
  • 网络What If;cover by LeLe & Sab
  1. 菲丝克女士如果今晚的事破坏了我们的采访我感到很抱歉

    Ms. Fisk , my apologies if today 's event ruined our interview .

  2. 你能试用你的最合适的!如果过去的事错误的,那么对不起对与你!

    You can try your best ! If something was wrong , so sorry about you !

  3. 如果这样的事经常发生,你很快就会从一个友善的人变成一个戒心强、不怎么友好的人。

    If that happens day after day , you soon turn a friendly person into someone defensive and unfriendly .

  4. 我要的就是这句话如果哈根的事被你说中了那我们还有一周时间把他和债券联系起来

    That 's what I want to hear.If you 're right about hagen , we have one week to connect him to the bond .

  5. 时间珍贵,所以要选择适合的通讯方式。邮件不会太打扰别人,所以如果你的事用邮件可以说清楚,最好选择这种方式联系他人。

    Their time is very valuable , so carefully pick what kind of communication works best . Emails are generally less disruptive so if you can convey your message via email , opt for that form of communication first .

  6. 如果最坏的事发生,我们就只好把房子卖掉。

    If the worst comes to the worst , we 'll just have to sell the house .

  7. 旧金山某软件公司的团队经理莉斯·林奇(LizPolkLynch)说,如果你做的事无关紧要,想办法参与比较重要的事。

    ' If you 're doing something peripheral , figure out how to get involved with something that is not , 'says Liz Polk Lynch , a San Francisco group manager for a software firm .

  8. 如果发生相同的事会置你于死地。

    If the same happens today it could kill you .

  9. 如果什么意外的事临到他的头上,可就糟了。

    If anything should happen to him , that would be too bad .

  10. 如果枪跑的事你没说错。

    If you are right about the guns .

  11. 如果做违法的事会影响我升职的,因此我不会去冒险的。

    Doing something illegal could mean my stripes . I won 't do it .

  12. 如果那个晚上的事传了出去。

    If this kind of thing got out .

  13. 京晶:是的,如果有有趣的事需要花钱的话,那就是旅行了。

    If there 's anything fun that ends up costing me , it 's travel .

  14. 毕竟,如果连自己的事都没做好,又怎么能去做别的事呢?

    After all , you can 't get your work done if you are doing everyone else 's job .

  15. 当然,她如果把孩子的事告诉他,卡巴顿会和她结婚的。

    Cal would marry her , of course , if she presented him with the fact of a child .

  16. 如果你做的事是真正革命性的,大多数竞争对手就永远也模仿不了。他们甚至都理解不了。

    When you do something truly revolutionary , most competitors will never copy it – they won 't understand it .

  17. 大家都过分夸奖我了。我只是做了一件平常事,其他人如果遇到相同的事也会这样做的。

    I am totally flattered * I just did a normal thing that everyone else would 've done if they came across the same thing .

  18. 如果预料之外的事发生了,或是你不得不再借一些钱,那么你还债的路程就更艰辛了。

    If something unexpected comes along or if you are forced to borrow money again , you will have a rough time getting out of debt .

  19. 然而,如果所做的事不再给我们带来昔日的快乐和愉悦,我们就需要知道何时该放弃。

    However , if what we do no longer gives us the joy and comfort it once did , we need to know when to let go .

  20. 加比:找点零食吃,你是个勇敢的女孩,如果发生不幸的事,爱你的人都不会离开你。

    Gaby : Maybe make yourself a . You are such a brave little girl . If anything bad ever happens , you are surrounded by people who love you .

  21. 人们放弃一个运动项目的一个很重要的原因通常都是缺乏兴趣。如果你做的事不够有趣,那么就很难坚持下去。

    One of the biggest reasons people drop an exercise program is lack of interest : If what you 're doing isn 't fun , it 's hard to keep it up .

  22. 我站在这儿讲这个故事的原因就是,为了证明我们都能完成伟大的事情。通过雄心,通过激情,通过傲慢,固执,通过拒绝离开,如果你梦想的事足够艰难,正如斯蒂芬说过的,它确然能实现。

    That I 'm standing here telling this story is proof that we all can accomplish great things , through ambition , through passion , through sheer stubbornness , by refusing to quit , that if you dream something hard enough , as Sting said , it does indeed come to pass .

  23. 如果有任何非法的事,我们会很快发现的。

    If there has been any funny business , we 'll soon find out .

  24. 如果珀西发现袭击的事

    You know , if Percy finds out about the attack ,

  25. 如果上帝处理所有的事那太容易了。

    It would be too easy if God handled everything .

  26. 如果只是些离谱的事你为什么看起来这么紧�

    If it 's outrageous , why do you seem so nervous ?

  27. 如果我做这样的事。

    I get caught with a hole in my wall .

  28. 如果我们星球上的事只是假警报呢?

    And if what is happening on my planet is a false alarm ?

  29. 如果不是有要紧的事,我不会打电话给你的。

    I wouldn 't have called if it wasn 't important . 6 .

  30. 如果你希望愉快的事出现。

    If you want nice things to happen .