
  1. 女人不容易有外遇,她说。

    " Women don 't easily have an affair ," she says .

  2. 做女人不容易,善待自己吧!

    It is not easy to be a woman .

  3. 她不仅声称做女人不容易,而且还说做漂亮女人就更不容易了。

    Not only was she claiming it 's rough to be a woman , but that it 's rougher to be a pretty one .

  4. 女人一辈子不容易,青春短暂,所以我很珍惜现在。

    A woman 's life is hard and her youth goes quickly , so I cherish the present .

  5. 但最新的一项研究表明:女人较男人更不容易迷路,因为她们更擅长记忆路线。

    Of course , most men have no interest in being there and that is why they get lost in the aisles .