
cún liàng
  • stock
存量[cún liàng]
  1. 在研究中,FDI的流量和存量常常被用到。

    FDI flow and stock are frequently mentioned in FDI-related studies .

  2. 大量FDI流入增加了江苏的资本存量,缓解了就业压力,推动了江苏省经济的快速发展。

    A large number of FDI inflowing increases the provincial capital stock and relieves employment pressure .

  3. 这个存量巨大的档案室的所有文件都已编了索引,可供研究人员使用。

    This vast archive has been indexed and made accessible to researchers

  4. 国内现在有约10亿部废旧手机的存量,回收率只有2%左右,大量更换下来的旧手机都没有得到妥善处理。

    China now has about one billion unused mobile phones , but only two percent have been recycled with most of the rejected devices improperly3 handled .

  5. 对于已发放的大学生互联网消费贷款,原则上不进行展期,逐步消化存量业务,严禁违规新增业务。

    As for the online consumer loans that have been issued to college students , no extension is allowed and the existing loans should be gradually reduced . Any new loans not in line with regulations will be prohibited .

  6. 人工林元素积累量与土壤元素贮存量之比,亦以K、P、Al比值较高。

    The ratio of accumulations of K , P , Al in plantation to those in soil nutrient pool is also higher .

  7. 而不同时期FDI存量对外资企业从业人数的影响各异;

    In different periods , FDI stock has different effects on foreign investment enterprises ′ employee numbers .

  8. 经济研究已表明,专利产出主要与RD投入以及知识存量有关。

    It is proved by past studies that patent creating is related to the input of RD and knowledge stock .

  9. 第五章建立了基于0-1规划的存量与增量全部组合贷款优化决策模型。第六章建立了基于VaR约束的多目标组合贷款优化决策模型。

    In the fifth chapter , we build a decision optimization model for accumulate and increment loan portfolio on base of 0-1 regulation .

  10. 自2008年以来,私人信贷存量(即社会资金)与国内生产总值(GDP)之比,已从120%增至近180%。

    Since 2008 , the stock of private credit ( or social finance ) has grown from 120 per cent to nearly 180 per cent of GDP .

  11. 资本存量对一国的GDP增长起着显著的促进作用,而FDI引起的技术溢出对经济的促进作用是不明显的。

    Through analysis we get those conclusions : ① The R & D capital stock has a distinct relativity with GDP , but the FDI has not .

  12. 企业购并作为一种社会存量资源的再配置机制,有经济学家估计其对一国GDP增长的贡献率达10&20%。

    Acquisition and merger is the redistribution mechanism of social static sources . Many economists estimate that its contribution to GDP growth is about 10 % to 20 % .

  13. 究其原因,许多学者将其归结到区域人力资本的积累上,认为人力资本存量及投资对于有效利用FDI具有重要意义。

    Many scholars attributed the reason to the regional human capital accumulation , considering that the human capital stock and investment is important for the effective use of FDI .

  14. 基于MFS的金融存量与流量估价研究

    The Study on the Valuation of Financial Stocks and Flows Based on MFS

  15. 通过基础设施与经济增长的Granger因果关系检验,说明了基础设施资本存量是促进经济增长的更为积极的原因;

    Infrastructure capital stock is the more positive reason for promoting economic growth than the other by Granger cause and effect test ;

  16. 本文通过我国经济增长因素分析,劳动力、人力资本存量及其变动与GDP产业结构的变动率分析;

    The article analyzes the factors affecting China 's economic growth , the stock of and change in laborer and human capital , and the change rate of GDP industrial structure .

  17. 因此,在加入WTO后的过渡期内,岳阳市商业银行从制度上建立和完善不良资产的增量防范机制,对处理存量不良资产尤为重要,甚至有决定性的意义。

    During the transition period between China 's WTO entry and full opening of banking sector to foreign competition , the Yueyang Commercial Bank should establish a mechanism to prevent further increase of bad loans .

  18. 无论按流量还是按存量来衡量,外商直接投资(FDI)在中国各地区的地理分布都显得极不均衡。

    Both by the standard of capital inflow and by the standard of inward stock , the geographic distribution of foreign direct investment ( FDI ) within China is extremely uneven .

  19. 各元素贮存量大小的顺序为N,Ca,Mg,K,P。这些结果,对于指导桉树施肥,有重要的参考价值。

    The order of element storages in the layer was N , Ca , Mg , K , and P. It is suggested that these results should provide important reference for the practice of eucalyptus fertilization .

  20. RD强度较低地区,GDP增长、产业结构升级和人力资本存量增加都能提高RD强度。

    And in the low RD intensity regions , GDP growth , the upgrading of industrial structure and the increase of human resource stock can improve the RD intensity .

  21. 对投资流量、资本存量、GDP等时间序列数据建立模型测算、回归分析,得出重庆市资本存量较多、整体投资使用效率较高的结论;

    The research establishes the regression model on the data of the investment flow , the investment stock and GDP , and finds the investment stock is sufficient and the investment efficiency is high .

  22. 企业也累积起相当于国内生产总值(GDP)逾60%的自由现金流&账本的另一头是外界热议的政府债务存量。

    Companies have also generated cumulative free cash flow equivalent to more than 60 per cent of gross domestic product & the other side of the ledger to the much discussed stock of government debt .

  23. 整个工作基于现代边际机会成本(MarginalOpportunityCost,MOC)理论,应用绿色投入产出核算理论方法,建立与现实情况较吻合的存量流量型资源经济环境一体化绿色投入产出经济分析模型。

    On the basis of modem marginal opportunity cost theory , applying green input output accounting theory , the green input output economic analysis was conducted with the integration of resources , economy and environment .

  24. 以四川省成都市为例,进行资源环境价值评估,得出成都市2002年几种主要自然资源存量、流量价值和环境退化价值,最后得到经部分环境调整的国内生产总值(EDP),即绿色GDP。

    As a case , some environmental and resource values of Chengdu city are evaluated by above estimating frame . Finally the EDP of the city would be gained .

  25. 将改进的主元分析法应用于粘菌素发酵过程监测和故障诊断中,仿真结果表明改进的PCA方法避免了Q统计量的保守性,并保证了主元子空间中的信息存量。

    The improved PCA is applied to mycetozoan fermentation process monitoring and fault diagnosis . The simulation result shows that the improved PCA can avoid the conservation of Q-statistical test and ensure enough information in principal component subspace .

  26. 选择不同剂量的刺参粘多糖作用于病毒增殖周期的多个环节,通过观察细胞病变(CPE)、MTT法检测病毒感染后活细胞存量、实时定量PCR检测HSV-1DNA作为评价指标;

    Then various concentrations of polysaccharides were applied to different steps of virus replication cycle . Cytopathic effect ( CPE ), methyl thiazolyl tetrazolium ( MTT ) method and real time quantitative PCR were used as evaluation criterion .

  27. 结果显示在一定范围内我国上市公司债务融资效应的综合得分F与债务存量及增量在一定范围内成正比关系,表明上市公司利用债务融资有利于公司绩效的改善。

    The analyses show that the comprehensive scores of debt financing effect " F " goes in the same direction as debt stock and debt increment does in certain scope , and show that a listed company may improve it 's performance through debt financing .

  28. 行业层面上,FDI与国内投资的关系主要取决于生产函数的选择。而FDI对任一个行业内的国内资本存量的影响,主要取决于外商投资的动机和外资所来源的行业的特征。

    The relationship of FDI and domestic investment on the industrial level mainly depends on the choice of production function , but the impact of FDI on domestic capital stock in any industry depends on the motive of FDI and characteristics of souring industries .

  29. 绿色GDP是由科学发展观所催生的核算体系,它的建立将对我国国民财富的积累产生重大影响,使政府对国民经济运行过程的测度更重视经济流量与经济存量的有机结合。

    " Green GDP " is a new calculating system in compliance with the opinion of scientific development , and its establishment will has great influence on national assets accumulation and make the government consider more about the combination of economic stocks and flows during the operation of national economy .

  30. TOT作为一种新兴的项目融资方式,具有融通资金、盘活国有存量资产、有选择加快基础设施民营化、提高基础设施运营效率等特点,必将在我国政府基础设施领域改革中发挥重要作用。

    TOT , as a new approach and methodology of project financing with characteristics in terms of funds lobby , renewed state-owned property , promotion of infrastructure privatization etc , must play an important role of infrastructure acceleration .