
  1. 经济衰退的情况在加剧,各个行业相继出现失业高峰。

    The recession is deepening and we are now seeing a tidal wave of job losses in all sections of the economy .

  2. 二是建国以来中国6次失业高峰治理政策的考察与分析(第2、3、4、5章);

    Second , the study and analysis on anti-unemployment policies during six unemployment climax , since the foundation of the P.R. C ( chapter 2-5 );

  3. 更主要的是社会原因:失业高峰叠加,二元劳动力市场结构、高等教育结构、内容不合理;

    The main one is the social reasons : the unemployment peak is superposed , the duality labor market structure , abnormal content and arrange of education ;

  4. 当然,周五的时候我们知道在连续22个月的失业高峰之后,我们的私营部门已经连续6各月持续提供就业机会了。

    Well , on Friday , we learned that after 22 straight months of job loss , our economy has now created jobs in the private sector for 6 months in a row .

  5. 失业率高峰年龄为15~24岁年龄组;

    Peak age range of unemployment is from 15 to 24 ;

  6. 新旧失业叠加在一起,于1950年和1952年形成两次失业高峰。

    The joint effect of old and new unemployment formed two peaks in . 1950 and 1952 respectively .