
zǐ shù
  • subtree
子树[zǐ shù]
  1. 在Document接口中也可以找到这个方法,adoptNode方法可以高效地将子树从一个文档移到另一个文档中。

    This method , also found on the Document interface , effectively moves a subtree from one document to another .

  2. 所有AIX数据出现在cn=aixdata子树下面。

    All the AIX data is present under the cn = aixdata subtree .

  3. 今年李子树不开花。

    There is no blossom this year on the plum trees .

  4. 为某些XML子树、XML元素或属性定义定制的名称

    Defining custom names for certain XML sub-trees , XML elements , or attributes

  5. 基于闭合频繁Induced子树的GML文档结构聚类

    Clustering GML Documents by Structure Based on Closed Frequent Induced Subtrees

  6. 这是x的扩展,在离屏缓冲区中有一个完整的窗口继承关系子树。

    This extension to X causes an entire sub-tree of the window hierarchy to be rendered to an off-screen buffer .

  7. 一组媒介节点的集合可以将一棵XML数据树分割成一棵根树和一组子树的集合:根树将在所有站点中复制;

    By a set of intermediary nodes , an XML data tree can be partitioned into a root-tree and a set of sub-trees .

  8. 通过计算多个相似页面之间子树的新颖度,可以自动学习和识别出对象数据并抽取出来,将抽取结果输出为XML文档。

    By calculating the novelty degree of the sub tree between the similar pages , object data could be automatically identified and extracted .

  9. 频繁子树挖掘在生物信息学,Web挖掘,化合物结构分析等领域具有十分重要的应用价值,因此受到研究人员的高度重视。

    Especially frequent subtree mining is widely used in domains such as bioinformatics , web-mining , chemical data structure mining , and so on . It has attracted tremendous interest among researchers .

  10. 该方法使用了有向标记无序树来表示XML文档,从中抽取出频繁子树作为模式,并用树型模式来描述它。

    Firstly , XML document is represented as a directional labeled unordered tree , the schema is a frequent sub-tree extracted from the tree which represents XML document .

  11. 基于子树信息等价、子树信息相容的概念提出了XML弱函数依赖的定义和性质;

    Based on the concepts of subtree information equivalence and subtree information consistency , the definition of XML weak functional dependency was given and its properties were studied .

  12. 比如在MIME中注册一个“dns”子树。

    For example , a " dns " sub-tree could be registered under MIME .

  13. 本文提出了挖掘嵌入子树的算法DistinctTM(distincttreemining)。

    The paper presents a novel algorithm DistinctTM ( distinct tree mining ), which can mine embedded sub tree .

  14. 在稀疏分光器配置约束下,光树的计算问题不再是一个传统的SteinerTree(有文献译为施泰纳树,即求覆盖网络节点集合的一个子集的最佳生成子树)问题。

    With the constraints of sparse light splitter configuration , the computing of light tree is not a Steiner Tree problem .

  15. 本文对RNA分子建立树形模型,利用频繁子树挖掘算法挖掘RNA二级结构中的公共拓扑模式。

    The paper builds tree-model of RNA molecules and utilizes frequent sub tree mining algorithm to mine common topological patterns among RNA secondary structures .

  16. LDAP连接需要将LDAP子树与特定证书绑定,因而也有同样的问题。

    The same argument applies for LDAP connections that require binding with a specific credential to an LDAP subtree .

  17. 基于这种思想,本文在语义标记的基础上,在DOM的子树范围内对已抽取信息进行反向验证操作。

    Based on this idea , this article validates the extracted information in the range of DOM children tree reversely .

  18. 有一个validate()方法,可以用它验证该XMLObject下的XML子树。

    It has a validate () method that validates the subtree of XML under this XMLObject .

  19. XML文档查询的返回结果通常是一组包含关键词的XML文档子树,而结果子树的根节点也就是答案节点的选取是关键。

    Retrieval results in XML queries are a set of sub-trees containing key words and the key is to choose the root node of the result sub-tree which is the answer node .

  20. 从子树中检索一个项目,当您创建索引时,可以从所选的列中计算出一个hash值。

    To retrieve an item from a subtree , you compute a hash value from the column you chose when creating the index .

  21. 您也可以通过工具栏或菜单访问delete操作,该操作能够删除以所选择的节点为根节点的子树。

    The delete action is also accessible via the toolbar or the menu and has the effect of deleting the subtree rooted at the selected node .

  22. 查询相关的Web页面中的数据记录之间具有极高的代码结构相似性,Web数据记录对应的DOM子树之间自然也就具有很高的结构相似性。

    There is high structural comparability among the HTML codes of Web data rows in query-related Web pages . Naturally , the structures of sub DOM trees are similar to each other .

  23. 它创建SOAP消息的新子树结构,因此允许您以方便和熟悉的方式访问SOAP消息的关键部分。

    It creates a new sub-tree structure for SOAP messages so allowing you to access key parts of a SOAP message in a convenient and familiar way .

  24. 在DB2NetSearchExtender中,将文本搜索限制到XML文档的特定元素或子树是用一个完全限定的XPath表达的。

    In DB2 Net Search Extender , limiting text search to specific elements or sub-trees of the XML documents is expressed by a fully qualified XPath .

  25. 然后使用基于语法分割率的XML子树分割算法,使用候补节点的横向分割率和纵向分割率,进行分割子树的计算。

    The next step is using syntax segmentation rate based XML sub-tree segmentation algorithm . Calculating the horizonal segmentation rate and the vertical segmentation rate of candidate elements to get the breakpoint of sub-trees .

  26. Horton码反映水系网中河流子树的深度。

    Horton code reflects the grade relation of river network .

  27. 这种方法意味着要创建文档,必须从包含XML签名的xform:instance内容中克隆DOM子树。

    This approach means that a document has to be created by cloning a DOM subtree from the content of the xform : instance that contains the XML signature .

  28. 对静态子树进行可靠性分析时,提出将静态子树转化为BDD进行分析。

    When evaluating the reliability of static subtree , it 's converted into BDD to be analyzed .

  29. 实际LDAP(o=ibm,c=us)的子树根在用户名中没有显示出来。

    The subtree root in the actual LDAP ( o = ibm , c = us ) does not show up in the user name .

  30. 当出现新的租户时,给每个租户分配一个惟一的租户ID和组织结构的一个子树;组织结构存储在共享的LDAP服务器上,按租户ID隔离子树。

    Each tenant is assigned a unique tenant ID and a sub-tree of the organization structure stored in a shared LDAP server isolated by the tenant ID during on-boarding .