
  • 网络Baby Powder;Talc;baby talcum powder;Dusting Powder
  1. 把脚完全擦干,在脚趾间撒上婴儿爽身粉。

    Dry your feet well and then dust between the toes with baby powder .

  2. 清洗腋下之后涂抹婴儿爽身粉。

    Apply baby powder or talc after washing under your arms .

  3. 婴儿爽身粉用来去除衣服上的油渍效果很不错。

    Baby powder works wonders at getting oil stains out of your clothes .

  4. 再加上我意乱情迷,因为他今天用了比较多婴儿爽身粉。

    And I was distracted . He has on extra baby powder today .

  5. 在头皮上洒一些婴儿爽身粉。等待五分钟,把头发梳好。

    Sprinkle baby powder onto your scalp between washes . Wait five minutes and comb through .

  6. 5.涂抹婴儿爽身粉

    Step 5 Freshen with baby powder

  7. 这些志愿者闻了很多种物品的气味,像婴儿爽身粉,番茄,迷迭烧鸡。

    The volunteers took whiffs of various substances - like baby powder , tomatoes and rosemary chicken .

  8. 在衣服污染处撒上婴儿爽身粉,玉米淀粉或者苏打粉来吸收蔬菜油。

    Absorb vegetable oil from clothing by sprinkling baby powder , cornstarch , or baking soda on the stain .

  9. 婴儿用爽身粉或滑石粉

    Baby powder or talcum powder

  10. 采访发现在尿样中的邻苯二甲酸代谢量和婴儿香波,爽身粉和衣物洗液的使用方法有一定关系。

    There was an association between the level of phthalate metabolites found in the urine and the use of infant shampoo , powder , and lotion .

  11. 一个是消费类市场业务,也就是你刚刚指的那些消费产品,这其中包括许多婴儿用品,如婴儿洗发露、婴儿爽身粉等;

    One is the consumer business , which you alluded to , and it is a lot of the baby products , baby shampoo , baby powder , band - aids .