
yǔ zhòu huán jìng
  • space environment
  1. 就像我之前说,他们仅仅有点像变年轻,在新的宇宙环境中他们的DNA将会打开和变化,他们的身体会变化?

    Like I said before they 'll just kind of like rejuvenate and their DNA will unwrap or change under the new cosmic environment and their bodies will change ?

  2. 高中地理宇宙环境系列MCAI课件的研制

    A Series of MCAI Courseware Development for Universal Environment on Geography in High School

  3. 本论文是笔者在设计、制作高中地理宇宙环境系列MCAI课件的基础上,经过认真总结完成的。

    This thesis is based on designing and making a series of MCAI courseware development for Universal Environment on geography in high school .

  4. 本文分析了特大地震与宇宙环境的关系。

    This paper deals with the relationship between great earthquakes and cosmic environment .

  5. 特大地震的宇宙环境分析

    Analysis for cosmological environments of great earthquakes

  6. 我们在一种空间和时间都超出人类理解的宇宙环境里感到有点孤独。

    In a cosmic setting vast and old beyond ordinary human understanding , we are a little lonely ;

  7. 航天工程特别是载人航天工程的蓬勃发展,使得宇宙环境中空间飞行器的辐射防护也已成为世界各国普遍关注的问题。

    As the vigorous development of aerospace engineering , radiation protection of space vehicles has become an issue of concern in the world .

  8. 暗物质、黑洞、天体剧烈活动、宇宙环境对地球的影响等天体物理领域可能出现突破性进展。

    Some field in astrophysics , such as dark matter , black hole , dawn of the universe , dramatically active objects , and the effect of the astronomical environment on the earth , should promise important breakthrough .

  9. 中国地理历史学应主要研究受宇宙环境影响的中国现代自然地理环境对中国重大历史事件和历史进程的作用问题,以揭示出中国的地理&历史规律。

    The geo-history of China should focus on its study of the impacts of the natural geo-environment of modern China on the important historical events and development in Chinese history in order to reveal the law of " Chinese geo-history " .

  10. 进而总结出了其建筑所蕴含的诗情画意的文人艺术观、礼乐相成的儒学社会观、天人合一的宇宙环境观三大文化内核,并对建筑审美体验的方法做出了归纳和总结。

    Three core cultural concepts including literary artistic of the poetry and picturesque imagery , the Confucian sociology of integrated ritual and literary culture as well as the universal environmentalism of the harmony of nature and humans are summed up . It further summarizes the method of understanding architectural aesthetic .

  11. 中国有情宇宙(环境)观探源

    Tracing to the Source of Chinese Emotional Universe View

  12. 宇宙线环境和1991年我国水旱灾害

    Cosmic ray environment and the 1991 's disasters of flood and drought in China

  13. 宇宙空间环境模拟器玛纳斯河流域耕地时空变化及其生态环境效应

    Temporal and spatial changes of cropland and its ecological environment effects in Manas River watershed

  14. 牛津大学地球科学系已经越来越多地开展多接收器电感耦合等离子体质谱分析,着重于解决从宇宙至环境化学领域的诸多问题。

    In Oxford we have invested heavily in Multiple Collector Plasma Mass Spectrometry to address problems ranging from Cosmic to Environmental Chemistry .

  15. 滑坡是江西最严重的地质灾害,在自然灾害中仅次于洪涝灾害和旱灾。宇宙线环境和1991年我国水旱灾害

    The landslide is the most serious geological disaster and the most serious natural disaster and next to the disasters of flood and drought in Jiangxi province . COSMIC RAY ENVIRONMENT AND THE 1991 'S DISASTERS OF FLOOD AND DROUGHT IN CHINA

  16. 我们获得的关于宇宙和环境的新知识。新的学习技能、绘图和观测技术,用于工业、医学和家庭、学校的新工具和计算机,所有这些都将促进科学和教育的发展。

    The growth of our science and education will be enriched by new knowledge of our universe and environment , by new techniques of learning and mapping and observation , by new tools and computers for industry , medicine , the home as well as the school .

  17. NaI(T1)γ谱仪测量中的本底比较复杂,影响本底的因素很多,如宇宙辐射、环境本底和γ射线同物质的相互作用产生的康普顿散射效应等因素。

    The background of NaI ( Tl ) gamma-ray spectral data is very complex . The affecting factors include cosmic radiation , environmental background and Compton scattering effect produced by the interaction between gamma-ray and other material .

  18. 也让美国国家航空暨太空总署的工程师们有机会改善宇宙飞船的环境控制和电力系统。

    It also gave NASA engineers a chance to improve spacecraft environmental control and electrical power systems .

  19. 电离辐射是地球和宇宙空间自然环境的固有特征之一,与人类健康关系密切。

    As the intrinsic features of the natural environment of the earth and the space , there are close relations between ionizing radiation and human .

  20. 本文在研究宇宙空间辐射环境的基础上,分别从辐射总剂量、单粒子和位移效应分析了辐射危害。

    Based on the study of space radiation environment , the radiation damage especially caused by total ionizing dose ( TID ), single event effect ( SEE ) and DD was analyzed respectively .

  21. 实验结果表明,生态系统微宇宙模型是评价环境整体生态效应的一种有效途径,为生态风险评价提供了科学依据。

    It indicates that the model pond ecosystem is a satisfying tool for evaluating the holistic ecological effects of environmental chemical and provide scientific basis for ecological risk assessment .

  22. 科学家介绍,在宇宙辐射和失重环境下,有些种子可能会发生变异,这些变异种种植到地球上后,能培育出高产优质的新品种。

    After being exposed to cosmic radiation and zero gravity , some seeds may mutate and produce higher yields and improved quality when planted back on earth , scientists said .

  23. 现实世界中的事物都具有时间属性,大到宇宙万物,地理环境,社会情况,小到一个人的工作学习生活经历,薪酬待遇等都随着时间的变化而变化。

    Everything in the real world has time attributes . For example , the universes , geography , social conditions , a man of study and work experiences , salary and so on are changing over time .

  24. 热沉不但具备模拟宇宙的冷黑环境功能,而且它还相当于一个辐射换热器和抽气泵,由此引出热沉材料的选择原则。

    Because the heat sink not only has the functions of simulating the " cold " and " dark " conditions of space , but also is a radiation-heat exchanger and a vacuum pump , the choice of heat sink materials is important .