
  • 网络daughter's daughter
  1. 是两个女儿中的小女儿,父亲是努力工作的飞行员,

    the younger of two daughters to a very hard-working pilot

  2. 女儿,亲爱的女儿,我给你的安排并没错。

    Daughter , dear daughter , I 've done you no wrong .

  3. 你女儿和我的女儿非常像,不过我女儿可不会坐着看电视。

    Almost sounds like my daughter except your daughter can sit and watch TV .

  4. daughter:女儿为什么我的女儿会想去你的演唱会?

    Lily : Why is my daughter going to one of your concerts ? -

  5. 你是我的女儿,路易的女儿,我们的女儿。

    You are mine and Louis ' daughter .

  6. 当然,除非你的女儿和我的女儿一样,喜欢这样的角色。

    Unless , of course , the princess your daughter is interested in , as my daughter is , is this one .

  7. 第二天早晨,男人的女儿和女人的女儿的面前都放着洗脸的清水和喝的清水。

    On the second morning there was water for washing and water to drink for the man 's daughter as well as for the woman 's daughter .

  8. 结果倒让卢卡斯太太有个女儿比我的女儿先嫁出去,浪搏恩的财产从此就得让人家来继承。

    The consequence of it is , that Lady Lucas will have a daughter married before I have , and that Longbourn estate is just as much entailed as ever .

  9. 这位妇女35岁左右的样子,无论怎么看都貌不出众。她正目不转睛地注视着女儿的脸,女儿看起来有4岁了。

    The woman , in her mid-30 's and unremarkable looking in any other way , was staring full into the face of her daughter , who looked to be four years old .

  10. 在某些方面,离婚派对跟结婚派对差不多,来宾也大吃大喝。不同的是,在婚礼上,父亲拉着女儿的手,将女儿交给新郎。在离婚派对上,父亲从女婿手中,把女儿接回去。

    Divorce party is similar to wedding party in some way , with guests indulging in extravagant , but on a divorce party the father take his daughter back from the son-in-law .

  11. 我爱我的漂亮女儿,我美丽的女儿。

    I love all my beautiful , beautiful girls .

  12. 她是我女儿,我的小女儿

    My daughter ! My little girl !

  13. 比如像这位父亲,邀请女儿的继父一同走入女儿的婚礼队伍。

    Like the father who invited his daughter 's stepfather to join the wedding procession on the big day .

  14. 他举了自己女儿的例子。在女儿的生日宴会上,有些朋友和亲人因为有事没能来参加。

    He used the example of his daughter 's birthday party and how some friends and family had missed it .

  15. 如果威廉和凯特生一个女儿的话,这个女儿将成为英国最大财产的继承人之一。

    IF William and Kate have a daughter she will be the first girl allowed to inherit one of Britain 's wealthiest estates .

  16. 他操心他女儿丽萨的男友,女儿艾琳的出游计划和裙子的长度,以及关心女儿伊芙跟她喜爱的马匹玩耍时的安全问题。

    He fretted over Lisa 's boyfriends and Erin 's travel and skirt lengths and Eve 's safety around the horses she adored .

  17. 只用了几分钟,他们不仅进入了沃尔什的电子邮箱账户,还进入了她女儿的账户。她女儿在某个时刻允许了这台电脑的浏览器自动输入她的密码。

    Within minutes , they had not only broken into Mrs. Walsh 's email account , but also that of her daughter - who at some point had allowed the computer 's browser to auto-fill her password .

  18. 在照片中,小贝与女儿亲贴女儿的鼻子,女儿则用毯子包裹并头戴小帽子,显得异常可爱。

    In the shot , David is seen touching noses with his little girl , who is wrapped up in a blanket and wearing a little hat .

  19. 很多女明星的女儿都很漂亮,比如戈蒂·霍恩的女儿凯特·哈德森,杰瑞·哈尔的女儿佐治亚,但男明星就不一定了。

    While many celebrity mothers produce stunning daughters - such as Goldie Hawn and her daughter Kate Hudson or Jerry Hall and her daughter Georgia - the same is not necessarily true of celebrity fathers .