
  • The Girls
  1. 女孩们注视着,脸上挂着调皮的微笑,显得愈加活泼。

    The girls watched , little teasing smiles animating their faces .

  2. 据说女孩们觉得整件事情一点也不好笑。

    Apparently the girls are not at all amused by the whole business

  3. 女孩们只匆匆瞥了一眼司机。

    The girls caught only a fleeting glimpse of the driver

  4. 小女孩们在节日里扮成天使的样子。

    Little girls dress up as angels for fiestas .

  5. 女孩们等待埃施先生作翻译。

    The girls waited for Mr Esch to translate .

  6. 竭力保持着端庄形象的女孩们发出了尴尬的尖叫。

    There were shrieks of embarrassment as the girls struggled to protect their modesty .

  7. 女孩们带着铲子和小桶在沙滩上快活地玩耍。

    The girls happily played in the sand and sea with buckets and spades .

  8. 背着沉重书包的女孩们慢慢走进来。

    Girls trundle in carrying heavy book bags .

  9. 格利克夫人开着自己的车,女孩们上了南希的敞篷车。

    Mrs Glick drove her own car and the girls went in Nancy 's convertible .

  10. 她帮我打开行李,然后我们去看望其他女孩们。

    She helped me unpack my things and then we went around to see the other girls .

  11. 染病家庭的女孩们也可以检查一下,看看是否携带这种缺陷基因。

    Girls in an affected family can also be tested to see if they carry the defective gene .

  12. 他对周围的女孩们毫不在意。

    He is indifferent to the girls around him .

  13. 女孩们,别傻笑了,这是件严肃的事。

    Stop giggling , girls ; this is a serious matter .

  14. 女孩们似乎很喜欢周末。

    It seemed that something clicked with the girls between Saturday and Sunday .

  15. 女孩们震惊了。

    The girls were in shock .

  16. 最终,女孩们都大学毕业出去工作了,但又一个接一个地回到了家族企业工作。

    Eventually the girls all graduated from college and went away to work for themselves , but one by one , the daughters returned to work in the family business .

  17. 卫斯理学院垒球队的女孩们在练习中等待下一轮击球,跺脚取暖,八年级学生泰勒•比斯比看着队友帕里斯•怀特打球时有点发抖。

    The girls on the Wesleyan Academy softball were waiting for their next turns at bat during practice , stamping their feet to stay warm , Eighth-grader Taylor Bisbee shivered a little as she watched her teammate Paris White play .

  18. B:我们学到了一些农业知识。男孩们种蔬菜。女孩们喂鸡。我还摘了一些草莓带回家给家人。

    B : We learned something about farming.Boys grew vegetables.Girls fed chickens . I also picked some strawberries and took them home for my family .

  19. 杰克和我喜欢打篮球,但女孩们更喜欢唱歌跳舞。

    Jack and I like to play basketball , but the girls prefer to sing and dance .

  20. 他们想让女孩们明白,从她们自己的角度来看,她们都是正确的

    They wanted the girls to understand that they were both correct from their own point of view .

  21. 有时女孩们也加入我们,但她们喜欢的游戏和我们喜欢的不同。

    Sometimes the girls join us , but the games they enjoy are different from the ones we like .

  22. 女孩们发现后在他有生之年绝不会再和他讲话了。

    When the girls find out , they 'll never speak to him again as long as he lives .

  23. 一年夏天,他去非洲旅行,但萨利和女孩们呆在家里。

    One summer , he went to Africa on a trip , but Sally stayed home with the girls .

  24. 他们的父母用黑丝带遮住女孩们的眼睛,把她们带到餐厅。

    Their parents covered the girls ' eyes with black ribbons , and brought them to the dining room .

  25. 男婴似乎没有注意到球的大小有什么不同,但女孩们立刻变得兴奋起来,开始发出听起来像语言的声音。

    Baby boys do not seem to notice the difference in the size of the ball , but girls immediately become excited and begin to make noises that sound like language .

  26. 每年寒暑假,他们都会回到那夺村免费教女孩们跳舞。他们还邀请当地教师和志愿者免费授课。

    They also invite local teachers and volunteers for free instruction .

  27. 来看看女孩们为什么喜欢“老爸身材”男生:他们享受生活,这一点让人感觉他们既有魅力又有魄力。

    Here 's what girls love about the dadbods : they enjoy life , and that 's both attractive and aspirational .

  28. MARY:女孩们,你们今晚想干什么?

    MARY : Girls , what would you like to do tonight ?

  29. 当我让女孩们用一个词形容自己时,她们最常选择的一个词是独特(unique)。

    When I asked the girls to describe themselves in one word , unique was the one they most commonly chose .

  30. 根据Farmer所说,女孩们似乎不想显露孩子的父亲是谁。

    According to Farmer , the girls do not seem to want to reveal who the fathers are .