
  • 网络antenna matching
  1. 通过对现有天线匹配网络设计方法优缺点的分析基础上,本文提出了设计天线宽带匹配网络的新方法。

    After analyzing the advantages and disadvantages of the antenna matching network design method , this paper presents a new design method of broadband antenna matching network .

  2. 在宽带天线的匹配设计过程中,采用高斯-牛顿法,将宽带天线匹配设计问题转化为有约束条件的函数优化问题,从而有利于快速自适应随机搜索算法的优化求解。

    During matching design of the broadband antenna , Gauss Newton method is used to turn the broadband antenna matching design problem into the constrained function optimization problem . Thus , the fast adaptive stochastic search method can be applied easily to find the optimization solutions .

  3. 参量法在PIFA天线匹配网络设计中的应用

    Design Of The Matching Network Of PIFA Using Parametric Approach

  4. 研究了影响单极缝隙天线匹配的因素,并获得了较宽的天线带宽,能覆盖UHFRFID的所有频率范围。

    Studied the impact factors of the monopole slot antenna , and about 11 % of the antenna bandwidth was reached , which could cover all UHF RFID frequency range .

  5. 双频段手机天线匹配网络优化和设计

    Optimization of Dual-band matching network for GSM Mobile Phone Antenna

  6. 小型天线匹配问题中的实频技术法

    The Real Frequency Technique for Matching Small Antennas

  7. 通过对线极化目标信号和椭圆极化雷达天线匹配情况的分析和计算,获得了有关的公式和曲线。

    By analyzing the case linearly-polarized beacon signal and elliptically-polarized radar antenna , the related formulas and curves are given .

  8. 在天线匹配电路设计方面,通过软件仿真,选取理论上最佳的匹配方式,缩短了研发周期;

    In the match circuit of antenna , it took the optimal match method by analyzing the theory and simulating the circuit with software , which reduced the period of design .

  9. 通过加入罚函数将其转化为无约束目标函数,并优化得出一组使天线匹配良好的同轴线结构外径值。

    Then it changes into an unrestricted goal function through adding to the penalty function and gets a set of the external diameter values of the coaxial configuration which can match well with the antenna by optimization .

  10. 对平板缝隙天线匹配机制进行分析,建立了激励缝、耦合缝的匹配模型,给出了激励缝、耦合缝的三维仿真模型及综合设计流程。

    It also analyzes the matching mechanism of flat array slot antenna , establishes the matching model of excitation slot and coupling slot , provides tri-dimensional simulation model of excitation slot and coupling slot and synthesis design flow .

  11. PSO算法在天线宽带匹配中的应用

    Application of PSO Algorithm in Antenna Broadband Matching

  12. 基于EDA双鞭天线及匹配网络的设计

    Design of Broadband Two Whips Antenna and Matching Network Based on EDA

  13. 以4m鞭状天线为匹配对象,对算法的性能和网络的匹配性能进行了仿真,获得了较好的匹配性能。

    The performances of algorithm and network are analyzed through simulation with a 4m whip antenna and the good performance is obtained .

  14. 对遗传算法的基本流程进行了阐述,采用二进制编码的方式对各元件组进行编码,选择反射系数最小化为适应度函数,以4m鞭状天线为匹配对象,获得了较好的匹配效果。

    The basical flow of genetic algorithm is elaborated . The element arrays are coded by binary code and the minimization of reflectance is as the function of fitness . Then a 4m whip antenna is considered and good performance is obtained .

  15. 背负式短波天线宽带匹配网络的设计

    The Design of HF Wideband Matching Network Applying to Manpack Antenna

  16. 宽带天线阻抗匹配网络设计中的实频法

    The Real Frequency Method of Designing Broadband Antenna Impedance Matching Networks

  17. 宽带可调交叉场天线的匹配网络设计

    Design of Matching Network of Broadband Tunable Crossed Field Antenna

  18. 修正型卡塞格伦天线最佳匹配调整方法

    The Adjustment Method of Optimal Match for Modified Cassegrain Antenna

  19. 平板裂缝天线阻抗匹配设计的研究

    Study on the Impedance Matching Design of Planar Slot Antenna

  20. 短波宽带天线及匹配网络的优化设计

    Optimized design of HF wideband antenna and its matching network

  21. 小卫星系统星上赋形天线波束匹配参数仿真

    Simulation of Matching Parameters of Forming Antenna Beam for the Small Satellite System

  22. 天线宽带匹配网络的设计与计算方法

    On the design of broadband matching networks for antennas

  23. 平板裂缝天线阻抗匹配的广义匹配方程

    Generalized Matching Equations for Slotted-waveguide Array Antenna Impedance Match

  24. 动中通接收天线极化匹配及跟踪技术研究

    Research on Polarization Matching and Polarization Tracking about Satcom on Move Received Antenna System

  25. 此方法可广泛用于其他天线宽带匹配网络的设计。

    This method also can be widely used in other antenna broadband matching networks design .

  26. 本文系统地研究了VHF/UHF天线宽带匹配网络的设计与制作。

    A study of a broadband matching network for a VHF / UHF antenna is made .

  27. 宽带天线自适应匹配设计

    Adaptive matching design for broadband antenna

  28. VHF/UHF天线宽带匹配网络的优化设计与实验研究

    On the Optimal Design and Experiment of a Broadband Matching Network for a VHF / UHF Antenna

  29. 使用天线宽带匹配网络,是实现天线宽频带特性的一种有效技术手段。

    The use of broadband antenna matching network is an effective method which can realize the broadband characteristics .

  30. 文摘:本文对平板裂缝天线阻抗匹配设计方法进行了讨论。

    Abstract : The design method of impedance matching for planar slot antenna is discussed in this paper .