
  • 网络Orsay Museum;Orsay
  1. 承载着人们对全球未来合作与人类未来发展的深邃思考和广泛共识,法国奥赛博物馆的7件传世珍品也随即与观众见面。

    Carrying on global future cooperation with people in the future development of human profound thinking and consensus , France the orsay museum of the seven ancient treasures and meet with the audience .

  2. 本项目的主要目的在于利用不同工具对奥赛博物馆的入门管理系统进行需求分析,用以管理馆内不同区域的访问情况。

    The main purpose of this project is to analyze the requirements of the entrance control system of ORSAY Museum with different tools , to manage the visits to different zones in this museum .

  3. 巴黎的奥赛博物馆里有一件罗丹的石膏雕塑作品。

    In the Mus d'Orsay in Paris is a sculpture in plaster by Rodin .

  4. 拿破仑的墓葬就设在这里。theMuséed'Orsay奥赛博物馆奥赛宫美术馆原来是奥赛火车站,1900年为万国博览会在巴黎举行而建。奥赛火车站也是巴黎最早实现电气化的火车站。

    Spectacularly housed in a former railway station built in 1900 , the Mus é e d'Orsay was reinaugurated in its present form in 1986 .

  5. 现代艺术史上最著名的卧室当属梵高在阿尔勒所住的卧室。现存的三个版本将被放在一起展出:阿姆斯特丹梵高博物馆(VanGoghMuseum)和巴黎奥赛博物馆(Muséed’Orsay)的油画以及芝加哥的帆布画。

    The most famous bedroom in modern art history , Van Gogh 's sleeping chamber in Arles , will be on view in its three extant versions : the paintings owned by the Van Gogh Museum in Amsterdam , the Mus é e d'Orsay in Paris , and Chicago 's canvas .

  6. 世界著名的卢浮宫和奥赛博物馆已关闭,以便员工能把无价艺术品转移到安全地带。

    The world-famous Louvre and Orsay museums have been shut so staff can move priceless artworks to safety .

  7. 奥赛博物馆收藏著如同宝藏般的油画和雕像,其中包括许多出自塞尚、莫内和艾德加之手的作品。

    The Museed'Orsay houses a treasure trove of paintings and sculptures , including many of the finest works of Cezanne , Monet , and Degas .

  8. 奥赛博物馆位于法国巴黎塞纳河的左岸,于1986年正式开馆。

    The Musee d'Orsay is situated on the left bank of the River Seine in Paris , France , and it was officially opened in 1986 .

  9. 到东端奥赛博物馆附近的终点后,你可以爬上露天看台,坐在木板座位俯瞰河上突突而过的小船。

    Once you 've arrived at the eastern end , near Mus é e d'Orsay , climb the wood-plank bleacher seats for a view of the boats chugging along the river .

  10. 在蒙马特没有一个有形的场所可以让你走进去探索并感受梵高当时的生活,但是有些博物馆收藏了他的作品,比如奥赛博物馆。

    There are no physical landmarks one can enter and explore in Montmartre to get a sense of how he lived , though there are museums , like the Mus é e d'Orsay , that now contain his work .