
  • 网络the origin of the universe;cosmogony;the origin of universe
  1. 不是所有科学家都接受他的有关宇宙起源的新理论的。

    Not all scientists accept his new theory about the origin of the Universe .

  2. 描绘宇宙起源最恰当的是大爆炸理论。

    A picture of the origin of the universe that has much in its favor is the big bang theory .

  3. 关于宇宙起源问题,科学家仍进行着激烈辩论。

    The question of the origin of the universe is still hotly debated by scientists .

  4. 有关宇宙起源的大爆炸理论的出现,迫使天文学家认识到,第一代恒星肯定不包含金属元素;它们被称为第三星族(PopulationIII)。

    The advent of the Big Bang theory of the origin of the universe forced astronomers to realize that the first stars must have had no metals at all ; those are known as Population III.

  5. 他提出了一种宇宙起源的新概念。

    He presents a new concept of the begin of the universe .

  6. 这位天文学家提出了一个宇宙起源的新概念。

    The astronomer presented a new concept of the beginning of the universe .

  7. 中国视野下的圣经宇宙起源论&跨文本阅读的想象与实践

    Biblical Cosmology in Chinese View : The Imagination and Practice of Cross-Textual Reading

  8. 天体物理学中研究宇宙起源与结构的分支。

    The branch of astrophysics that studies the origins and structure of the universe .

  9. (某些科学家假设的导致宇宙起源的)创世大爆炸

    Big bang hypothetical explosion that some scientists suggest caused the creation of the universe

  10. 科学家们尚须探索宇宙起源的奥秘。

    Scientists have yet to plumb the mystery of the origins of the universe .

  11. 这就是宇宙起源的故事。

    That is the story of the universe .

  12. 关于宇宙起源的大爆炸理论曾风行一时。

    The big bang theory of the origin of the universe was once very popular .

  13. 这本书最后指出了关于宇宙起源的一些荒诞说法。

    This book filially explodes some of the myths ubout the origin of the universe .

  14. 物理学以物质的本质和宇宙起源揭示了发展过程是能量的流动;

    Physics researches show that development process is energy flowing by matter essence and universe origin .

  15. 关于宇宙起源的讨论

    On Discussion of Cosmic Rising

  16. 现在我想暂停一会儿,在宇宙起源之后的38万年里,

    Now I want to pause for a moment , 380000 years after the origins of the universe ,

  17. 但他的奴斯在解释宇宙起源和生命起源时存在意义上的非统一性。

    However , his theory is lack of oneness in significance when explaining the origin of universe and life .

  18. 这种新的宇宙起源理论被世界上许多著名天文学家驳得体无完肤。

    The new theory of the universe was rent to pieces by many of the world 's leading astronomers .

  19. 论中国古代宇宙起源星云说

    On the View of Nebula with Respect to the Origin of the Universe in Ancient China Say " Preface "

  20. 然而,直到最近,有人认为这些法则不适用于宇宙起源。

    However , until recently , it was thought that these laws did not apply to the beginning of the universe .

  21. 为证明创世纪宇宙起源之说的科学努力。

    An effort to give scientific support for the truth of the account of creation given in the Book of Genesis .

  22. 一种普遍为人们所接受的理论是:宇宙起源于一次大爆炸,这次大爆炸将物质投射到四面八方。

    According to a widely accepted theory , the universe began with a " Big Bang " that threw matter in all directions .

  23. 佛教徒也会用到这些吗,我在印度教中听到过,就好像是宇宙起源时的声音。

    Did Buddhist uses that as well , I heard that in Hindu terms , like the sound of the origins of the universe .

  24. 因为物质本身没有思想,所以,宇宙起源的首要因素肯定是具有思想的物质。

    And because matter by itself can never give rise to thoughts , it follows that the first cause of the universe must be a thinking thing .

  25. 为证明宇宙起源并不遥远,一些人列举了这样一个事实,那就是人类的文化和科技正在明显进步。

    One fact that was used to support the idea of a recent origin , was that the Human race is obviously evolving in culture and technology .

  26. 宇宙起源的问题有点儿像这个老问题:是鸡生蛋,还是蛋生鸡?

    The problem of the origin of the universe , is a bit like the old question : Which came first , the chicken , or the egg .

  27. 美国科学家正在建造一台太空望远镜,他们希望能够回溯不可想象的空间和时间来显示宇宙起源的样子。

    American scientists are building a space telescope , they hope , will look back over unimaginable distances and time to show the universe close to its beginning .

  28. 有关宇宙起源的大爆炸理论的出现,迫使天文学家认识到,第一代恒星肯定不包含金属元素;

    The advent of the Big Bang theory of the origin of the universe forced astronomers to realize that the first stars must have had no metals at all ;

  29. 创世造人神话属释源神话,包括宇宙起源神话和人类起源神话。心路历程&宇宙(英文)

    The myths of the creation of the world belong to the source myth , including the myths of creation of the universe and the birth of the human being .

  30. 印度寺庙建筑展现出佛化的过程,它反映了不同阶层的神灵相继进化的观点和宇宙起源与演变的观点。

    Indian temple architecture expresses a process of emanation , reflecting ideas about hierarchies of gods proceeding one from another , and about the birth and evolution of the universe .