
  • 网络PIMCO;Pacific Investment Management;Pacific Investment Management Co;pacific investment management company
  1. 穆罕默德•艾尔-俄莱恩是太平洋投资管理公司的首席执行官兼联席首席投资官。

    Mohamed a. El-Erian is the CEO and co-chief investment officer of PIMCO .

  2. 债券巨头太平洋投资管理公司总裁穆罕默德·埃尔-埃利安称:“现在的游戏是一场猫和老鼠的游戏”。

    " The game now is one now of cat and mouse ," said Mohamed A.El-Erian , chief executive of the bond giant Pimco .

  3. financialresearchcorporation的数据和行业估计显示,债券基金太平洋投资管理公司(pimco)是唯一一只零售资产出现增长的基金。

    PIMCO , the bond manager , was the only one to show a rise in retail assets , according to Financial Research Corporation and industry estimates .

  4. 债券基金经理、太平洋投资管理公司(Pimco)的比尔•格罗斯(BillGross)今年2月表示,黄金是一种“相当不错的保值资产”。

    Bill Gross of Pimco , the bond fund manager , said that gold was a " decent hedge " in February .

  5. 不过,包括太平洋投资管理公司(PacificInvestmentManagementCo.,简称Pimco)以及鲍尔森(JohnPaulson)、索罗斯(GeorgeSoros)等对冲基金经理在内的一些投资者正在加倍对黄金进行投资,同时另外一些人也不断发出对黄金的乐观预期。

    But some investors , including Pacific Investment Management Co. and hedge-fund managers John Paulson and George Soros are doubling down on gold , while others are trumpeting bullish forecasts .

  6. 太平洋投资管理公司(pacificinvestmentmanagementco)上周表示,该公司对冲基金管理人、执行董事之一朱长虹将离美返华,加盟外管局,出任储备管理部门负责人。

    Last week Pacific Investment Management Co said Zhu Changhong , one of its managing directors in charge of hedge funds , was leaving the us to return to China and join safe as head of its reserve management department .

  7. 基金管理公司太平洋投资管理公司(PIMCO)在“债券之王”比尔•格罗斯(BillGross)离职后,也迅速放弃了格罗斯的喜怒无常的领导风格,并推行一种注重理性、以团队为核心的市场营销策略。

    Fund manager Pimco quickly disassociated itself from " bond king " Bill Gross 's temperamental leadership style after his departure , with a marketing campaign that highlights a reasoned , team-centric approach .

  8. 从伦敦商学院毕业后,她在伦敦的太平洋投资管理公司(PIMCO)找到了自己的第一份工作。

    On graduating from LBS she got her first job , working in London for Pimco , the investment management company .

  9. 但现在事关格罗斯及其太平洋投资管理公司(Pimco)的二万亿美元,或许我们应该称之为格罗斯泡沫。

    But now , with Gross and Pimco 's $ 2 trillion at stake here , maybe we should call it The Gross Bubble .

  10. 太平洋投资管理公司董事总经理保罗麦卡利(paulmcculley)表示:“就利率敞口或期限而言,我们目前正在削减在美国和英国的投资。”

    Paul McCulley , managing director of PIMCO , said : " for interest rate exposure , or duration , we are currently cutting back in the US and the UK . "

  11. “每一种证券提供的收益率都低于通胀率。”MikeAmey说,他为基金管理团队太平洋投资管理公司(PIMCO)管理英国货币的投资组合。

    " Every single gilt offers a yield that is less than inflation ," says Mike Amey , who manages sterling portfolios for PIMCO , a fund-management group .

  12. 影子银行的概念是由美国太平洋投资管理公司执行董事麦卡利(McCulley)在堪萨斯州美联储举行的经济会议上发表的演讲中首次提及的。

    The concept of shadow banking was first mentioned by American Economic Conference Pacific Investment Management Company McCulley in Kansas Fed Economic Conference .

  13. 去年美国垃圾债券的总体收益率达到15%,致使太平洋投资管理公司(pimco)和贝莱德(blackrock)等大型债券投资机构发出警告,投资者所得的回报与他们所承担的风险不相称。

    The total return for us junk bonds was 15 per cent last year , spurring such large bond managers as PIMCO and BlackRock to warn that investors were not being properly compensated for the risks they were taking .

  14. 杜克大学的约翰葛拉汉和太平洋投资管理公司(PIMCO)的债券经理KrishnamoorthyNarasimhan发现萧条期间的首席执行官倾向于以更低的债务水平运营公司(在大萧条时代的老板退休以后,公司的财务杠杆将会上升)。

    John Graham of Duke University and Krishnamoorthy Narasimhan of PIMCO , a bond manager , have found that chief executives who lived through the Depression tended to run companies with lower debt levels ( leverage then went up when these Depression-era bosses retired ) .

  15. 麦卡利昨日表示,太平洋投资管理公司对购买美英的国债很谨慎,因为他预计“供求动态”将会打压价格。

    Yesterday Mr McCulley said PIMCO was wary of buying US or UK debt because of these " supply and demand dynamics , " which he expects to weigh on prices .

  16. 但是,正如赛诺菲和太平洋投资管理公司的变革提醒的那样,现在有必要认识到,高效体系和稳健控制比提出鼓舞人心的愿景更有价值。

    But , as the Pimco and Sanofi changes remind us , the time may have come to recognise the value of efficient systems and robust controls rather than inspirational messaging .

  17. 比尔·格罗斯在这个月称:“评级机构‘就像夜深人静时候的吸血鬼一样,将比我们所有人都长寿’。”他是太平洋投资管理公司的一名基金经理。

    " LIKE vampires in the dead of the night ", rating agencies " will outlast us all ", said Bill Gross of PIMCO , a fund manager , this month .

  18. 所以直到12月31日“你才能收获八月的果实”,管理大型基金的太平洋投资管理公司的简·巴肯如是说。

    It will not be until December31st that " you 'll see the fallout of August ", says Jane Buchan of Pacific Alternative Asset Management Company , a large fund of funds .