
zǐ shí
  • the period of the day from 11 p.m. to 1 a.m;the period of the day from 11 p.m.to l a.m.
子时 [zǐ shí]
  • [the period of the day from 11 p.m.to l a.m.] 旧式计时法指夜里十一点钟到一点钟的时间

子时[zǐ shí]
  1. 下馆子时,我们不喜欢在酒水上花很多钱。

    We don 't like paying through the nose for our wine when eating out .

  2. 一天,他打扫院子时,发现乱草堆里有7个鸡蛋。

    One day while sweeping the compound he discovered seven eggs in a pile of straw .

  3. 证明了当F是布尔滤子时,M/~F成为布尔代数。

    It is proved that M / ~ _F becomes a Boolean algebra when F is a Boolean filter .

  4. sibling[ˈsɪblɪŋ]n.兄弟姐妹爸爸回答说:“当你告诉你的老师你是独生子时,他说什么?”

    The dad replied , " What did your teacher say when you told him you are an only child ?

  5. 研究了MTL代数的布尔滤子;证明了当F是MTL代数M的布尔滤子时,M/~F是布尔代数;

    Studies the Boolean filters of MTL algebras , proves if F is a Boolean filters of M which is an MTL algebra , then M / - F is a Boolean algebra and discusses local MTL algebras .

  6. 第二节中从Frohlich激子一声子系哈密顿出发,用Haga研究极化子时提出的微扰法导出了激子的基态能量、有效质量以及内部势能;

    In section 2 , from a Hamiltonian of the exciton-phonons system , the ground state energy , effective masses and electron-hole interacting potential are derived by using a perturbation method proposed by Haga .

  7. 对均压环的优化设计表明,均压环管径取120mm,环体距绝缘子串中心距离取500mm,布置位置为屏蔽3片绝缘子时,均压效果相对较好。

    The optimization of grading ring indicates that the grading effect is preferable when pipe diameter equals to 120 mm , the distance of ring plane to string center equals to 500 mm and the ring screens 3 insulators .

  8. 带电水蒸气冲洗污秽绝缘子时的交流闪络特性研究

    AC Flashover Performance of Contaminated Insulators in Hot Water Vapor Washing

  9. 当吃子时,兵向前斜着走一步。

    When taking , the pawn goes one square diagonally forward .

  10. 今天早上他匆忙地刮起胡子时把自己刮伤了。

    He shaved hurriedly this morning and cut himself badly .

  11. 爸爸看见我穿短裙子时,要我穿暖和一些。

    When dad saw my short skirt he told me to cover myself up .

  12. 皮诺奇看到这个年迈的老头子时,便跑过去抱住他。

    When Pinocchio saw the old man , he ran to him and hugged him .

  13. 然后证明割线法用于计算拉格朗日乘子时全局收敛;

    Then the global convergence of secant iteration for finding the Lagrangian multiplier is proved .

  14. 而当弗朗索瓦斯站到戴夫前的老位子时,巴克却不情愿。

    But when Francois called him to his old place in front of Dave , Buck refused .

  15. 在童年时代,当我告诉别人我是独生子时,别的孩子都很羡慕我。

    During childhood , when I told others that I was an only child , the other children all envied me .

  16. 当决定增加上下胡须甚至连鬓胡子时都要将基本脸型考虑进去。

    The base face shape also is taken in consideration when deciding to add facial hair like beards , mustaches and even sideburns .

  17. 着重论述了应用脉冲电流法在线检测合成绝缘子时需要解决的问题及相应的可行方案;

    The problems which are needed to be solved and the corresponding solvable schemes when impulse current method is applied to detect composite insulator are emphasized .

  18. 最近在我企图在一个饭店订位子时就发生了这样的事,那是一个我非常喜欢的伦敦的新饭店。

    It happened to me very recently while trying to book a table at Bob Bob Ricard , a new London restaurant I otherwise liked a lot .

  19. 推导出了扭转振动声传输线方程,并举例说明了它在设计等效扭振半波振子时的应用。

    In this paper , the equation of acoustic transmission line of torsional vibration is derived , and an example is given to show its application in design of equivalent semi-wavelength transducers for torsional vibration .

  20. 这样,在每一次优化乘子时总能引起较大的目标函数增长,虽然增加了每次优化时所做的工作,却从整体上减少了优化次数,从而缩短了算法的运行时间。

    In this way , each time optimization multiply neutrons can always cause a larger objective function growth , despite an increase in the work done in each optimization , but never a whole to reduce the number of optimized to shorten the running time .