
yǔ zhòu guān
  • Cosmology;world view;world outlook
宇宙观 [yǔ zhòu guān]
  • [world outlook] 社会成员关于社会及其制度的一种总体性观点

  1. 儒家对“虚静”的阐述只注重一般的哲学层面,而道家则从一般宇宙观的角度阐述“虚静”,认为“虚静”是认识客观事物的基本的哲学方法。

    Confucian school had explained " Xujing " thought only in general philosophy , and Taoist school had explained it in general world view and thought that it was the basic philosophy method of knowing the objective world .

  2. 实体与虚无&论西方宇宙观的嬗变

    Substance and Nothingness : On the Change of Western World View

  3. 形而上学宇宙观用孤立的、静止的和片面的观点去看世界。

    The metaphysical world outlook sees things as isolated , static and one-sided .

  4. 中国传统科学文化的宇宙观

    Ideas of the Universe in the Traditional Chinese Culture of Science

  5. 量子力学推动下的整体性宇宙观研究

    The Study on the Overall Universe Which Affected by Quantum Mechanics

  6. 变化的宇宙观:中国艺术精神再阐释

    The Cosmology of Changing : The Re-interpretation of Chinese Artistic Spirit

  7. 创世神话与自然宇宙观的建构

    The Mythology of Creation and Structure of Nature and Universe

  8. 中国古代宇宙观中的空间观念刍论

    View of the Universe in Ancient China-the Concept of Space

  9. 马克思主义哲学观点是从三个方面阐述的,即唯物论的宇宙观、唯物辩证法思想以及唯物史观。

    Marxism philosophy theory includes Materialism , Diagnostic method and Historical Materialism .

  10. 三宇宙观的不同。

    3 there is the difference in world outlook .

  11. 爱因斯坦的相对论完全改变了人们的宇宙观。

    Einstein 's Theory of Relativity has completely changed the conception of universe .

  12. 典仪印第安宇宙观的重要载体印第安传统文化初探

    Ceremony & Important Embodiment of Native American Cosmology

  13. 宇宙观是文化的核心问题。

    World outlooks are the core of cultures .

  14. 他们中的每个人都和我分享不同的宇宙观。

    Each one of them shares with me a different view of the universe .

  15. 早期中国宇宙观特征

    Characteristics of the Ancient Chinese World Outlook

  16. 他们必须懂得这一条真理,才有正确的宇宙观。

    They must understand it & only then can they have a correct world outlook .

  17. 最后一个部分是对卦序天地人的一个宇宙观的分析,其中包括《周易》的思想体系以及一些哲学反思。

    The last part is the analysis of the universe , including some philosophical reflection .

  18. 新的宇宙观意涵着本体宇宙论的体验与观察;

    The new world outlook means the experience and observation of ontology of the world ;

  19. 第二,体现了中国古人特有的俯仰对待的宇宙观。

    Second , it embodies the specific up-and-down view of world of the ancient Chinese .

  20. 一种新的宇宙观:全息论

    Hologram Theory : a New Universe View

  21. 以利户的宇宙观与今日的宇宙观有何异同?

    What are the similarity and difference between the cosmology of Elihu and current view ?

  22. 中西方的传统宇宙观属于两种不同的类型,西方为原子论,中国则为气一元论。

    The traditional world outlooks of the Chinese and the Westerners belong to two different types .

  23. 试论中国哲学的宇宙观和人生观

    Cosmology and Life-outlook in Chinese Philosophy

  24. 阴阳学说与中国人的宇宙观

    Yin-yang theory and Chinese world outlook

  25. 蒙古族萨满教宇宙观与草原生态

    Revelation of the View of Universe in Shamanism to the Recovering and Reconstructing of Prairie Ecology

  26. 基于1905年提出的狭义相对论,爱因斯坦在宇宙观中作出了彻底改革。

    Einstein 's revolutionized the accepted image of cosmos with his special Theory of Relativity of1905 's.

  27. 从古文献中还能找到这一时期宇宙观的若干遗迹。

    A vague trace of the cosmology of this time may also be discerned in extant classics .

  28. 与玛雅神密切相关的是玛雅人的宇宙观和人生观以及他们的献祭活动。

    Mayan civilization is closely related with Mayan outlook of universe , philosophy and their sacrificial activities .

  29. 论贾平凹小说所体现的宇宙观、人生观、哲学观

    The Perspectives of Metagalaxy , Life and Philosophy Reflected from the Novels by Jia Ping - wa

  30. 东方人的宇宙观源于太极,太极就是宇宙万物的共生平台。

    The world outlook of the Easterners results from " Taiji ", which is the symbiotic universe platform .