
  • 网络isolated system
  1. 好,这是我们的孤立体系。

    OK , that 's our familiar isolated system .

  2. 由于普通的量子化学程序包主要是用来计算孤立体系的,而在我们的计算中,由于分子与导线相连,加上偏压后,会有电子流人或流出,因而是一个开放的体系。

    The intact quantum chemistry software package can only apply to the isolated system , while the system we studied is an open system because of the connection with leads and driven by the bias .

  3. 把熵产生原理应用于封闭体系中的各种过程,可以判断过程的性质,它较Clau-sius不等式和孤立体系中的熵判据更为简便。

    The principle of entropy production is easier to be understand and more convenient to be used than the Clausius inequality .

  4. 熵判据是热力学过程的基本判据,其它各种热力学判据都可归结为孤立体系熵增大的方向为自发过程的方向,即其它各种判据与熵判据是一致的;

    The entropy criterion is basal criterion of thermodynamical processes . The consistence of entropy criterion and other criterions is discussed .

  5. 随着Hopf代数理论发展的日益完善,它已不再是一个孤立的体系,它与数学的许多其它领域建立了紧密的联系,在图论、数学物理、离散数学等学科中的应用也日趋广泛。

    As Hopf Algebra theory getting more and more perfectly , it is not any long an isolated system , it made close relations with many other territories in mathematics . Its applications get more and more widely which in graph theory , mathematics-physics , discrete-mathematics , etc.

  6. 涉及到岩体的问题,无论理论分析还是工程实践,都需要确定将岩体视为连续介质还是孤立块体体系,这两者有着本质区别。

    If the theoretical analysis or the engineering practice concern relates to the rock mass structure , both of them will treat the rock mass as the continuum or the isolated block system , however , there is essential difference between these two rock structures .

  7. 目前企业经济核算中各个核算系统之间彼此孤立,不成体系,满足不了企业经营管理和国民经济核算对微观信息的需要。

    In the present business accounting system , each accounting unit is independent , which can 't satisfy the need of industrial management and national economic assessment for microinformation .

  8. 企业文化的重建在于打破这种封闭、孤立的文化发展体系,延缓熵的自然增长过程,从而完成适应市场经济的多元文化体系的构建。

    Reestablishment of enterprise culture will break off the isolated system of the culture development , delay the natural process of the increasing entropy and form the system of multiple culture which fits socialist market economy .

  9. 我国现行公务员薪酬制度的根本问题在于它是孤立于市场分配体系之外的封闭系统,缺乏与市场有效沟通的理论与机制,还存在一系列的问题。

    The fundamental problem in China existing civil pay system is that it yes isolation Yu market allocation system outside closed system , lack with market effective communication theory and mechanisms , there series of problems . 3 .