
tóu xínɡ
  • Headform;head shape
头型 [tóu xíng]
  • [head form] 人类头部的形状;尤指根据头指数而确定的形状

  1. 具有防螨抗菌、防臭特性,让宝宝保持良好睡姿,有助于宝宝头型发育。

    With its anti acarid and deodorization , it helps baby keep good sleeping posture , contribute to baby 's head shape .

  2. 基于CT的军盔标准头型生成与头模分档算法研究

    The " standard head " for sizing military helmet based on computerized tomography and the headform sizing algorithm

  3. 首先,利用CAD技术设计了具有流线型头形的列车模型A、模型B以及钝头型模型C。

    Firstly , model A and B which with streamline head shape together with model C with blunt head are designed by CAD technology .

  4. 蜜瓜ACC氧化酶mRNA的成串锤头型核酶和反义RNA基因的合成和克隆

    Synthesis and Cloning of the Tandem Repeated Genes for Hammerhead Ribozyme and Antisense RNA Against Melon mRNA for ACC Oxidase

  5. Blob头型门挡能够提升头疼药的效果。

    Blob head door stop promotes headache drug .

  6. 除此以外,剧组还拿了“蛇头型”(cobrahead)的钠灯当路灯,用在段金发走向海滩并追赶扑向海浪的Nino的镜头里作为照明光源。

    Additionally , the crew brought in " cobra head " sodium-vapor streetlamps , which play in frame behind Driver as he walks onto the beach and chases Nino into the crashing surf .

  7. 比较分析了这两种装置的性能,发现八脚headpost和球头型headholder可以较好地用于猴子头部的固定。

    The performance of the two headpost systems was compared and analyzed . It showed that the eight-leg headpost and spheric head holder were better for monkey head fixation .

  8. 实验设计了两个锤头型核酶,一个针对HIV1基因组中的tat基因(TATRZ),另一个针对tat基因和rev基因的共有外显子序列(TRRZ)。

    Ribozymes targeted against two portions of the HIV-1 genome were designed to cleave in the tat gene ( TAT ) or in a common exon for tat and rev ( TR ) .

  9. 根据锤头型核酶的作用模式,设计、合成并克隆了特异切割马铃薯纺锤形块茎类病毒(PSTVd)负链RNA不同区域位点的双价和三价锤头型核酶基因。

    The genes of hammerhead ribozymes targeting against two and three sites on negative strand of potato spindle tuber viroid ( PSTVd ) were designed , synthesized and cloned according to the action manner of hammerhead ribozyme .

  10. 我们对接头型式及硫化工艺进行了深入的研究,接头强度可达到胶带强度的90%以上,接头寿命可达6a以上。

    After the further studies of joints form and the vulcanization process , it has showed that the joint strength is more than 90 per cent and its service life will be 6 years .

  11. 在1.4m×1.4m和8m×6m风洞中获得的试验结果表明,头型的变化使前段模型阻力系数变化,后段头型变化产生的阻力系数变化规律更加明显。

    Test re-sults in 1 . 4m × 1 . 4m and 8m × 6m wind tunnel show that , aerodynamic drag coefficient of front segment of train model changes with the nose shape , and that of the rear segment changes with its nose shape more apparently .

  12. 还有许多不是那么严重的问题,例如“丢失MP3”,“糟糕的头型”以及“周末比赛失利。或许这最后一个对许多人来说是非常严重的问题。3月9日,你需要战胜什么,马上去战胜它。

    There are also not-so-serious topics like " losing my mp3 player , " " my disastrous haircut " and " my team losing at the weekend . " Perhaps the last one here is in the serious category for some people . On March 9th , decide what it is you need to get over and get over it .

  13. 沉头机螺钉有哪两种头型?

    Name two head styles of machine screws that are countersunk .

  14. 一种扩大头型土锚的试验研究

    Test and Study on a ground anchor Underreamed on bottom end

  15. 它有一个球迷的头型和拱桥。

    It had a fan shaped head and an arched bridge .

  16. 考虑是不是微乳头型的低级别导管内癌。

    Mostly it is low grade DCIS , micropapillary pattern .

  17. 基于头型分布研究我军头盔分号

    A study on the sizing of military helmets based on headform distribution

  18. 合金多功能钳子,琅头型头部带齿割,双色沾塑手柄。

    Hammer head with claw and cutters with double dipped blue vinyl grips .

  19. 鹅头型汊道首部水流、泥沙运动的探讨

    A Preliminary Research on Flow Structure and Sediment in Goose-Head Pattern Braided Channels

  20. 锤头型核酶由3个短螺旋和1个广义保守的连接序列组成;

    Hammerhead ribozyme consists of 3 short helices and a conserved joint chain .

  21. 是哪个标准的螺栓其冲出的头型极大于头部直径?

    What standard , flush head type bolt offers the largest diameter head ?

  22. 我们理应照着头型缝制帽子。缝合肠衣包的特大型香肠

    We ought to have hats modelled on our heads . jumbo sausage items

  23. 头型生菜要沿着地面截取。

    Cut off head lettuces at ground level .

  24. 穿件新衬衫,做个好看的头型是远远不够的。

    It 's not enough to wear a new suit and have perfect hair .

  25. 父亲你看这位顾客头型长得多好你看看

    Father , look . A customer with a lovely head ... Right here .

  26. 上班劳作,穿着打扮,头型样式,当事之人,自由选择但有几何?

    eg. What freedom of dress and hairstyle does one have on the job ?

  27. 我们应该如何设计你的头型?

    How should we style you hair ?

  28. 最好能剪个清爽的头型、剃干净胡子,不要嚼口香糖、不要抽烟。

    A fresh haircut and a shave will help and no chewing gum or cigarettes .

  29. 噢!来纽约后的第一个头型!

    Oh ! First New York haircut !

  30. 不锈钢/不锈钢沉头型

    Stainless Steel / Stainless Steel Countersunk