- 网络depository bank

A securities company shall entrust a third-party depository bank to open a real-name credit capital account for the customer .
After the transferred funds through using such ways by a settlement member are confirmed by the depository bank for futures deposits , the exchange shall increase the provisions for settlement of settlement members at the exchange .
The exchange , members , clients , depository banks for futures deposits and other participants of futures markets shall abide by the regulation .
The general clearing members shall open an account of futures deposits in the depositary bank of futures deposits to deposit the deposits of their clients and trading members and the relevant funds .
Article31a settlement member shall , when opening , changing , replacing or canceling the special funds account , handle the matters in the depository bank of futures deposits by using the special notice issued by the exchange .
Article41if there is any dispute of futures transaction among any member , client , depository bank for futures transaction or other participants of futures market , they can resolve the dispute through consultation or submit the dispute to the exchange for mediation .
Research on the Escrow System of Client Transactional Capital Recognizing on Suspicious Money Laundering Transactional Activities Based on Corporate Bank Accounts