
  • 网络Second Trimester;second-trimester
  1. 孕中期母血清生化指标的异常和不良妊娠结局关系的临床研究

    Clinical Study on Associations between Second Trimester Maternal Serum Biochemical Markers and Adverse Pregnancy Outcomes

  2. 孕中期唐氏综合征多指标联合筛查应用分析

    Use of Combined Screening for Down ′ s Syndrome in the Second Trimester

  3. 方法:对342例具有产前诊断指征高风险孕妇抽取孕中期羊水细胞培养,制备中期细胞染色体,G显带分析。

    Methods Amniocentesis was employed to detect amniotic cells collected from 342 pregnant women with high-risk prenatal diagnosis indications .

  4. 结论1.已建立的天津地区孕中期DS筛查人群中位数系统是稳定的,可靠的。

    The Tianjin median values system is stable and reliable . 2 .

  5. 目的探讨乙肝病毒(HBV)对孕中期孕妇微量元素的的影响。

    Objective To investigate the influence of hepatitis B virus on the trace elements in the second trimester pregnant woman .

  6. 方法:对正常年龄孕妇及高龄初产妇分别在孕中期、孕晚期测定孕妇静脉血及新生儿出生后脐血血清的胰岛素及C肽值。

    Methods : The contents of C-peptid and insulin in maternal and umbilical cored vein of the old and young age pregnant women in the second and third trimester were measured .

  7. 结论孕中期性行为是HBV宫内感染新发现的危险因素,值得进一步研究。

    Conclusion Sexual behavior was a newly discovered risk factor for HBV intrauterine infection , which need to be estimated in future studies .

  8. uE3在唐氏综合征孕中期多指标联合筛查风险预测中的效果评估

    Effect of uE_3 on Prenatal Screening for Down 's Syndrome

  9. 母婴配对血清中tt病毒的分子鉴定15383例孕中期母血清产前筛查结果分析

    Molecular Virology Identification of Mother to Infant TTV Transmission Results analysis of maternal serum prenatal screening in the second trimester

  10. 利用已建立的天津地区孕中期DS筛查人群中位数系统进行筛查,可以有效降低假阳性率,提高阳性预测值。

    It can effectively reduce the false positive rate and increase the positive predictive value by using the Tianjin median values system .

  11. 2007年,Paolo等报道,他们在人的孕中期羊水中发现少量具有ES细胞特性的干细胞,将其命名为人羊水源干细胞(humanAmnioticFluidStemCell,hAFScell)。

    In 2007 , Paolo demonstrated that they found a few stem cells in amniotic fluid , which was named human amniotic fluid stem cell ( hAFS cell ) .

  12. 目的:研究体外诱导孕中期羊水来源胎儿间质干细胞(MSCs)分化为脂肪细胞。

    Objective : To investigate the possibility of human fetal mesenchymal stem cells ( MSCs ) derived from second-trimester amniotic fluid being induced into adipocytes .

  13. LHRH-A对孕中期大鼠抗妊娠作用的研究

    Studies on the antipregnancy effect . of LHRH-A in mid gestational rats

  14. 血液生化检验结果:各项生化检验指标与正常值相比较,孕中期除TPP值增高外,其余均属正常范围。

    The blood biochemical analysis revealed : In the2nd trimester of pregnancy , the results were all normal , except there was increase in TPP % value .

  15. 目的探讨孕中期妇女(14~20周)外周血甲胎蛋白(AFP)和游离β绒毛膜促性腺激素(F-βhCG)在胎儿唐氏综合征产前筛查中的作用。

    Objective To investigate the effect of screening for Down syndrome ( DS ) by detecting serum AFP and F - β hCG in pregnant women ( 14 to 20 weeks ) .

  16. 结论:孕中期血清AFP、Free-βhCG2项血清标志物联合检测,作为筛查胎儿先天缺陷可行,能降低先天缺陷患儿出生率5.40‰。

    Conclusion : The combination of the serum biochemistry results of AFP and free beta-hCG can be useful markers to detect Down 's syndrome and can decrease 5.40 ‰ of congenital fetal malformation .

  17. 结论血清AFP、Free-βhcG联合检测,可作为杭州地区孕中期妇女产前筛查优选项目。

    Conclusions : The combining detection of serum AFP and Free - β hCG can be considered as the first examination for the antenatal screen of women in the pregnant metaphase in Hangzhou .

  18. 结论:GDM孕妇孕中期焦虑及抑郁症状的发生率较高,并且焦虑是GDM的风险因素。

    Conclusion : The incidence rate of anxiety and depression in the pregnant women with GDM are higher , and anxiety is the dangerous factor of GDM .

  19. 目的探讨检测孕妇血清标志物AFP、freeβ-HCG对孕中期胎儿染色体异常、神经管畸形(NTD)为主先天缺陷的产前筛查效果。

    OBJECTIVE Investigate the pre-pregnancy screening effect of the blood serum indictor such as AFP and Free β - HCG on birth defect mainly as abnormality of chromosome and Neural Tube Deformity ( NDT ) in fetus on the middle stage of pregnancy .

  20. 方法:采用磁性分离酶免疫测定技术检测3000例孕中期母血清标记物&甲胎蛋白(AFP)、游离β-绒毛促性腺激素(β-hCG),筛查唐氏综合征胎儿。

    Methods : MEIA was used to detect the maternal serum markers of 3,000 women with second trimester gestation-a - fetoprotein ( AFP ) , free B-chorionic gonadotropin ( B - hCG ) , in order to prenatal screen for Down syndrome .

  21. 方法对85例孕中期孕妇分别以两种筛查方法进行检测筛查,计算相应Kappa值并进行假设检验。

    Methods : Maternal serum screening methods for Down ′ s syndrome was carried out , respectively with two screening methods , in the 85 second trimester pregnancy women , the corresponding Kappa value was calculated , and the statistical significance test was performed .

  22. 结论目前的膳食结构下,孕妇铁、叶酸、维生素B12在孕中期和孕晚期都有不同程度的缺乏,孕妇贫血的发生率为孕中期20.93%,孕晚期22.40%。

    Conclusion Our findings imply that deficiencies of iron , folic acid and vitamin B 12 exist in the pregnant women under current dietary pattern . The incidences of anemia at mid , late gestation were 20.93 % and 22.40 % . respectively .

  23. 本实验自人孕中期、孕晚期羊水中分离培养hAFS细胞,检测了羊水标本性状对细胞原代培养的影响,筛选并优化了细胞培养体系。

    In this study , hAFS cells were isolated from human amniotic fluid at the 2nd or 3rd trimester of gestation . Effects of the characteristics of amniotic fluid on the culture of hAFS cells were evaluated and culture system were established .

  24. 漏误诊共8例,其中孕中期漏误诊2例;

    The misdiagnosis has8 cases , which the second trimester has2cases ;

  25. 孕中期铅暴露对婴儿神经行为发育影响的研究

    Effects of Lead Exposure of Pregnancy to Neuro-Behavioral Development of Infants

  26. 15383例孕中期母血清产前筛查结果分析

    Results analysis of maternal serum prenatal screening in the second trimester

  27. 孕期尿碘变化呈孕中期略低。

    The urine iodine in mid - pregnancy was relatively low .

  28. 孕中期妇女碘摄人影响因素的研究

    The Study for Influence Factors of Iodine Intake in Mid-pregnancy Women

  29. 乙肝病毒;孕中期;微量元素。

    Hepatitis B virus ; Trimester pregnant ; Trace elements .

  30. 10442例孕中期孕妇胎儿唐氏综合征的筛查分析

    Screening analysis of Down syndrome in 10442 second-trimester pregnancy cases