
  • 网络gestational sac
  1. 用米非司酮后,孕囊的增长幅度减小,血清中EGF和P含量均有轻度下降;

    The growth rate of gestational sac declined and serum EGF and P concentrations decreased slightly after administration of mifepristone .

  2. 目的:“生化妊娠”是指血或尿中绒毛膜促性腺激素检查阳性,而经超声检查未见孕囊妊娠就终止者。

    AIM : " Biochemical pregnancy " is to point that β - human chorionic gonadotrophin in blood or urine is positive , but terminates without visualization of a gestational sac through ultrasonographic check .

  3. 输卵管妊娠CT表现特点可归类为孕囊型(4/34118%);

    The CT imaging features of tubal pregnancy was classified as : ( 1 ) Pregnant sac type ( 4 / 34,11.8 % );

  4. C组426例,B超见宫内孕囊长出,而且孕囊最大直径>10mm。

    426 cases were group C , there were embryo sacs in uterine cavities , and the biggest inside diameter of sacs were bigger than 10 mm .

  5. 尿hCG定量及孕囊直径与药物流产的关系

    The Relation between Urinary hCG Level and Average Diameter of Blastocyst on the Medicinal Termination of Early Pregnancy

  6. 结论附件区混杂密度软组织肿块,内见高密度出血灶、孕囊,同时伴有盆腔高密度积液为输卵管妊娠的典型CT表现。

    Conclusion Mix density mass around adnexal area , found high density bleeding , pregnancy sac , high density liquid in pelvic inflammatory were the typical CT appearance of tubal pregnancy .

  7. 观察分析两组对象孕囊排出时间、流产后阴道出血情况及尿hCG的变化。

    The time of fetal sac discharge , bleeding and the change of urinary HCG after abortion were compared between two groups .

  8. 研究结果:1.治疗组的完全流产率明显高于对照组,孕囊排出时间少于对照组,两者均有统计学差异(P0.05)。

    The abortion rate of treatment group was obviously higher than control group completely cystic eduction , pregnant time is less than control group , both statistically significant ( P0.05 ) .

  9. 本文总结了333例米非司酮配伍米索前列醇抗早孕的资料,分析药流前24h内尿hCG定量及孕囊直径与药流的关系。

    We reviewed 333 cases of medicinal termination of early pregnancy with mifepristone combined misoprostol and tried to find the relation between urinary hCG level or average diameter of blastocyst ( AD ) and the abortion .

  10. Cox回归分析显示孕囊平均直径(GS)、药物流产后血β-hCG浓度及测定β-hCG的时间与药物流产后阴道出血时间有关。

    Cox regression analysis showed that mean diameter of gestational sac ( GS ) , serum - hCG concentration after drug - induced abor-tion and the interval between blood - sampling and abortion were related to the duration of vaginal bleeding after drug - induced abortion .

  11. 方法对600例早孕,孕囊平均直径≤25mm,要求药物终止妊娠的妇女,随机分为试验试验组和对照组各300例。

    Methods The randomized comparative study consisted of 600 pregnant women whose average diameter of gestational sac ≤ 25mm . They were randomly divided into 2 groups , 300 cases in each group .

  12. 而超声诊断早期孕囊型宫角妊娠和间质部妊娠在孕囊与宫腔是否相通及周围是否有肌层组织包绕(厚度≥0.3cm)两方面相比差异有统计学意义(P0.05)。

    The early pregnancy ultrasound diagnosis of cystic and interstitial cornual pregnancy pregnancy in intrauterine pregnancy and whether the capsule and around the same whether the organization has muscular wrapping ( thickness ≥ 0.3cm ) both have statistically significant differences compared to ( P0.05 ) .

  13. 最早检测出孕囊、胎心搏动和胎盘的时间分别为18d、23d和31d,最早36d能测定完整骨骼系统,37d能识别大部分内脏器官。

    The first time of measuring gestational sac , fetus heart beating and placenta out were 18 d , 23 d and 31 d , respectively . The intact skeletal system could be detected on earliest 36 d , and most viscera organs could be determined on 37 d.

  14. 彩色直方图对异位妊娠孕囊与卵巢黄体囊肿的对比分析

    Sonographic Comparison of Ectopic Gestational Sac with Corpus Luteum by Color Histogram

  15. 结果:两组在孕囊排出时间上无显著差异;

    Result : There was no significant difference in discharge of embryo .

  16. 孕囊大小与药物流产效果的临床分析

    Progesterone Sac Size and Effectiveness of Medical Abortion Clinical Analysis

  17. 方法将药物流产排出孕囊的120例病例,随机分为研究组和对照组各60例。

    METHODS 120 cases of early pregnancy were randomly devided into two groups .

  18. 孕囊排出时间,转经间隔时间和经期均相似。

    The expulse time of gestational sac and the recovery of menstruation were similar .

  19. 对于可视下孕囊吸引更加清晰和便捷。

    That could be more clearly and convenient to suck out a visual fertilized egg .

  20. 1例由于术前孕囊较大,术后第2天孕囊破裂,行手术治疗。

    Patient received operative treatment the next day after operation because of the rupture of gestation .

  21. 7例(20%)孕囊壁和蜕膜间点状慢性出血;

    There was patchy bleeding between gestational sacs ' walls and decidua in 7 cases ( 20 % ) .

  22. 说明耳穴贴压能够提高药物流产的完全流产率,缩短孕囊的排出时间。

    Explain auricular application can improve the abortion rate , shorten the pregnant completely out of the capsule . 2 .

  23. 3例可见水样密度孕囊,周边有强化。

    Water - like density area with peripheral enhancement , which might be gestation sac , was demonstrated on CT in 3 cases .

  24. 结论:超声可以鉴别早期孕囊型宫角妊娠及间质部妊娠,可为临床提供更多的客观诊断依据。

    Conclusion : Early pregnancy ultrasound can identify cystic cornual pregnancy and interstitial pregnancy . Can provide more objective clinical diagnosis based on .

  25. 结果:早期宫角妊娠与间质部妊娠的孕囊型与不均质包块型的构成比没有统计学意义。

    Results : Cornual pregnancy and early pregnancy among the pregnant and non-homogeneous cystic mass-based than those that do not pose a significant .

  26. 统计分析显示,年龄、受孕次数、孕囊直径、子宫位置等可影响药物流产效果。

    Statistical analysis showed that age , number of conception , pregnant uterine position , and pregnancy sac diameter can affect drug abortion effect .

  27. 结果:其中113例在腹腔镜下行输卵管切开取胚术,3例伞端妊娠直接取孕囊术,1例中转开腹,1例持续性输卵管妊娠。

    Results : Among them , 113 cases were salpingotomies . 3 cases were tubal fimbrial portion pregnancy , so , the embryon was removed directly .

  28. 结论阴道B超输卵管妊娠孕囊穿刺介入治疗方法简单,痛苦少,对输卵管损伤小,避免开腹,术后易再通,功率高,尤其适用于年轻有生育要求的患者。

    Conclusion Gestational bag puncture intervene therapy through vagina ultrasonic is simple , painless , less harmful and is proper for those young pairs who need children .

  29. 目的观察中药止血保胎饮对孕囊周围存在暗区的早期先兆流产的保胎效果。

    Objective To observe the fetus protection effects of Zhixue Baotai Decoction ( ZBD ) on women of early threatened abortion with dark area surrounding pregnancy sac .

  30. 人工流产手术的目的是终止早孕,实际上只要清除孕囊即可,蜕膜样组织会自行脱落。

    The purpose of abortion is termination of early pregnancy , in fact , you can just clear the gestational sac , decidual tissue will be off on their own .