
rú zǐ niú
  • willing ox;willing ox to serve the children;an adult dressed up as an ox in a children's game;a man who is willing to serve the people
孺子牛 [rú zǐ niú]
  • (1) [an adult dressed up as an ox in a childrens game]∶儿童游戏时牵着走的由大人扮成的牛

  • (2) [a man who is willing to serve the people]∶比喻甘愿为人民大众服务的人

  • 横眉冷对千夫指,俯首甘为孺子牛。--鲁迅诗

孺子牛[rú zǐ niú]
  1. 横眉冷对千夫指,俯首甘为孺子牛。

    Fierce-browed , I coolly defy a thousand pointing fingers ; headbowed , like a willing ox I serve the children .

  2. 我们不能苛求于前人,但不能重复前人犯过的错误,要心干情愿为后人作铺路石,俯首甘为孺子牛;

    We can not demanding in the former , but not repeat previous mistakes , unwilling to heart dry as paving stones for future generations , head bowed a willing ox ;

  3. 我们需要的不在是教书匠式的孺子牛,而是具有新的职业观和教育思想的教师。

    What we need are teachers with new professional consciousness and new mind but not which only knowing teaching .

  4. 在《在延安文艺座谈会上的讲话》(1942)里说在革命根据地杂文时代已经成为过去,要求作家俯首甘为孺子牛。

    In The Speech at Yan An Literary Conversations ,( 1942 ), he said that epoch of revolutionary essay had passed in citadel and writers should serve to demos .

  5. 《孺子牛》的创作既体现了全球化背景下文化艺术发展的历史必然,也体现了一个重实践的学者、一个修养深厚的艺术家对对雕塑艺术的高度负责。

    The creation of " ox " embodies the historical inevitability of the development of culture and art in the context of globalization as well as the scholar and sculptor 's responsibility for the art of sculpture .

  6. 让我们像特蕾萨修女一样,放弃那些惊天动地的伟大创举,以“俯首甘为孺子牛”的精神,从一点一滴开始做起吧!

    Let us emulate Mother Teresa in giving up the earthshaking undertakings ; let us assume the attitude of " like a willing ox with head bowed ", and let us start the service bit by bit !

  7. 他堪称现代中国的民族魂,“横眉冷对千夫指,俯首甘为孺子牛”是其文化人格的生动写照。

    He was worthy of the title of the noble national spirit of modern China . The lines " Fierce-browed , I coolly defy a thousand pointing fingers . Head bowed , like a willing ox I serve the children " portrayed his cultural personality vividly .
