
xué xí fānɡ shì
  • learning style
  1. 为了满足面向目标的学习方式,引入知识单元的概念,构建者根据学习目标封装相应的知识点,并以XML语言形式化的将该知识单元结构表现出来。

    To meet the goal-oriented learning style , a concept of knowledge unit has been introduced , and the builders package corresponding knowledge points and represent knowledge units structure in XML language .

  2. 在此过程当中,学习方式对学习结果的衍变具有重要作用。

    In this process , learning style plays an important role .

  3. 孩子们不同的需求和学习方式给我们带来了许多问题。

    Our children 's different needs and learning styles created many problems

  4. 他们正在证明为什么教授他人是一种如此有效的学习方式,并且也在设计一些新颖的方法来让年轻人参与到教学中。

    They 're documenting why teaching is such a fruitful way to learn , and designing innovative ways for young people to engage in instruction .

  5. 他们相信使用ipad是一种更愉快的学习方式(比如听故事和看电影)。

    They believe that using iPads is a more enjoyable way to learn ( such as listening to stories and watching movies ) .

  6. 对孩子们而言,这是最有价值的学习方式。

    And it is the most valuable way for children to learn .

  7. BlendedLearning:数字化学习方式的新趋势

    Blended Learning : the New Trend of Electronic-learning

  8. 本文简单地阐述了E-Learning的定义和特征,并重点分析了作为一种全新的学习方式的E-Learning与数字图书馆之间的关系。

    This paper elaborates definition and feature of E-Learning , and especially analyzes the relationship between E-Learning and digital library as a new study approach .

  9. 在机器学习方式的冗余字典构造中,提出了一种基于代理函数优化的稀疏性字典学习算法,并应用于Chirp回波冗余字典的构造。

    In the construction of redundant dictionary with machine learning approach , a sparse dictionary learning algorithm based on optimization of surrogate function is put forward and applied to the construction of redundant dictionary for Chirp echoes .

  10. 但其地址矩阵的随机预置方式不能反映样本的分布,并且SDM的学习方式使之不能用于函数逼近及时间序列预测问题。

    But it 's address array produced randomly can 't reveal the distribution of patterns and it has 't the ability of function approximation for its learning rule .

  11. 远程开放教育自主学习方式的探讨

    Under the long-distance opening education the independent study way searches discusses

  12. 针对学生的个别化学习方式,对学习档案进行了详细设计。

    The detailed design of learning archive for students self-adaptive learning .

  13. 新课程改革的理念需要我们不断变革现有的学习方式,提高学习效果。

    New course reform demands us to reform existing learning ways .

  14. 全日制护理本科学生学习方式调查研究

    Investigation on Learning Approaches of the Whole-time College Nursing Students

  15. 从接受到体验:一种学习方式的转变

    From Receiving to Experiencing : A Shift in Study Method

  16. 学习方式;自主学习;自主探究。

    Study way ; Independence study ; Independence investigation .

  17. 初中历史教学中自主学习方式研究

    Study for Ways of Independence Study on History Teaching

  18. 反思转变学习方式说

    Reflection on the Issue of Changing the Learning Style

  19. 体育课程新理念与体育学习方式的改革

    A New Concept of Physical Education Curriculum and the Reform of Sport Learning-Style

  20. 幼儿学习方式浅析

    An Analysis of the Learning Methods of Preschool Children

  21. 学生学习方式和认知方式差异的研究

    On the Difference of Way of Study and Cognizance

  22. 不同的学习方式对学生创造性问题提出能力的影响不同。

    Different learning patterns had different impact on students ' creative question-asking ability .

  23. 该方法基本原理实际上是构造一个能够实现自学习方式的控制模型,它的自学习功能就是对系统控制进行优化的一个过程。

    The principle of method is self-study mathematic model .

  24. 运用现代信息技术,促进地理学习方式的转变

    To Promote the Transformation of Geography Study Method by Using Modern Information Technology

  25. 论消费方式的转变转变学习方式浅析

    On the Basic Way of Changing the Learning Method

  26. 学习方式单一、被动。

    The study mode is dull and passive .

  27. 试谈学习方式的转变和英语课程改革的整合

    Integration of Learning Method and English Course Reform

  28. 组织学习方式与案例研究

    Research on Organized Study Patterns and Its Cases

  29. 现代学习方式基本特征的数学模型及统计学分析

    The mathematical model and statistical analysis of the basic characteristic on modern study way

  30. 宽度模型参数优化及宽展自学习方式的改进

    The optimization of width mathematic model parameters and the improvement of width self-study model