
  • 网络deposit reserve policy;required reserves policy;policy of deposit the reserve
  1. 电子货币对存款准备金政策作用机制的影响

    The Impact of Electronic Money on Action Mechanism of Deposit Reserve Policy

  2. 存款准备金政策在我国货币政策中的应用及效果研究

    A Study on the Application and Effect of Deposit Reserve Policy in China 's Monetary Policy

  3. 中国存款准备金政策的宣告效应研究

    Research on Announcement Effect of the Compulsory Reserve Policy in China

  4. 第二部分:存款准备金政策理论概述。

    Section 2 , an overview of deposit reserve system .

  5. 西部大开发需要金融政策的支持,调整区域货币失衡的金融政策有:差别存款准备金政策;

    The development in the west area calls for the support of financial strategy .

  6. 转轨国家利率改革中的存款准备金政策研究

    Research on the Preparatory Deposit in the Transferring on the Countries ' Interest Rate Reformation

  7. 我国法定存款准备金政策操作及存在的主要问题分析

    China 's policy of the statutory deposit reserve operation and analysis of the main problems

  8. 第五部分是对提高我国法定存款准备金政策效果的政策建议。

    Section 5 , the policy recommendations of raising the statutory deposit reserve policy effect .

  9. 存款准备金政策的传导机制是什么?

    Do deposit reserve policy work well in curbing inflation ? What is the policy transmission mechanism ?

  10. 第二部分是对商业银行流动性、法定存款准备金政策的理论研究。

    The second part is the theory research on the liquidity of commercial banks and the statutory deposit reserve policy .

  11. 随着存款准备金政策的运用逐渐频繁,其对于经济的调控也越来越重要。

    With the gradually frequent use of the deposit reserve policy , it is more and more important for the economy .

  12. 存款准备金政策的真正价值不在于存在而在于实际应用;

    The real value of bank reserves policy does not lie in " existence " but lie in " practical applying ";

  13. 可见,央行对存款准备金政策这一调控工具非常重视,将之视为调控宏观经济运行的有力武器。

    Visible , the central bank attaches great importance to reserve policy , which be seen as a powerful weapon to control macroeconomic regulation .

  14. 存款准备金政策作为货币政策三大工具之一,具有猛烈性、时滞性和被动性等特点。

    As one of the three major tools for monetary policy , required reserves policy is violent , time-delay and passive , etc in characteristics .

  15. 法定存款准备金政策是一项威力较大的货币政策工具,可以快速改变供应量,甚至迅速达到货币政策的最终目标。

    The Required Reserve Policy is a powerful monetary policy which can change the money supply quickly , even achieve the ultimate goal of the monetary policy rapidly .

  16. 存款准备金政策作用于货币乘数进而改变基础货币,并进一步调控货币供应量,其作用效果和力度和其他货币政策工具相比相对较强。

    Deposit reserve policy can act on the money multiplier and thus change the base money and the money supply . Compared with other monetary policy tools , its effect and action intensity is relatively strong .

  17. 对于宏观经济的调控,存款准备金政策可谓是一剂猛药,具有见效迅速、操作方便等优势,然而其猛烈的效果也易引发经济和金融的震荡。

    For the macroeconomic regulation and control , the deposit reserve policy is a medicine . It has quick effect , convenient operation and other advantages . But its violent effect also easily lead to economical and financial shocks .

  18. 宏观审慎管理工具方面,应改进动态拨备制度和差别存款准备金政策等逆周期的信贷调控机制,实施存款保险制度,完善中央银行最后贷款人职能。

    In the aspect of macro-prudential management tools , it should improve counter-cyclical credit regulation mechanism including dynamic provisioning and loan provision policies , implement the deposit insurance system , improves the function of central bank lender of last resort .

  19. 目前大多数发达国家已取消了存款准备金政策,许多转轨国家对法定存款准备金政策实施转为公开市场业务,特别是在利率市场化改革后尤为明显。

    Nowadays , almost all the development countries have already abolished legal deposit reserve policy . And most transferring countries are changing the execution of the policy into a market one , which is especially significant after the wave of interest rate marketization reform .

  20. 本文存款准备金政策相关理论的研究部分,介绍了存款准备金政策的相关传导机制和传导途径、存款准备金政策和其他政策工具的共性和特性、我国采用存款准备金政策的原因。

    It introduces the deposit reserve policy transmission mechanism and pathway . It analyzes the similarities and characteristics of the deposit reserve policy and it also introduces the usefulness of our deposit reserve policy and the reason why other countries has weakened the deposit reserve policy .

  21. 这也太过简单了,尤其是各国央行一直都再创造必要时持有存款准备金的新政策。

    This is too simplistic , not least because central bankers have been busy creating means of holding on to the reserves if need be .

  22. 2007年下半年以来,国家出台了多次加息和提高存款准备金率的政策措施,从开发商和购房者两头收紧信贷,提高贷款条件,抑制投机需求。

    Since the second half of 2007 , the State introduced a number of policies and measures , such as interest rate hikes and to raise the deposit reserve ratio and so on .

  23. 法定存款准备金率上调政策宣布时,宣布事件引发反应过度的现象,主要是因为信息提前泄露和市场非理性恐慌。

    The announcement leads to over response when the policy of raising required required reserve ratio is released , which is due to the information leakage in advance and irrational panic of market .

  24. 存款准备金率对货币政策影响的实效性研究

    Bank Reserve Against Deposits Rate to Monetary Policy Influence Effective Research

  25. 因此,建议央行在选择存款准备金这项货币政策工具时需要谨慎斟酌。

    Therefore , it is recommended that the central bank need to be careful in the choice of the monetary policy tools of the deposit reserve .

  26. 在此期间,中央银行13次调整基准利率,22次调整存款准备金率,货币政策变动之频繁,前所未有。

    In this period , the National Central Bank adjusts basis interest rate of 13 times , 22 times of adjustment on savings reserves lead , The monetary policy changes multifarious , Unprecedented .