
  • 网络witkey;wiki;VQ-R
  1. 威客模式在国内的发展现状及优化研究

    A Study on the Development and the Optimization of Witkey Pattern

  2. 威客实践&开放教育实践教学的新尝试

    " Witkey Practice ": Open the Trial Educating the New Carrying out Teaching

  3. 首位推举他为候选人的是DannyAkin,北卡罗拉威客森林()南方浸信会神学院的院长,他告诉记者:路特的当选是因为德才,与种族肤色无关。

    The man who first suggested his candidacy , Danny Akin , president of Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary in Wake Forest , North Carolina , told a reporter then that he believed Mr Luter would be elected " on merit , regardless of race or colour . "

  4. 但是,目前威客模式仍有不足,尤其是威客网站运营问题。

    However , the model of Witkey still has some problems , such as operation .

  5. 该部分的第二个内容是对威客模式的产生发展作一个简单的介绍。

    The second content of this part is simple introduction of the development of the witkey mode .

  6. 教育威客模式下农业院校学生激励教育措施的实践与探索

    Practice and Exploration of Incentive Education Measure in Agricultural Colleges and Universities under the Education Witkey Pattern

  7. 而随着网络技能交易的正式化,其工作流程成了威客网站运营商的一个大难题。

    With the network technology trade official , its work flow the Witkey website operators of a big problem .

  8. 文章认为,威客模式的发展遇到了一些问题,对于这些问题的解决需要法律的介入,需要法律对该模式进行规制。

    This disquisition deems the development of the witkey mode meets some difficulties , they need the rule of law .

  9. 威客模式所提倡的知识有偿共享正是知识价值化理念在实际应用中的体现。

    The premium knowledge sharing advocated by Witkey mode is just reflection of the concept of knowledge value in practice .

  10. 投资者可以在任意几本特别的出版物中追踪到内部人的买卖记录,比如《威客股票研究》。

    Investors can track insider buying and selling in any of several specialized publications , such as Vickers Stock Research .

  11. 论文首先介绍了威客模式的相关背景和基本概念,以及知识共享的相关理论。

    The paper introduced the background and basic concepts of Witkey mode , as well as relative theories of knowledge sharing .

  12. 这些只是个起头,因为还有更多的威客网站让你充分“动起来”且干劲十足。

    These are only a start as there are many more job sites available to get you up and running fast .

  13. 职校学生在威客网站中三种身份尝试身份的迷失与探寻&保罗·奥斯特《纽约三部曲》的身份主题

    Three Kinds of Identification Attempt of Vocational School Students in Witkey Website A Quest for the Identity : A Commentary on The New York Trilogy

  14. 威客模式就是在这个大的背景下产生的,它是从战略外包的角度上来利用互联网进行业务外包的创新外包模式。

    Against such a background , Witkey comes into its being . It is a creative outsourcing mode that strategically uses the Internet for business outsourcing .

  15. “威客模式”就是指将人的知识、智慧、经验、技能通过互联网转换成实际收益的互联网新模式。

    " The witkey mode " is a new Internet mode in which our knowledge , wisdom , experience , can bring us money on internet .

  16. 旅途:或许你不能像匹克威客一样乘马车,但是可以坐着主要铁路干线游历,因为火车经过了书中的很多地方。

    The trip : You won 't be able to ride in a horse-drawn coach like Pickwick , but many of the locations are on the mainline railway .

  17. 通过以上一系列的研究,对威客模式所存在的诚信问题提出几个方面的防范措施,最后得出结论并对威客模式的未来进行展望。

    The thesis puts forward some preventive measures according to the credibility problems in Witkey mode , makes a final conclusion and looks into the prospect of Witkey mode .

  18. 19世纪20年代,塞缪尔·匹克威客和他的三个俱乐部成员游览过许许多多英格兰城镇,让我们跟着他们品读一下未修建铁路时的老英格兰。

    For a taste of old England before the railways were built , follow the route taken by Samuel Pickwick and his three fellow Pickwickians , who visit various towns in England during the1820s .

  19. 首先介绍了威客模式的提出过程,然后对威客模式的理论基础做了一个简单的介绍,然后对于威客模式发展至今的几个阶段做了一个叙述。

    It introduced the process of the appear of the witkey mode first , and then bring up a simple introduction of the theory basis of it , and then made a specify about the several phase of the development of witkey mode .

  20. 最后,对回收的问卷进行信效度检验、相关分析、回归分析等,基于统计分析结果构建威客外包交易诚信模型,并对验证结果做出结论。

    At last , a credibility and validity test , correlation analysis and regression analysis are applied to the returned questionnaires , and a credibility transaction mode of Witkey outsourcing is constructed based on the result of the analysis and a conclusion is drawn .

  21. 第三个部分主要是介绍威客模式的社会经济意义。整个这第一部分,都是对威客模式各方面的介绍。第二部分对威客模式进行法律规制的必要性分析。

    The third content of this part is to introduce the social and economical meaning of witkey mode . The second part , is the analyse for the necessary of the rule on witkey mode by law and the most important things which need the rule of law .

  22. 分析了网络环境下知识共享的特点和影响因素,以及威客模式对于促进网络环境下个体知识共享的意义,为以后构建面向威客网络的个体知识共享模式建立基础。

    This paper analyzed the characteristics and influencing factors of knowledge sharing in the network environment , and the significance of Witkey mode promoting the individual knowledge sharing in a network environment , in order to establishing a basis for individual knowledge sharing mode oriented to Witkey network .