
  • 网络Favorability;likability;Disposition
  1. 《管理科学》(ManagementScience)在2008年刊登的一项研究表明,对于视频会议中的讲话者,人们会更多地受到他们对讲话者的好感度,而非其理据质量的影响。

    People watching a speaker on a videoconference are more influenced by how much they like the speaker than by the quality of the speaker 's arguments , according to a 2008 study in Management Science .

  2. 去年发表于《管理决策》(ManagementDecision)的一项研究指出,与当面接受面试的求职者相比,进行视频面试的求职者获得的好感度评分与面试分数更低,而且被推荐雇用的几率也更低。

    Job applicants interviewed on video receive lower likability ratings and interview scores , and are less likely to be recommended for hiring , than candidates interviewed in person , according to a study published last year in Management Decision .

  3. 自2002年以来一直接受调查的33个国家中,有26个国家对美国的好感度出现了下降,全球大多数地方对美国总统布什(georgew.bush)的信心已经崩溃。

    Favourable opinions of the US have fallen in 26 of 33 countries where people were questioned since 2002 and confidence in President George W. Bush has collapsed in most parts of the world .

  4. 自2002年以来一直接受调查的33个国家中,有26个国家对美国的好感度出现了下降,全球大多数地方对美国总统布什(GeorgeW.?Bush)的信心已经崩溃。

    Favourable opinions of the US have fallen in 26 of 33 countries where people were questioned since 2002 and confidence in President George W. ? Bush has collapsed in most parts of the world .

  5. 在同质化商品中提高消费者对特定商品的好感度;

    In homogeneous increase of consumer goods for specific commodities good degrees , a brand effect ;

  6. 影评人似乎同意这种观点,上述16部续集在烂番茄网站上的平均好感度仅为44%。

    Critics seem to agree , with the 16 sequels averaging a half-hearted 44 % approval rating on review site RottenTomatoes.com .

  7. 品牌文化作为企业及其产品与消费者之间的纽带,具有其独特的内涵,对于拉近品牌与消费者的距离,增进消费者的品牌好感度和美好联想具有显著的作用。

    As a bond between enterprises and their products and the customers , brand culture promotes the brand fidelity and brand connotation and pulls customer closer to the products .

  8. 这是因为品牌的发展必须与所面对的消费者处理好各种关系,吸引消费者,取得消费者对品牌的好感,提高知名度。

    Because the brand development must deal with all kinds of relations with consumers , the brand can the attract consumers , obtain consumers ' favorable impression , and can enhance the brand well-known .