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  1. 孙皓时期皇权的强化及其与儒学朝臣冲突的加剧&孙吴后期政治史研究之二

    The strength of imperial power and it 's conflicts with Confucianism courtier in Sun Hao 's period

  2. 东吴时期,孙权提倡节俭,孙皓贪婪荒淫,这是东吴由盛而衰的原因之一。

    In the period of Dong Wu Sun Quan encouraged frugality while Sun Hao was greedy and licentious , which is one of the reasons why Dong Wu gradually declined from prosperity .

  3. 浙江利捷分析师孙皓说,金融救援方案的通过在预料之中,投资者没有预料到的是,方案的通过会如此一波三折。

    Sun Hao Jie Li , Zhejiang , analysts said the financial aid program through the expected , investors did not expect that the program will be adopted by the twists and turns the case .

  4. 公元280年,晋军南下进攻建业(今江苏南京),吴主孙皓出城请降,中国出现了暂时的统一。

    In 280 , the Western Jin defeated the Wu , seized the capital Jianye ( now Nanjing , Jiangsu Province ) and Sun Hao , the last emperor of Wu surrendered , Jin hence united the long-divided country . The succeeding years were relatively peaceful and stable ones .