USB加密机,利用PKI技术,设计并实现了一个网络安全平台。

    At the last part of this paper , a security protocol used home USB Key , based on PKI was designed , and an internet security appliance was implemented .

  13. 通过公钥算法、数字证书和相关加密算法,PKI为网络应用提供了一个安全平台。

    Using public-key algorithms , digital certificates , and other related cryptography technologies , PKI could provide a secure platform for network applications above a insecure network environment .

  14. 最后,论文对基于ATL核心远程设备诊断安全平台技术的研究及实现进行了总结和展望。

    In the end , the thesis gets a conclusion and gives a prospect to the research and realization of the technology in remote fault diagnosis based on ATL .

  15. 信息安全平台(PKI架构)改变了我国信息安全领域传统修补的模式,提出了一个完整的技术方案,摆脱了国内信息安全领域受限、受制、受控于人的被动局面。

    Information security platform ( PKI structure ) has changed the remedying model in information security field in China and has put forward a integrated technology solution , which put another complexion on civil information security field limited and controlled before .

  16. 就在本周,移动设备管理初创企业MobileIron也发布了专门针对安卓的新型安全平台。

    And just this week mobile device management startup mobileiron unveiled a new security platform especially for Android .

  17. 鉴于目前的条件限制,党政内网呼叫系统采用基于PKI的安全平台,采用双中心、双证书体制,利用USB-KEY智能密码钥匙加Pin码进行双因子认证,并实现双向的身份认证。

    Considering the reality , the Call System in Government Intranet adopts the security platform based on PKI mechanism . The Call System uses mechanism of the dual-centers and dual-certificates . It realizes bidirectional authentication with a smart USB-KEY and Pin password .

  18. 通过对WPKI研究和设计,可以丰富对WPKI的认识,有助于在理论和实践中对它作进一步的改进和完善,最终建立一个更加高效的网络安全平台。

    By studying and designing WPKI system , it can enrich the cognition of WPKI , improve and perfect its performance in practice . The ultimate goal is to establish a more efficient and more safe network platform for Mobile Electronic Commerce .

  19. 第五章系统总体设计,主要介绍了WGIS的系统结构,应用模式以及WGIS系统的应用安全平台,对系统的总体结构和功能进行了划分与设计。

    The system architecture , application mode , and security platform of WGIS are mainly introduced in the fifth chapter of system design . The overall structure and function are divided and designed in this part .

  20. 物流企业安全平台支撑体系(SSOSP)构建研究

    How to Establish the Support System for Logistics Enterprise Security Platform

  21. 基于公钥基础设施的应用安全平台研究

    Research on Secure Application Platform Based on Public Key Infrastructure

  22. 基于B/S架构网络安全平台研究与应用

    B / S Framework Network Security Platform Research and Apply

  23. 基于公钥体系结构的应用系统信息安全平台

    An Application System Information Safety Platform Based on Common Key System Structure

  24. 一种新型的网格应用安全平台研究与设计

    Study and Design of a Novel Grid Application Security Platform

  25. 应用安全平台体系中安全策略模型的研究

    Research of Security Policy Model in Application Security Platform

  26. 基于PKI/PMI的应用安全平台模型的研究

    Application Security Platform Model Based on PKI / PMI

  27. 企业信息网络系统安全平台的构建及探讨

    Construction and exploration of information net-work technology safety platform

  28. 农发行综合业务系统网络安全平台的构建

    Building of the Network Security System for the Comprehensive Business System of ADBC

  29. 城市管道燃气企业安全平台支撑体系要素研究

    Study on Elements of Safety Platform Support System for City Pipeline Gas Enterprise

  30. 统一应用安全平台的设计及应用

    The Design and Application of Unified Application Security Platform