
yùn tù
  • morning sickness;vomiting during pregnancy
孕吐 [yùn tù]
  • [vomiting during pregnancy;morning sickness] 孕妇在妊娠初期食欲异常、恶心、呕吐的现象

孕吐[yùn tù]
  1. 啊!结果我发现只是孕吐。

    Ugh ! And then I realized it was just morning sickness .

  2. 公共场所的现身表明在住院治疗怀孕早期严重的孕吐后凯特的健康正在好转。

    The public outings show that Kate 's health is on the upswing after being hospitalized with severe morning sickness in the early days of her pregnancy .

  3. 慈善团体“心理”(Mind)的总裁斯蒂芬·弗里表示,“与许多怀孕的母亲相比,她的孕吐症状更严重一些,我很理解她,所以我们非常感激(她在这里)。”

    What a fighter that she 's here . ' Stephen Fry , who is the president of the charity Mind , said : ' I do understand she 's been having this problem more severely than many pregnant mothers and so we 're very grateful [ she 's here ] . '

  4. 她表示,运动促进体内的内啡?分泌,帮她克服了孕吐这种怀孕初期的妊娠反应。

    She says the endorphins from exercising helped her deal with first-trimester nausea .

  5. 因为来那度胺同(治疗孕吐的)沙利度胺结构类似,而后者会导致婴儿出生缺陷。

    Lenalidomide has a structural similarity to thalidomide which was linked to birth defects .

  6. 但它也表示,在更严重的情形下,抗孕吐药物和医院治疗很重要。

    But it says anti-sickness drugs and hospital treatment are important in more severe cases .

  7. 一名助理透露,凯特王妃仍然有严重的孕吐反应,不过她的情况正在好转。

    An aide revealed that the duchess is still suffering from hyperemesis gravidarum but said her condition is improving .

  8. 英国皇家妇产科学院日前表示,吃生姜或按压手腕可缓解女性的轻微孕吐。

    Taking ginger or using acupressure on the wrist may help some women with mild morning sickness , the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists ( RCOG ) says .

  9. 孕吐常是早晨重些,所以应该准备些吃的东西,夜里睡醒时可以吃点。

    It 's always worse in the morning , therefore , you should have some snacks ready so you can take a bit if you wake up at night .