
  • 网络the University of Oslo;uio
  1. 为协助此项教育,奥斯陆大学(theuniversityofoslo)国家历史博物馆刚举办了一场关于同性恋动物的展览。

    Assisting with this education , the National History Museum at the University of Oslo has just opened an exhibition of gay animals .

  2. 这篇社论的作者梅特·卡拉格(MetteKalager)博士是奥斯陆大学(UniversityofOslo)和哈佛大学公共卫生学院(HarvardSchoolofPublicHealth)的流行病学家和筛查研究员,她表示,这项研究的结果不同于早期的那些研究是有原因的。

    Dr. Mette Kalager , an epidemiologist and screening researcher at the University of Oslo and the Harvard School of Public Health who wrote the editorial , said there was a reason its results were unlike those of earlier studies .

  3. 例如,奥斯陆大学网站的安全版本是由thawte组织授权签署的。

    For example , the secure version of the University of Oslo web site is authorized by the Thawte organization .

  4. 这与挪威奥斯陆大学和Montebello肿瘤研究所的科学家们观点一致。

    He is a co-author of the study , along with scientists from Norway 's University of Oslo and the Institute for Cancer Research in Montebello .

  5. 这项研究是由挪威奥斯陆大学的NilsStenseth领导的。然而,他说尽管全球变暖会导致中亚地区出现更多的人感染鼠疫的病例,全球变暖并不会导致鼠疫的大流行。

    Lead researcher Nils Stenseth of the University of Oslo , Norway says , however , that while global warming could lead to more human cases in Central Asia , it will not lead to a major epidemic .

  6. 挪威奥斯陆大学医学院本科生医学人文课程

    Medical Humanities in the Undergraduate Medical Education at the University of Oslo Faculty of Medicine in Norway

  7. 挪威奥斯陆大学医院,气候疗法部,风湿免疫科。

    Department of Rheumatology , Section for Climate Therapy , Oslo University Hospital , Oslo , Norway .

  8. 徐飞杰先生获得挪威奥斯陆大学计算机与通信学专业硕士学位。

    He graduated from the University of Oslo in Norway with a Master of Science degree in Computer and Communications .

  9. 为了测试鼻腔喷雾器的性能,来自奥斯陆大学的科学家和挪威生物科技公司Optinose一起进行了研究。

    To test the nasal spray device , scientists at the University of Oslo worked with Optinose , a Norwegian biotechnology company .

  10. 罗切斯特大学,奥斯陆大学和纽约州立大学石溪分校的研究人员们在今天的【科学转化医学杂志】上对这套系统进行了描述。

    The researchers , based at the University of Rochester ( U. R. ) , University of Oslo and Stony Brook University , describe this new system in the journal Science Translational Medicine today .

  11. 奥斯陆大学的首席研究员伊丽莎白·克瓦维克说,这些习惯加在一起极大增加了死亡风险,有这些恶习的人比生活方式最为健康小组的人看起来老12岁。

    These habits combined substantially increased the risk of death and made people who engaged in them seem 12 years older than people in the healthiest group , said lead researcher Elisabeth Kvaavik of the University of Oslo 。