
  • 网络Space exploration;Cosmic Discovery;universe exploration
  1. 如果美国人把花在战争上的钱拿出四分之一用来搞宇宙探索,他们可能早就殖民月球和火星了。

    If Americans put a quarter of their war mongering budget toward space exploration , they 'd already have colonies on the moon and Mars .

  2. 人类对宇宙探索的脚步从没停留过,宇宙线的起源作为当今世界最有争议的课题之一,仍然被人们讨论着。

    Human steps for space exploration never stop , the original of cosmic ray as one of the most controversial and mystery subject still be discussed .

  3. 几十年后,就是我们现在图像上看到的,宇航员CadyColeman去年在国际空间站,这就是作为美国航天航空局(NASA)的人类宇宙探索计划的一部分。

    Decades later , Astronaut Cady Coleman seeing here aboard the International Space Station last year , is part of NASA 's human space exploration legacy .

  4. 我们的科学家在宇宙探索中处於领先地位。

    Our scientists are leading the way in space research .

  5. 这些新的发现在宇宙探索方面开辟了新道路。

    These new discoveries have broken new ground in the exploration of the cosmos .

  6. 火星探测是人类宇宙探索活动的重要组成部分,具有重要的科学价值。

    Mars probing is an important part of human universe exploration , having important scientific value .

  7. 宇宙探索也好,基因转移也好,我们都不知道会造成怎样的后果。

    Explore the universe or gene transfer , we do not know what the consequences will result .

  8. 现在对于宇宙探索是个重要的时间,我们在一起经历了这些。

    And this is a remarkable time in the space program , and we are all in this journey together .

  9. 希望他们“使地球上的任何人都能成为终极宇宙探索公司的积极参与者”,就是她许下的愿望。

    Tarter wished that they would " empower Earthlings everywhere to become active participants in the ultimate search for cosmic company " .

  10. 宇宙探索极为重要,因为它不仅可以拓展人们对大自然的认知,而且人们可以利用它对数学理论进行验证。

    Cosmic discoveries are important because they expand our understanding of nature and allow us to test reality against our mathematical theories .

  11. 美国正在开展一项名为“百年星舰”的宇宙探索计划,希望在百年内能够让人类冲出太阳系,抵达其他遥远的星球。该计划获得了美国前总统比尔•克林顿的支持。

    A dramatic plan to transport humans beyond the solar system within 100 years today received the backing of former President Bill Clinton .

  12. 我一向对宇宙探索和太空旅行着迷,部分也许是因为父亲的关系,他老是为美国的太空事业落后于俄国而耿耿于怀。

    I had always been fascinated by exploration and space travel , maybe in part because my dad was so concerned about America lagging behind Russia .

  13. 地球和空间科学教育中心的任务是促进学生,教师和广大公众我们周围的世界的理解,以及宇宙探索。

    The mission of CESSE is to understand the world around us and explore the universe to large numbers of students , teachers and the general public .

  14. 随着军用、民用和宇宙探索等领域巨大需求的推动,地面智能机器人技术正在经历着日新月异的发展。

    With the promotion of urgent demand on military , civilian and exploration of the universe , etc , ground intelligent robot is developing with each passing day .

  15. 化学火箭在人类宇宙探索活动中书写了一页又一页的华丽篇章,现今在人类新的探索使命下,出现了激光、太阳能、微波、核热能等新的推进技术。

    The chemical rocket has been used during the former exploration events . Today , some new propulsion technologies , such as laser , solar energy , microwave and nuclear thermal propulsion are presented .

  16. 光谱学分析方法具有非破坏性、可遥测、高灵敏度及高精度等优点,广泛应用于冶金、化学、制药、机械、新材料开发、航空、宇宙探索等领域。

    Spectroscopic analysis has been widely used in metallurgy , chemical , pharmaceuticals industry , machinery , advanced materials development , aerospace and other fields with the advantages of non-destruction , remote sensing , high sensitivity and high precision .

  17. 综述了过氧化氢在火箭推进技术中的发展和应用,概括了国内外在这一领域的最新进展,提出了发展过氧化氢火箭发动机对航天推进与宇宙探索都具有现实意义。

    This article summarizes the development , the application and the newly-made progress of hydrogen peroxide on rocket propulsion technology . The authors present that the development of hydrogen peroxide rocket engine will be significant both in aerospace propulsion and space exploration .

  18. 这是令《星际穿越》的政治立场显得相当有趣的原因之一,因为与蝙蝠侠三部曲“和平、秩序和贵族责任”的保守主义相比,诺兰的这部宇宙探索电影,以一种截然不同的、更为美国化的基调呈现出右翼色彩。

    And this is part of what makes the politics of " Interstellar " quite interesting , because Nolan 's space-exploration movie is right-wing in a different , much more American key than the " peace , order and noblesse oblige " Toryism of the " Batman " trilogy .

  19. 美国也计划用其无人驾驶的“突击者”宇宙飞船探索月球。

    The United States planned to explore the moon with its unmanned Ranger spacecraft .

  20. 在历史的漫漫长河中,画家用自己的视角默默坚定的在宇宙中探索着。

    In the long river of history , the artist with their own perspective silently firm in the universe exploration .

  21. 迄今为止人类对宇宙的探索表明太阳不过是星云中极为普通的一颗燃烧着的恒星。

    The men who have learned as much as we know about the universe point out that the sun is an insignificant , moderately hot star in a nebula where it is fixed .

  22. 也有一些不那么沉重的话题,如#飞越冥王星和#裙子颜色,各自代表了互联网对宇宙空间探索和同样神秘的草根话题的兴趣,比如那条著名裙子的颜色。

    On the much lighter side of things , hashtags like \# PlutoFlyBy and \# TheDress both played to the Internet 's fascination with the exploration of space and the more mundane , yet no less mysterious , debates over the color of a now famous dress .

  23. 科学家们希望,通过捕捉这些难以找到的中微子,他们能够更好地了解宇宙,并探索宇宙的诞生及演变至今的过程。

    Scientists are hoping that by capturing the elusive8 neutrinos , they 'll be able to better understand the Universe – finding out how it came to be and how it 's evolved to what we know today .

  24. 宇宙地外生命探索与有无上帝的辩论

    The Exploration of Extraterrestrial Life and the Debate on Whether Is God from Cosmos

  25. 人类在不懈地对浩瀚的宇宙进行着探索,而强劲的推力是人类探索宇宙的关键。

    The vast space is explored continuously by human being , and the strong thrust is of great importance .

  26. 因此,在将来的某一天水冰可以使月球基站成为一个自我维持的系统,用于开矿、登录、未来宇宙的开发探索。

    Well , water ice enable the creation of a self-sustaining moon base someday , a mining camp perhaps or a departure point for further space exploration .

  27. 自从上世纪60年代出现载人太空飞行以来,人类一直在从相对安全的宇宙飞船中探索宇宙这个荒芜之地。但有时候,舱外活动时,宇航员也可以走出桎梏,探索未知。

    Since the advent of manned space flight in the 1960s , humankind has been exploring this inhospitable realm from the relative safety of spacecraft . But occasional extravehicular activities have led astronauts to leave these confines and explore the unknown .

  28. 白宫官员称,总统奥巴马要求美宇航局加快新型大型运载火箭的研发工作,在星座计划取消的情况下,要在2015年之前,完成新型火箭的研发任务,运载宇航员向宇宙更深处探索。

    But White House officials said that President Obama wants NASA to begin work on building a new heavy lift rocket sooner than envisioned under the cancelled Constellation programme , with a commitment to decide in 2015 on the specific rocket that will take astronauts deeper into space .

  29. 将首辆火星车命名为祝融号,寓意点燃我国行星际探测的火种,指引人类对浩瀚星空、宇宙未知的接续探索和自我超越。

    The naming is intended to represent the rover 's symbolic adventure into the immense universe , and urge mankind to keep pursuing self-transcendence

  30. 反射宇宙中子测量技术探索研究

    Technique to measure and study reflected cosmic neutron