
  • 网络olympic image
  1. 奥运会形象奥运会形象是奥运会的精髓,也是全世界人民共同的思想和情感。

    Olympic Image The core essence of the Olympic Games as it is found in the thoughts and emotions of people around the world .

  2. 北京奥运会形象景观色彩的设计与应用

    Application and Design of the Color in Beijing Olympic Game 's Image and Landscape

  3. 民族文化特征在奥运会视觉形象设计中的体现

    National Cultural Character Embodied in Designing Olympic Visual Image

  4. 从集群品牌效应探讨2008年奥运会整体形象的提升

    Promotion of overall image of Beijing Olympic Games as seen from Colony - brand effects

  5. 雅典奥运会视觉形象设计

    Visual Image Design Applied of The Olympic

  6. 提出用集群品牌效应来促进2008年奥运会整体形象提升的观点和打造2008年集群品牌的建议。

    The colony-brand effect can promote the images of the cities and create the 2008 colony-brand .

  7. 志愿者是现代奥林匹克运动的基石,是奥运会的形象大使。

    Volunteers are the footstone of Olympic Games and the real image ambassador of olympics , representing Olympic spirit .

  8. 在这期间,他成为中国随处可见的广告代言人,以及2008奥运会的形象代言人。

    In the intervening time he has become a ubiquitous pitchman in China and the face of the2008 Games .

  9. 北京奥运会报道与国家形象构建的传播学研究

    Research on Communication of Reporting about Beijing Olympics and Structuring on National Image

  10. 北京奥运会对于提升国家形象的作用有目共睹,而广州亚运会作为另一项重大的国际体育赛事,是继北京奥运会之后我国向世界展示自己,扩大国际影响力,提升国家形象的又一良机。

    The 16th Asian Games in Guangzhou , as another major international sport event held in China after Beijing Olympics , provides a good opportunity for China to show itself to the world .

  11. 奥运项目图标是奥运会视觉形象开发的重要项目之一,以简洁的、形象的、具有代表性的图形语言,清晰的表现出奥运会各个比赛项目的特点。

    Olympic pictograms are one of important visual image projects of the Olympic Games , which shows the characteristics of a concise , vivid and meaningful graphic language clearly representing all the events of the Olympic Games .

  12. 参与到奥运会中可以借助奥运会良好的正面形象和巨大的影响力提升品牌认知、创造企业形象、建构良好的企业商誉,快速实现企业的市场扩张。

    By taking this chance , they can enhance brand awareness , create corporation image and build a good business reputation of the enterprise to achieve rapid market expansion relying on the good image and the enormous influence of the Olympic Games .

  13. 奥运会会徽,不仅是国际奥林匹克运动和奥运会形象品牌的重要载体,而且体现了奥运会举办城市独特的文化魅力,体现了奥运会举办国家的民族性格和精神风貌。

    The emblem of the Olympic Games , in particular , is not only an important representation of the Olympic Movement and the Olympic brand , but also a demonstration of the charm of the host citys unique culture and its national character and spirit .

  14. 1972年的慕尼黑奥运会上。此后吉祥物就成为构成一届奥运会形象特征的主要部分。

    The first mascot in Olympic history made its appearance at the1972 Munich Olympic Games .