
  1. “子不语怪、力、乱、神”反映了孔子思想体系的重要内容。

    The doctrine " Confucius never talked about odd , puissance , turmoil and deity " reflects an important part of Confucianism .

  2. 《子不语》为清代学者袁枚所著的一部笔记小说,在清代享有盛名,书中涉及了诸多的奇闻异事和鬼怪故事。

    Zi Bu Yu is literary sketches written by Yuan Mei , a scholar in Qing Dynasty . It enjoyed great fame during that time . It is involved with a great many anecdotes and ghost stories .

  3. 同样的作品还有蒲松龄的短篇小说集《聊斋志异》、袁枚的《子不语》、纪昀的《阅微草堂笔记》等。

    Likewise are the short story collections like Pu Songling 44 Strange Accounts from , the Leisure Study , Yuan Mei ^ u What Confucius did not Say f , , and Ji Yun u Essays from the Short Grass Hall " ?