
zī sè
  • Beauty;charm;good looks;good looks of a woman
姿色 [zī sè]
  • [charm;good looks of a woman] [妇女]美好的姿态和容貌

姿色[zī sè]
  1. 那时候的女孩子,也不敢轻易暴露出自己的姿色。

    Girls of that time did not readily show their feminine charm .

  2. 你喜欢用姿色影响别人。

    You 're fond of turning on your charm .

  3. Eyebroccoli指长相普通,没什么姿色的人。这个词是eyecandy的反义词,eyecandy一词最早出现于20世纪80年代,指外表很有吸引力的人或者用于吸引大众注意的特殊效果。

    Eye broccoli of eye candy , a phrase that first starting appearing in print in the mid-1980s and refers to visually appealing persons or effects used to draw mass attention .

  4. 一个男人做了这个女人的情人就可以和N先生感到同样的骄傲,而且她的姿色也足以引起玛格丽特过去在我身上引起过的同样的情欲。

    The man who became this woman 's lover could be every bit as pleased with himself as Monsieur de N , and she was beautiful enough to start a passion the equal of the one which Marguerite had inspired in me .

  5. 一个姿色平平的女人,独自坐在一家单身酒吧里,一小时内平均会被4个男人搭讪这是密苏里大学MonicaMoore的研究结果。

    In an hour at a singles bar , average-looking women could be approached by up to four men , found Monica Moore in her study at the University of Missouri . What were these sirens doing ?

  6. 她确有几分姿色,比如说她的眼睛。

    She has certain definite beauties , such as her eyes .

  7. 要是上帝赐予我一点姿色和充足的财富

    And if God had blessed me with beauty and wealth ,

  8. 班纳特太太看到吉英姿色未减,十分快活;

    Mrs. Bennet rejoiced to see Jane in undiminished beauty ;

  9. 象许多姿色平平的女人一样,她很自负。

    Like many plain women , she was vain .

  10. 她的姿色使评委们偏向她。

    Her charm prejudiced the judges in her favor .

  11. 即使你姿色不如斯嘉丽约翰逊或者安吉丽娜朱莉,你也可以觉得自己很美。

    You dont have to be Scarlet Johansson or Angelina Jolie to feel pretty .

  12. 她颇有几分姿色,但看起来并不健康。

    She is quite pretty , but unhealthy-looking .

  13. 这顶帽子戴在此女孩头上,为之增添不少姿色。

    The hat lends charm to the girl .

  14. 他为她的姿色所倾倒。

    He fell victim to her charms .

  15. 她不足以被称为美人,但她倒是有几分姿色。

    She can not be called a beauty , but she is kind of good-looking .

  16. 因为过去曾经卖过菠萝,人又长得有几分姿色,所以获得这个美名。

    She used to sell pineapples and she is pretty , so she got this nickname .

  17. 但是它的葱绿的葡萄园仿佛在向人微笑,使这个海岛增添了几分令人舒爽的温柔宁静的姿色。

    but its vineyards , green and smiling , give it a soft and easy grace .

  18. 这女孩颇有几分姿色。

    The girl looks rather pretty .

  19. 林志玲现象的商业密码姿色+资质+姿态

    The Business code of Chiling phenomenon

  20. 我轻浮吧,吵嚷着多彩姿色。但没人会真的在意,即使是自己。

    People judge me here or there , they can 't let me go through my own life .

  21. 美丽的少年啊,别过分依赖你的姿色:白色的女贞花飘落满地,黑色的风信子才被人们采得。

    Trust not too much to colour , beauteous boy ; white privets fall , dark hyacinths are culled .

  22. 很丑或很美的女人应赞美她们的理解力,姿色一般的,她们的美丽。

    Very ugly and very beautiful women should be flattered on their understanding , mediocre ones on their beauty .

  23. 她自己意志薄弱,贪慕姿色,常常渴望能在肉体上得到美的享受和舒畅。

    She herself was weak , sensual enough , to crave intermittently for the luxury and refreshment of physical beauty .

  24. 如果你仅仅是姿色更上一层或性感尤物,你却缺乏油然而生的自豪感。

    It 's a lack of pride you know would be there if you were just prettier , or sexier .

  25. 生得仪容不俗,眉目清明,虽无十分姿色,却亦有动人之处。

    She had uncommon features , Bright eyes and graceful eyebrows , and although no great beauty she possessed considerable charrm .

  26. 我相信,事实上,新娘总是愿意选择姿色平庸的伴娘,我觉得这也是一种对比。

    It is a fact , I believe , that brides tend to favor exceptionally plain bridesmaids for their big day .

  27. 同样,美丽可爱的青年啊,当你姿色不存,我笔下的诗歌却会提炼出你的真。

    And so of you , beauteous and lovely youth , When that shall vade , my verse distills your truth .

  28. 玛丽身材苗条,姿色艳丽,办事有条理。她看上去从来没有象现在这么美丽;亭亭玉立,体态苗条。

    Mary was slim , gamine , businesslike . She 'd never seemed as beautiful as now : straight , supple .

  29. 和媒体描述得一样嘛,“明显发福,虽有几分姿色,但绝称不上美丽”!

    Lucy : As the media described ," Clearly a fat one , although somewhat pretty , but definitely cannot be called beautiful "!

  30. 然而,作为一个既无姿色又无财产的家庭教师,简爱为什么会爱上他而她又被这样一个傲慢的男主人所爱呢?

    However , why can Jane love him and be loved by such a haughty man as a governess without beauty and without money .